No. 36

Published: 2018-08-28


  • An evolution of development of business-incubators and their role are in the vital functions of small enterprise

    Anna Gorbunova, Oleksandr Cherep

    In modern conditions for providing effective activity of domestic small and middle enterprises it is necessary to know experience of business-incubators implementation in highly developed countries as a progressive form of business activity organization, which is based on innovations. It is investigated, that business-incubators are able to provide favourable organizationally-economic conditions for small and midsize businesses development, to promote the competitiveness of enterprises and companies at the market by the grant of all-round help to the businessmen at all stages of enterprises’ organization and functioning. It is analysed in the article, that three models of business-incubators were formed as a result of evolution’s development: unprofitable organizations (granting standard, limit set of services); commercialization of research-and-developments (realization of knowledge and technologies transferring, providing competitiveness on regional and national levels); Internet-incubators (providing conditions for the growth of science-intensive business; granting information services and networking have become basic functions; the orientation of incubators’ activity is aimed to profit). As a result of the theoretical research, the understanding of the essentially different categories of virtual incubators has been studied and formed: Incubator of Ideas – Internet-incubator as a company specializing in creating startups for the purpose of their further sale to investors and Infrastructure Incubator – Internet-incubator which provides opportunities to organize company representation in the Internet.

  • O. Popova, T. Herasimenko. Features of an ecologically-proactive development strategy of industrial enterprises.

    Olga Popova, Tetiana Herasimenko

    Research outlined in this scientific article considers the peculiarities of the initiative approach in implementing the environmental policy of industrial enterprises. The article has a theoretical and methodological character, since a classification of approaches to management from the standpoint of environmental responsibility is proposed and a list of environmental strategies in accordance with the level of environmental initiative is defined. The purpose of the study is determination the features of the environmental strategy of the industrial enterprise in the framework of the initiative approach to the sustainable activities. The methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison of scientific concepts are used in the research. Classification of environmental strategies of an industrial enterprise was developed with the taking into account such classification features as the level of enterprises’ initiatives and responsibilities in the field of SEM and environmental protection. In addition, the main groups of factors influencing the change of approach to management are identified, including the rigidity of environmental requirements from external stakeholders, focus on strengthening environmental competitive advantages, international and domestic environmental legislation. The tools for the formation and implementation of environmental strategies and policies, and simultaneous implementation of approaches to adapt current activities to strategic and tactical environmental goals are developed. The search for new ways to assess the effectiveness of e deep geological activity of the enterprise is given. The proposed classification allows further development of tools for the formation and implementation of environmental strategies and policies, implementation of scenarios for the adaptation of current activities in accordance with the strategic and tactical environmental objectives of the industrial enterprise.

  • The economic potential of the tourism market in stimulating economic growth: the experience of EU countries and Ukraine.

    Alina Sahirova

    The article has a review character. The analysis of the development of the tourism market in the EU. The importance of the tourism services market as an important tool for increasing the competitiveness of the economy of the country and its regions is emphasized. At the beginning of the XXI century, the international tourism market acquires new features, is characterized by dynamic development, changes its nature and structure, forms new patterns of synergistic relationships with all sectors of the national and world economy. The study of new relations and patterns of development of the tourist services market is a relevant theoretically and practically oriented task for Ukraine, which determines the relevance of this article. The economic and social importance of the tourism industry and its influence on the growth of the economic condition of the country are emphasized. Recreation and tourism sector directly or indirectly affects the development of about 50 related and service industries (transport, trade, communications, construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods, etc.), having a direct multiplicative effect on the socio-economic development of the region . Special attention is paid to the development of tourism policy in the European Union. Defined the basic principles necessary to ensure the development of tourism in European countries. Showing countries - the leaders in income from tourism. The European experience of the role of the state in stimulating and developing the national tourism market is summarized.

  • The distribution of the value of fixed assets of enterprises in the process of their operation.

    Hanna Kucherova, Inna Kulko-Labintseva

    The article conducted a study of the distribution of the value of fixed assets of enterprises in the process of their operation. Scientific research is based on the use of general scientific methods, in particular: observation, synthesis, comparison, analysis, synthesis, induction. It is proved that the functioning of fixed assets are interpreted from different points of view: essential, cost, physical-technological, socio-economic, in terms of the source of funding, in the context of the influence of the external environment, the features of the internal structure of the enterprise and the existing functional potential that forms the platform for relevant management decisions. It is proposed to interpret the essence of the functioning of fixed assets as a multifaceted category, which includes their use, operation, in accordance with established criteria, which are considered simultaneously in a process, functional and system context. According to the results of generalization of scientific and practical sources, it has been proved that the functioning of fixed assets is investigated in the framework of the interaction of this process with adjacent production and non-production processes; interaction with the external environment; within the framework of the formation of the program (model) of the response of the operation of fixed assets to internal disturbances of the industrial enterprise system and external influences. The functioning of fixed assets is an ordered structural and functional integrity, provided that the elements of fixed assets are provided with autonomy for the performance of their functions. It is confirmed that the activity of the functioning of the qualitative composition of fixed assets is a prerequisite for the efficiency of the production process. It is proved that the general trend of changes in the value of fixed assets in Ukraine for the period from 2013-2017. characterized by a rather significant volatility, while the dynamics of capital investment in Ukraine has been improving since 2015. It has been confirmed that depreciation of fixed assets is a common problem for all economic activities in Ukraine. It is substantiated that it is necessary to make a decision on the expediency of using the granted right to use the accelerated depreciation method indefinitely.

  • Directions of creative management based on systems of balanced indicators.

    Maryna Kravchenko, Oleksiy Levchenko

    The relevance of the conference is motivated by the important role of motivating the staff in the management and security staff to the internal and external aspects. The subject of the presentation is the principle, as well as the method of the creative mission and the way to the modern motivational management. Investigated that in the creative economic theory of practical training, in the category of creative management, creative industry, and creative development of the creative industry on national development, in the development of creative development in national development, national development. It emphasizes missionary support, standard and mandatory training, and the adoption of new missionary, new ideas. It is designated, creative management can be interpreted, as a system of managing knowledge, processes. See straightforward creative management. It is designed, so effective for a creative management robot, to build in the development of the creative sector of economics and to base on the concept of creativity on a particular, group, organizational, national and global perspective. Effectiveness in dealing with this problem and non-binding with regard to the flow of information about the optional fragment, which can be useful for summing up. The problem is given for additional help with the balance of the system. Concerning the methodological systems and calculations for all the time spent in Chechnya, an interview will be organized: “Finance”, “Clients”, “Internal business processes”, "Teaching and Development". Leather bakery Thus, the system allows the user to control the state of the art management tool, which allows for the identification of critical parameters, not just a streamline development of the device. In addition, a role has been assigned to і and having injected the methods of system-based indicators in the company, and also the management system has been determined.

  • Conceptual bases of territorial communities` development amid implementation of regional policy.

    Dmytro Antoniuk

    Development of united territorial communities` amid implementation of regional policy is studied in the article. It is defined that conceptual bases of united territorial communities` development reflect trends strategies for achieving high level of region`s and community`s self-sufficiency in the long-term period and includes tools for achieving tactical goals. The basic principles of the concept of territorial communities` development formation in the context of regional policy implementation are outlined, namely: features of territorial communities` social and economic development; self-sufficiency; distinguishing of the region`s "core", which includes united territorial communities supporting high level of development; effective utilization of human, material and financial resources` concentration; integrity as the development of every territorial community to ensure region`s self-sufficiency as a whole; coherence of community and regional authorities` actions; systematicity. It is defined that human, material and financial resources are the basic parts of territorial communities development concept`s object. It is substantiated that the strategic goal of the conceptual foundations for territorial communities` development formulation includes: communities` grouping based on self-sufficiency level, distinguishing the communities with the highest level of development and positioning them as the region`s "core"; developing measures and methods of regional policy for eliminating social and economic disproportions of communities development; improvement of national economy`s territorial organization balancing the development of certain territorial entities within a certain region. It is determined that the philosophy of a "new" regional policy involves active participation of all regional development subjects and their potential leveraging. The article is descriptive.

  • M. Makarenko, N. Potapova. The specifics of managing logistics systems of enterprises.

    Maryna Makarenko, Nataly Potapova
    The article stressed that it is possible to consider an industrial enterprise, a territorial-production complex as a logistic system. Each logistics system consists of a set of elements, the so-called links of the logistics system, between which certain functional relationships and relationships are established. The properties inherent in the majority of logistic systems actually functioning in practice are given. Macro and micro levels of logistics systems are highlighted. Subsystems of the logistics system at the micro level are presented. Macro-logistic system is a large logistic system, where the management of current processes takes place with the participation of several or more independent business entities that are not limited in territorial distribution. The levels of the macro-logistic system are given. The micro-logistic system covers the intra-production logistic sphere of one enterprise or a group of enterprises united on a corporate basis. It was emphasized that the necessary condition for Ukraine’s exit from the economic crisis are solving problems of increasing the level of efficiency of industrial enterprises. The experience of the development of the advanced countries of the world shows that increasing the efficiency of the economy can only be achieved by switching to an innovative development model, the ultimate goal of which is to increase the welfare of citizens by accelerating economic growth. As one of the ways to solve existing logistical problems in Ukraine, the use of a cluster approach is proposed. The formation of transport and logistics clusters can be an effective tool for increasing the efficiency of enterprise groups by minimizing costs in the field of logistics. It was emphasized that in spite of the existing practical experience in creating clusters and the presence of some legal documents, work on many areas of cluster policy implementation has not yet begun. The stages of the formation of the transport and logistics cluster.
  • Е. Kamyshnykova. Typology of reflexive control of stakeholders’ relations in the system of corporate social responsibility.

    Evelina Kamyshnykova
    The article deals with theoretical foundations of economic essence of the reflective control of stakeholders’ relations in the system of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The purpose of the research is to provide a scientific and theoretical substantiation of essence and effectiveness of applying a reflexive approach to managing relations with stakeholders in the CSR system, and to develop a classification of reflexive influences. It has been found that the use of reflexive processes serves as a methodological basis for decision-making in the system of economic interaction with the enterprise’s stakeholders. It has been proved that reflexive control enables managing stakeholder attitude to the enterprise through conscious and purposeful formation and reconstruction of its image in the individual and group consciousness in the desired direction via instruments of reflexive influence. It has been established that the "rank of reflection" which means a level showing depth of reflection occupies an important place in the system of reflexive control. Characterization of reflexive procedures of zero (autoreflection), first, second, third and fourth rank has been given. It has been established that the growth of reflection’s level leads to deepening and complicating of reflexive influences applied by the management towards the enterprise’s stakeholders and facilitates transition to the next level of CSR development. The classification of enterprise’s reflexive influences in relation to stakeholders for the following criteria: according to duration, purpose, direction of action, number of participants, review vector, the rank and complexity of the reflection has been proposed in the paper for the first time.
  • Slavkina M. A. Modern trends in the development of the banking sector of Ukraine in the context of the strategic objectives of ensuring its economic security.

    Maryna Slavkina

    The purpose of the article is to identify general trends in the development of the banking sector and to highlight the factors that reduce its level of economic security. Special conditions for the functioning of the banking sector make the analysis of current trends in its development extremely relevant. Research methods were general scientific and special, in particular: generalization, observation, graphic, economic and statistical, comparison, analysis, abstraction. The article describes the general trends in the development of the banking sector of Ukraine. It was stated that there is a decrease in the number of banks in the market, the unprofitability of their activities is growing, the transformation of the tools and methods of the entire banking system has taken place, lending to businesses and individuals has tended to decrease, the gap between individual deposit rates for the year and 6 months has decreased There were significant changes in the ownership structure of banks in Ukraine. It is proved that the functioning of the banking sector occurs in the conditions of socio-economic and political destabilization, the NBU's tough policy. The factors that infuse the state of the economic security of Ukrainian banks are summarized and evaluated. The influence of external and internal factors on the development of the domestic banking sector has been studied. The improvement of the banking market was carried out by eliminating entities that do not stand up to competition and do not comply with standards. It was emphasized that mergers and acquisitions that will continue to occur in order to achieve the minimum authorized capital defined by the NBU will inevitably lead to monopolization of the market. It is proved that the level of capitalization is insufficient, a significant part in the structure of the banking sector of foreign banks, poor quality of assets and public distrust of banks remain unresolved and threaten the economic security of the banking system of Ukraine.

  • A. Hrechko. Influence of physical stimulations on sustainable development of regions.

    Alla Hrechko

    As a result of the study, it was found that fiscal policy is a complex system of interconnections between the state and other subjects of market relations, which is a constant search for a balance of interests. The economically weighted use of fiscal instruments allows us to minimize the use of direct regulatory methods by the government. It is revealed that modern fiscal policy is aimed at fiscal decentralization, focused on the formation of a favorable institutional environment for the functioning of economic entities of the regions and based on a system of economic incentives and motives. It is determined that fiscal stimulation includes a wide range of means, the application of which is determined, first of all, by the object of stimulation, the legal form of organization and legal status of the taxpayer, the type of activity, the regional feature and social value. It is substantiated that one of the basic directions in which fiscal stimulus effectively implemented approaches are innovative policy, aimed at forming and achieving prerequisites for sustainable development of regions. The directions of innovation activity fiscal stimulation in the regions are proposed. It is revealed that in the conditions of globalization of economic ties, there is a concentrated localization of innovation and production potential within the framework of regional business clusters. It is proved that the introduction of fiscal stimulus requires a thorough cost analysis to be applied at the expense of determining: the alternative value of fiscal incentives; the size of unsatisfactory budget resources as a result of the introduction of incentive measures; the cost of administering fiscal incentives, etc.

  • V. Goncharuk. Partnership of authorities and business structures in the field of housing and communal services.

    Viktor Goncharuk

    The article considers separate state strategic positions on the interaction between government bodies and business structures in the sphere of housing and communal services. It is proved that the practice of partnership interaction between government and business in housing and communal services has a kind of "spontaneous" character and requires the formation of a system of management processes in the form of strategic documents. The main priorities of the successful development of partnership interaction in the sphere of housing and communal services are outlined. It is proposed to set up a Coordinating Council for the development of public-private partnership with a view to developing and implementing measures for the development of the public-private partnership institute in the industry. The main tasks of the Coordination Council are defined. The necessity of revision of the existing model of development of the industry, introduction of new mechanisms of functioning of organizations and management of housing and communal services objects has been confirmed. It is proved that a promising direction of transformation is the introduction of tariff formation, which will prevent the annual increase in the cost of utilities.

  • S. Boguslavskaya. Role of resource supply of the region on different phases of the economic cycle in globalization conditions.

    Svetlana Boguslavskaya

    The article presents the principles of resource exchange according to the levels of the economic system and conducted a detailed analysis of each of them. The research of the resource supply of the economy in two directions of interaction was conducted: one-level (within one macro-region) and multi-level (between state centers) territorial entities. The constructive analysis of economic cycles in the context of resource support is carried out and the main drawbacks are outlined. It is substantiated that the growth of any economic system can not last infinitely unchanged, at a certain time, the limitations on resources will necessitate changes. It is concluded that resources are not only a necessary condition for the implementation of production activities, but also are involved in economic cycle, in the process of interregional exchange. It is confirmed that the growth of the national economy is possible with the growth of the majority of the regional economies (in terms of the contribution to the gross national product).

  • Pidvalna O. Features of forming clusters in the tourism sector of the regional economy.

    Oksana Pidvalna

    The article considers the differences of the regional tourist cluster from clusters in other sectors of the economy. Regional tourist clusters, on the one hand, have some common features with other cluster types, and are subject to the general laws of origin and evolution, on the other hand, have essential features that should be taken into account when purposeful in their formation and management. The study of the features of tourist clusters, which are formed taking into account the specificity of the industry, involves the existence of a special approach to the management of the cluster, which should focus on particular areas. These areas include: ensuring the institutional development of the cluster; ensuring full state regulation; creation of mechanisms for methodological support for the formation and development of clusters. It is proved that formation of tourist clusters occurs under the influence of objectively operating factors: resource, anthropogenic. It is substantiated that the activities aimed at the purposeful formation of clusters in the tourism sector of the regional economy should be directed, obviously, to the use of supporting factors and leveling, smoothing of the factors constraining the development of the cluster.

  • K. Lagler. Formation of the model of investment development of regional economic system.

    Klaus Lagler

    In the article three scenarios of development of regional economic systems in conditions of innovative economy are considered. It is confirmed that the competitiveness of the regional economic system depends on the organic use of both types of resources - tangible and intangible. It is proved that the modern development of intangible resources of a regional economic system must meet the following requirements: strategic orientation, innovation, complexity, systemicity, accessibility, economy. The main preconditions for the development and functioning of the regional economic system with consideration of the investment component are described. The model of interaction of subjects of the regional economic system in the framework of increasing investment attractiveness, which allows to take into account opportunities, interests and requests not only all subjects of the regional economic system, but also other regions, including the state and international levels. Realization of the model of interaction between the subjects of the regional economic system will increase investment potential, minimize investment risks, as well as lead to the development of strategic and intellectual resources, and increase the quality of administrative resources.

  • Y. Zagorodnia. Improvement of the tariff policy of Ukrainian ports.

    Yuliia Zagorodnia

    The article analyzes the main problems of modern tariff policy of Ukraine. The ways of its improvement in a market economy are determined. Ports are an important link in foreign economic activity. The state must respond in a timely manner to changes in the global market for port services and flexibly adapt to new modern requirements. It is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for attracting potential customers to the Ukrainian transport and logistics services market. It is important to take into account the interests of all stakeholders, namely: the state, consumers of port services, shipowners and transport enterprises; and provide them with transparent conditions for interaction in the global market. The article suggests the stages of improving the tariff policy. They are aimed at creating comfortable conditions for the further development of the competitive advantages of the domestic marine sector. Investigated the issue of charging port charges in the ports of Ukraine and in other countries. Deficiencies are identified and rational options for reducing or optimizing them are found. This will lead to an increase in competitiveness and attractiveness of Ukrainian ports for transit, export and import cargo flows in comparison with competing ports. The issue of adopting the Law of Ukraine “On Sea Ports of Ukraine” deserves attention. It should solve the existing shortcomings of the tariff policy of the ports, but it has shortcomings The law does not reflect the whole range of tariff issues that requires substantial refinement in order to increase the competitiveness of ports in the port and transport and logistics services market.

  • E. Boychenko, Y. Drobotenko. Features of reproduction of the productive forces in terms of restructuring the region's economy.

    Elina Boychenko, Yana Drobotenko

    The article proves that the restructuring of the regional economy involves changing the structure of production, expanding the range of products, increasing the level of innovation, forms and methods of management, the formation of the social structure of society. Restructuring is understood as a fundamental transformation of business, production, economic, social and other conditions for the functioning of enterprises and the implementation of a number of measures to bring them in line with the changing requirements of society and social structure. The essence of the restructuring of the economy is that as a result of diversification in the structure of the economy of the region there are changes in the processes of reproduction of the productive forces of the region. And, above all, changes are taking place in the structure of the labor resources of the region. In modern science under the productive forces refers to the system of factors of production, which transforms the substances of nature, according to requirements, people create material and spiritual benefits and determines the growth of labor productivity. The main factors of production are defined such as land, labor, capital. It is proved that the content of the production process is the use of material and human resources, which, becoming production factors, combined in the interrelated processes of labor, the result of which is the creation of economic and social benefits necessary for the life and development of society. The production process combines all the factors of production that affect its efficiency and effectiveness. In order to determine the patterns of reproduction of productive forces in the restructuring of the region's economy, the article highlights the following factors: natural and geographical, which act as a natural environment for economic development; geopolitical, which consist in the formation of the environment of the territory; demographic, which determines the structure of the labor resources of the territory; economic, which are found in the structure of territorial and sectoral distribution of employment, the level of employment and registered unemployment, working conditions, territorial mobility, etc.; social and innovative.

  • B. Dergaliuk. The modernization of the economy as a precondition for structural changes in the state.

    Bogdan Dergaliuk

    In the article the definition of the essence term "modernization of the economy." A study of the theoretical background of scientists made it possible to point out that initially the concept of modernization was aimed at substantiating the process of social reproduction in the direction of transition from traditional agrarian production to industrial. This made it possible to consider modernizing the economy as a process associated with the transformation of social production. Transformation can be directed in the direction of the transition from the traditional to the industrial, or from the industrial to the post-industrial. It is in the direction of intellectualization of the economy and there should be modernizing shifts in the economic development of the country today. It was found that the essence of the "modernization of the economy" concept is interpreted by the microeconomic and macroeconomic approaches. By using mikro approach, the essence is reduced to the modernization process technology and production management update that serves locomotive modernization improvements economy. It is revealed that the essence of the "modernization of the economy" concept using the macro approach is considered as the process of social transformations in the social, economic, political and other spheres. It is proved that under the modernization of the national economy it is necessary to consider the civilization-social process under the influence of globalization challenges, which includes conceptual approaches to a qualitatively new development of the social system, structural changes in the national economy, aimed at the intellectualization of socio-economic relations. It is determined that modernization of the economy is accompanied not only by sustainable economic development, but also by a higher level of renewal of social relations. Modernization of the economy leads to structural changes, sustainable economic growth, renewal of relations, leveling of inter-industry and regional disparities, formation of new interconnections, formation of prerequisites for expanded reproduction, etc. Modernization leads to new advantages and opportunities for the subjects of the national economy due to new methods, forms, principles of management based on the intellectualization of the economy.

  • Z. Frolova. The methodological aspect’s of human resource of the management in modern business facilities.

    Zinaida Frolova

    The paper analyzes the current trends in the formation of methodological approaches to personnel management in modern business facilities and highlights their basic principles. The author notes that in the current conditions in many industrial enterprises of Ukraine there is an increase in staff turnover associated not with material incentives, but with dissatisfaction with the moral and psychological climate, the relationship between the leader and the subordinate, the impossibility of self-realization with an insufficiently developed system of personnel management. The author focuses on the fact that at this stage of development, the methodology for managing personnel in modern industries is inextricably linked with quality management, which is the standard for managing organizations. The work emphasizes that the ISO’s international quality systems, which are implemented in many industrial enterprises of Ukraine, have already laid down the main directions for the transformation of the personnel management system, but they still focus on the production and technological component of the main provisions, and such principles as leadership management and employee involvement often fail. The author has shown that in such cases radical changes in the personnel management system are not needed, but the transformations of the relationship — leadership of leadership and involvement of staff — are needed by reformatting responsibility and the role of leadership. The work concluded that such transformations in management will provide a new approach to work, which implies full dedication, job satisfaction and a fundamental change in corporate culture.

  • M. Makarova. The information innovative technologies in management of industrial rnterprises: modern aspects.

    Mariana Makarova

    This review article explains what causes of modern transformation of the role of innovative information technologies and IT-specialists in management of industrial and other enterprises. Important shifts in the automation of management in industrial and other enterprises in information epoch and knowledge era are highlighted in publicistic and scientific  articles of N. Karra, B. B. Slavin (2003, 2015-2016 yy.). The identification of dependence of  IT role from fields of industry, technology of labor organization and types of management in industrial and other enterprises in information epoch and knowledge era  needs a scientific substantiation, what'll identify tasks for the IT-services of enterprises and their CIO more clearly. The purpose of article is to conduct a survey of causes and indicators of modern transformation of  role of innovative information technologies in the management of industrial and other enterprises. The article analyzes scientific points of view on modern changes of the role of innovative information technologies in the management of enterprises in different fields and of tasks for IT services of enterprises and their CIO, arising from this transformation. Now domestic industrial and other enterprises should  assess degree of their readiness for using of approaches of advanced information era and knowledge epoch dealing IT application in management. This’ll help to formulate a strategy and plan of the most important measures for general enterprise management and IT management.

  • G. Patoshina. Sectoral priorities for the development of regional clusters in Ukraine.

    Galina Patoshina

    The strategic priorities of cluster development of industry and other sectors of national economy in Ukrainian regions have been formulated and explored in the article. The cluster model of innovative industry development implies the need to consolidate the potential of national production, available resources, infrastructure, regional science and education complexes, financial and advisory institutions, taking into account the traditions and skills of the local community involved in the creation of a regional cluster. Particular attention is paid to creating transboundary transport and logistic clusters in Ukraine, which can be considered as a bridge between the West and Asian countries through the territory of Ukraine. Transboundary transport and logistic clusters functioning significantly influences the development of industrial complex, which includes simultaneously clusters of several industries, agriculture, services, etc. The potential of creating transboundary industrial forestry, tourist-recreational and IT clusters in Ukrainian regions is considered. Sectoral priorities of clusters’ creation in Ukrainian regions with the participation of foreign partners from EU countries are substantiated. Necessary measures for promoting foreign investments in regions, reducing expenses for clusters’development and increasing export potential of national productionare considered. Identifying priority sectors of cluster development in Ukrainian regions opens up new opportunities for providing a new quality of economic growth and attracting foreign investment in these areas, that will have a positive impact on Ukrainian goods and services’competitiveness in the world market. The article is of a reviewnature.

  • V. Kovalevska, O. Kushnarenko, V. Kalinin. Human resource management of transnational corporations: organizational and economic discourse.

    Viktorya Kovalevska, Olga Kushnarenko, V. V. Kalinin

    The article examines the human resource management issues of transnational corporations, organizes the economic discourse of human resource management of TNCs, taking into account the evolution of scientific approaches to the essential characteristics of a person and his potential. The internal and external factors of the formation of the human resources management policy of international corporations are determined: economic, social, institutional, logical. Analyzed the strategic and tactical directions of personnel policy of TNCs. It was emphasized that in conditions of a high degree of uncertainty and unpredictability, HRM issues should be considered as a driving force for the development of corporations. The factors that distinguish human resource management in international structures from similar processes at the level of national corporations have been identified: differences in labor markets; problems of labor migration; management style and practice; national orientation; control. Approaches to personnel management in international corporations are systematized. A comparative analysis of ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric types of TNCs carried out.. It is concluded that changes in the structure of TNCs are taking place, due to the implementation of a global management approach. It has been established that the activities of transnational corporations in various regions of the world contribute to the deepening of the international division of labor, complementing it with the transnational division of labor within TNCs. It was noted that in the context of differences in national labor markets, a significant advantage of TNCs is the ability to move labor within the internal corporate labor market. Defined targets for human resource management in transnational corporations.

  • O. Klymenko, S. Mala, Н. Matviienko. International investment position of Ukraine: possibilities for improvement in the context of tax policy changes.

    Oksana Klymenko, Svitlana Mala, Нalyna Matviienko

    This article is devoted to the analysis of Ukraine’s International Investment Position (IIP) for the purpose of identifying ways to improve it. The authors investigated the IIP of the main countries of the world. They identified the countries of the European Union with the highest net IIP deficit relative to GDP.  This article analyzes the dynamics and structure of Ukraine’s assets and liabilities to determine how they came to be.  This article also identifies the main risks, advantages, and disadvantages of foreign direct investment flows in UkraineThe article will suggest that improved fiscal policy, including tax legislation, will enhance Ukraine’s IIP.  A sound tax policy promotes foreign investments into the country’s economy, can structurally improve the investment position, and prevents uncontrolled capital outflow.  It is necessary to adopt a package of anti-Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) laws against tax evasion and against disclosure of other property information to implement the capital transfer tax.  The article identifies the main advantages of this model of taxation.

  • V. Gonchar, Z. Simanaviciene. Information support of management processes of the industrial enterprises: ways and prospects of development.

    Viktoryia Gonchar, Zaneta Simanaviciene

    Information support is a key element of development of strategy today. Development of digital technologies reached a stage which opens new qualities of their application in administrative process. Interaction of information technologies between physical systems with the built-in software and global data transmission networks is one of key factors of maintaining competitiveness of the industrial enterprise. Understanding of interrelation between distribution of digital technologies and their social consequences is a question of the difficult and mutual relations which are formed under the influence of numerous economic, social and political factors which finally define how new potentials of technological application and what results will be received by the enterprise will be really applied. Information support of management processes at the industrial enterprises first of all has to be directed to interaction of new technologies with resultant personnel and organizational changes therefore demands conceptual revision of the general context of production. An analytical starting point for this purpose is the concept of "a sociotechnical system" which covers communications between technological, organizational and human elements of the general system of production. In a concrete phase of introduction, under certain circumstances, long, expensive and mutual process of coordination between a new system and the existing installation conditions will be required. Improvement of management processes thanks to information support gives to the industrial enterprises the chance: quicker response to environment calls; to adapt a data transmission technique; to reduce time for processing and the analysis of data; to provide reliability of information on a condition of processes at the enterprise; to improve process of forecasting of a market conjuncture, etc.

  • L.Filipishina. Strategic management of innovative development of seaports: Foreign experience.

    Liliia Filipishina

    Fast integration into the world transport systems demands from top management of strategic objects of the state to study current trends in management. Its communications with an external environment, including partner ports, have significant effect on strategic development of port. The effective organization of innovative activity remains a decisive factor of adoption of the strategic decision on cooperation with port. In modern conditions skills of business management and competences in logistics demand constant improvement and creative approach by managers. Considering it, it is possible to claim that innovative process is formed by interaction of requirements of economic and institutional factors. The strategic decisions concerning technological innovations demand a comprehensive investigation of practice of activity of world leaders of the port industry. The main problems that have to be solved as a result of introduction of innovations are divided into four areas: technologies, finance, security, social responsibility.For an effective combination of all components of strategic development a number of ports form the long-term strategic plans, which are highlighted in a mission. Long-term planning is the most effective when long-term prospects act as the catalyst for innovations. The problem of Ukrainian ports, at the present stage of their development, is that the strategic plans developed until 2038 focus only on the technological equipment of enterprises and completely ignore the development of management competencies and increase in efficiency of planning the interrelationships between the main directions of strategic management, and integration of enterprise development plans into the global strategy of the country. The general strategy of innovative development has to be based on management by ranging of strategic tasks that will give an opportunity of rapid response to new calls of the external environment.

  • O. Zybareva. The role of foreign economic relations of the state in finding the optimal place of the enterprise.

    Oksana Zybareva

    The successful placement of productive forces is fundamental an economic problem of every state, including Ukraine. An important aspect in her the solution is the development of an international division of labor and the formation of interstate economic connections So, not taking into account the so-called "interstate cooperation" in the search the optimal location of the enterprise can lead to erroneous conclusions. When providing effective work of the system of foreign economic relations special attention deserves a solution to a number of issues, namely: the development of the necessary legislative framework; creation or restructuring or development of institutional structures that regulate external relations, provision of an appropriate economic environment. In modern conditions Ukraine's international cooperation should take place in the following main forms: engagement foreign investment; scientific and technical cooperation, development of international tourism, cultural ties between countries, mutually beneficial foreign trade, assistance in providing loans and loans, the interest of countries in the joint development of rich natural resources, creation of joint ventures, specialization and co-operation of production, trade technologies. So, we can reasonably assert that today Ukraine has everything prerequisites for the deepening of international relations. This is facilitated by natural conditions, geographic location, labor and scientific and technical potential. In turn development and strengthening of foreign economic relations of the state will positively affect on optimal spatial orientation of business.

  • V. Kolosok, M. Biriukov. Management models of the integrated enterprises logistics system of the holding company.

    Valeriya Kolosok, Mykyta Biriukov

    The conditions of the modern globalization economy determine the high complexity of the functioning of all the structures and systems of international industrial financial holdings. The effectiveness of the performance of the whole holding depends largely on the success of its logistics systems. The main tasks of the corporate logistics of the holding include: fulfillment of client orders; transportation of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products; warehousing and storage services; performing cargo insurance and transportation, product certification, customs clearance, and the like. The volumes and conditions for the fulfillment of these tasks by both the associated and external logistics operators of the holding affect the cost of corporate logistics. The article defines the types of corporate logistics systems of domestic mining and metallurgical holdings, describes the components and conditions for the formation of corporate logistics costs, reveals the effect of transfer pricing on the services of related and external enterprises of the holding. Substantiated is the corporate logistics cost management model and the pricing model for metal products of the integrated metallurgical enterprise. The results of the study presented in the article made it possible to draw conclusions about the need to develop models and tools for managing logistics systems of integrated related enterprises of domestic holdings.

  • А. Melikhov. The impact of international economic migration on the labor potential of enterprises in the donor country.

    Andriy Melikhov

    The relevance of studying the processes of international labor migration in the context of increasing its intensity was substantiated. The classical and modern theoretical approaches to labor migration were analyzed in the framework of both economic and interdisciplinary orientation. The definition of “migration” was clarified on the basis of its dualistic interpretation, both as a process and as a result. Its connection with the development of the structure and quality of labor potential was noted. The factors and motives of international labor migration were systematized on the basis of the theory of pull and push factors. Economic, social, political, demographic, and environmental factors were distinguished. Based on the SWOT analysis methodology, an assessment was made of the migration results for all its actors, both at the macro level (the recipient country to which migrants go, the donor country from which they leave) and at the micro level (directly migrants, enterprises-employers, which potential migrants may quit). This made it possible to determine the positive and negative consequences of migration not only at the present time, but also in the future. Using the theory of rational choice, it was concluded that migrants, as well as the recipient country and the donor country, have a positive effect on migration. The ways of solving the problems of labor potential development that arise in enterprises-employers of the donor country were proposed through activities related to scientific, technical and organizational progress, in particular, the development of labor-saving technologies, personnel marketing methods, the development of employee loyalty programs.

  • T. Pimonenko, O. Lyulyov, O. Chygryn. Marketing of green investment: collaboration between main stakeholders.

    Tetyana Pimonenko, Oleksii Lyulyov, Olena Chygryn

    The paper deals with analyses of the preconditions to develop mechanisms for attracting additional green investments to finance the achievement of sustainable development goals and the country’s green growth. At the same time, the authors proved that one of the most attractive ways to avoid the current barriers (stereotyped thinking, information asymmetry, the inconsistency of goals and interests among stakeholders, etc.) was the formation of the promotion program for green investments. The authors identified the main shareholders of the green investment market and characterized their interests, considering the specifics of green investments. Moreover, the authors developed the stakeholders’ collaboration mechanism of the green investment market, considering their interests through a distinct economic, motivational, organizational, regulatory and marketing support. In the paper, the authors justified the necessity to format stakeholders’ collaboration mechanism basing on system dynamics principles in order to minimize the negative shocks, contradictions and conflicts in the interaction chains between stakeholders. Within the framework of the developed collaborative mechanism, the authors described 8P marketing concept taking into account the specifics of green investments: green pricing, green investment as a product, positioning in the green investment market, promotion of the green brand, the formation of a green image and brand, key stakeholders in the green investment market, government support and political climate, green production, quality and certification. In addition, along with traditional marketing instrument of the stakeholders’ collaboration mechanism, the authors allocated modern marketing instruments to promote green investments. The authors identified the further investigation direction as follows: analyse of the approaches to increase the trust level of key stakeholders to the brand "green"; analyse of the approaches to the format the green brand as for the country as for the company.

  • N. Solidor. Analysis of green business development in Ukraine based on renewable energy sources.

    Nataly Solidor

    The article examines the development trends of green business in Ukraine based on using energy from renewable sources. The results of the analysis of the energy balance of Ukraine for 2017, the indicators of the development of the bioenergy sector and the wind energy sector were presented. It was determined that Ukraine has a powerful potential of renewable energy sources, and the development of innovative technologies in the field of energy and resource saving, greening of production opens up broad opportunities for the development of domestic green business. Currently, the most promising areas of the Ukrainian green business are the production of biofuels and wind energy, as evidenced by the positive dynamics of their development. It is the development of these industries that can provide access to European and international investment markets and become the basis for creating an effective low-carbon energy in Ukraine. It was determined that in order to accelerate the development of domestic alternative energy, increase the efficiency of the results from the introduction of energy-saving measures, it is necessary to actively attract foreign and domestic investments in the production of energy from renewable sources, to coordinate the interaction of local governments and executive authorities, to implement international standards of energy and resource saving, to introduce green innovators, representatives of green business, researchers and scientists. The research results can be applied in the practical activities of the initiators of innovative investment projects in the energy industry, investors for making management decisions on similar projects and also as a basis for creating business plans for establishing an individual heating point (IHP) at utilities, private farms and building wind parks (WPS) in Ukraine. The work has developed proposals to accelerate the development of green business in Ukraine through the implementation of innovative projects for the construction of a modular alternative fuel boiler house and the construction of a modern WPS in the Donetsk region. The calculated economic indicators of the efficiency of the proposed projects indicate their relatively high economic efficiency and the advisability of further implementation.

  • S. Chelovan. The state of innovation activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine.

    Svetlana Chelovan
    The article analyzes the innovation activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine in 2012-2017. The number of industrial enterprises engaged in innovations is analyzed, the total amount of expenditures by directions of innovation activity, sources of financing of innovation activity is analyzed.The main direction of development of the economy is to increase its innovation potential. Strategically focused national policies to integrate education, science, production, consumption, financial system. It should be focused on the use of intellectual resources to develop high-tech industries, to create favorable conditions for enhancing innovation, introducing innovation, function innovation infrastructure, market innovation and technology.The main factor of economic growth and the proper place of the national economy in the global economic system is the effective use of innovations that become the decisive factor in socio-economic development and play a leading role in addressing the economic, environmental, social and cultural problems. In this connection becomes especially important consideration of issues concerning business and innovation, including innovation potential as a system parameter that characterizes the efficiency of business management in implementing the strategy of innovative development. The main objective of economic growth Ukrainian enterprises to make effective use of their innovative potential because its development is of great importance to the strategic objectives both within the company and in its external environment. Status and ability to provide innovative potential of innovative development company. Any state that does not create good conditions for the work of scientists, doomed to lag in scientific and technological development and the loss of their status. Withdrawal of the economy is extremely complex situation depends primarily on the level of innovation.
  • O. Usуkova. Accounting and economic grounds for commodity and production strategies of the enterprise.

    Olena Usуkova

    Accounting and economic grounds for commodity and production strategies of the enterprise (it is expedient to consider enhancement of the efficiency of the enterprise's activity to improve the technology of production of certain types of products in accordance with the substantiated product strategy in the previous section. The strategic development of any enterprise is closely linked to the implementation of investments, which should ensure the updating of technologies, expansion of the range of products, improving the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. Today, an accurate assessment of the investment capacity of the industry, reliable and reliable establishment of investment priorities remains extremely relevant. Therefore, the selection of the most attractive projects should be carried out according to a system of criteria and parameters that reflect the specifics of the industry and its investment priorities. It is very important to make a fair decision about investing in the dairy industry with a comprehensive analysis of external and internal factors. To the external ones we refer to those that actually formed in the market and which form the terms of the project implementation, conditioned by the project and reflect its main characteristics. Internal factors are those that reflect the impact of the project on the company that implements it. The combination of these factors, in our opinion, forms the reliability of the project.  In the framework of this study, the significance of these factors was studied in order to develop certain recommendations for the implementation of the proposed methodology in practice. For this purpose, marketing researches of market capacity in relation to industry products and dynamics of its changes were used; a retrospective budget analysis of the structure, volume of investments in the implemented projects of the industry and expenses for the promotion of product projects. A number of characteristics were established solely by analytical methods - structural-analytical and factor-analytical, but the overwhelming part of the restrictions was determined by combining statistical and expert methods).

  • G. Krapivina. Mechanisms of state administration of borrowed labor in non-standard forms of employment (by the example of volunteering).

    Galina Krapivina

    The article discusses the methodological approaches to the study of non-standard forms of employment on the example of volunteering, as a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, inherent not only in economic science, but also in sociological and legal. It is shown that the formation and development of non-standard forms of employment and volunteering, in particular, contributes to the combination of external and internal factors in the country, which create conditions and incentives for the spread and accelerated practical implementation of the process. The national features of the mechanisms of state management of borrowed labor in non-standard forms of employment are defined by the example of volunteering from the point of view of the cluster approach. Using the structural-functional analysis, the regulatory nature of the mechanisms of state administration of borrowed labor of non-standard forms of employment is revealed by the example of volunteering. With the help of the determinants of the mechanisms of state management of non-standard forms of employment, it is justified that non-standard forms of employment — borrowed labor — have been used on the labor market in volunteering in the world for a long time. It is shown that in social entrepreneurship of non-standard forms of employment, using the example of volunteering, the technology of activity in the form of contingent labor has acquired features and transformed into the scheme given in the article. The interaction of volunteering market participants is shown in the aspect of loan labor of non-standard forms of employment, which is a modification of the classical scheme of loan labor. It was revealed that the mechanisms of state management of non-standard forms of employment in the aspect of volunteer labor are constrained by a number of organizational and legal issues. It is shown that the development of social entrepreneurship and its distribution in Ukraine will enable the most active volunteer organizations to work successfully on solving modern problems of social development.

  • M. Melnuchyk. Accounting policy of the social capital of a trading enterprise.

    Marina Melnuchyk

    Disclosure in the accounting information about social capital requires the formation of an accounting policy that determines the position of individual objects of accounting from the standpoint of the source of creating additional value and value of the enterprise. The said updates the justification of the options for accounting of social capital objects and organizes the structural components of the accounting policy accordingly in the part of social capital. The purpose of the article is to justify elements of accounting policy of social capital of trading enterprises for formation of qualitative indicators of reporting. The fulfillment of socially responsible activity by the enterprises of trade determines the formation of social policy, which should be based on indicators of financial and non-financial reporting. The architecture of the accounting policy on social capital is presented in the following parts: general, methodical, organizational and technical. Elements of accounting policy are given in the interaction of internal and external factors. The components that form social capital are classified as a category of accounting system – intangible assets, expenses, liabilities. In order to accurately reflect the reporting on social capital, it is recommended to recognize in the accounting system such objects of accounting, which ensure the receipt of the economic effect and the growth of capitalization of the enterprise. For this purpose it is proposed: to expand the nomenclature of intangible assets - components of social capital; to apply alternative methods of their assessment; to conduct off-balance sheet objects that increase the value of the enterprise, but can not be recognized as objects of accounting under the provisions of accounting standards; balanced approach to choosing the methods of commitment that form social capital. The methodical principles of estimating the components of social capital for use in the formation of accounting policy are presented.

  • N. Ryazanova. The system of energy and logistics clusters as an element of the development of alternative energy.

    Nataliia Riazanova

    The purpose of the article is to substantiate the system of energy and logistics clusters as an element of the development of alternative energy. The article discusses the integrated energy system of Ukraine from the point of view of the logistics approach, as the main object of macro-energy systems, which includes producers and suppliers of electricity, as well as electrical networks. Macroenergy systems are regional energy systems. Microenergy systems - enterprises that are objects of microenergy. It is analyzed that the process of energy supply is closely dependent on the process of energy consumption, that is, there is a direct functional relationship. The relationship of the participants in the energy supply process is inextricable. In this connection, a complete logistics chain is formed and a logistics network is being formed. The fundamental principles of energy logistics are considered. Definitely one of the most important tasks of energy logistics is the implementation of real-time energy flow management in order to ensure reliable and high-quality power supply to the end user. Reflected trends in the development of the global market of logistics services and the market of logistics services in Ukraine. The expediency of creating energy and logistics clusters has been substantiated. It was noted that by minimizing costs in the areas of logistics and alternative energy, the formation of energy and logistics clusters can be an effective tool for the sustainable development of the national economy. A comparative analysis of various models of clusters in the developed countries of the world has been carried out, and it has been determined which of them is most appropriate for the formation of energy-logistics clusters. The most appropriate for the logistics of energy systems is the Italian model of cluster policy. In this model, there is a state program to support small and medium-sized enterprises, aimed at the cooperation of production with the scientific sphere. The European four-step gradation of clusters is considered and analyzed on the example of the EU countries and Ukraine. Six stages in the life cycle of the energy and logistics cluster have been identified. The structure of the energy-logistics cluster is presented. The development of the energy-logistics cluster should be considered as a specific program, which consists of a set of interrelated projects. The introduction and operation of clusters and cluster technologies in the context of modern challenges, globalization, increased competition is considered one of the promising means of ensuring the competitiveness of the national and regional economies.

  • T. Schestakowa. Approaches to the development of the emotional competence of modern manager.

    Tatiana Schestakowa

    The evolution of scientific views on the value of emotions in managerial practice has been studied, models of emotional intelligence have been considered, it has been noted that the success of a person’s professional activity is largely determined by emotional intelligence. It is indicated that in most Ukrainian companies there is a misunderstanding of the importance of emotional management, the possibility of using emotional intelligence by managers is underestimated.  The main reason for the low level of development of emotional intelligence is the peculiarities of the national mentality associated with the specifics of education, social stereotypes, cultural traditions, and the technocratic approach to management.  According to the results of a sociological study, it was found that, despite the prevalence of logical approaches in solving managerial tasks, the lower level managers of industrial enterprises of the city (foreman, master) feel the need for closer, emotional interaction in the production process at the subconscious level.  In order to form the emotional competence of managers, a corresponding methodology has been developed, which includes both organizational measures and independent development of emotional intelligence. It is indicated that the formation of emotional competence is a long process that requires, first of all, a high level of motivation and is accompanied by certain costs (effort, time, money).  Since, at present, emotions are considered as part of the intellectual capital of an organization, the formation of the emotional competence of managers should become one of the priority activities of the organization to improve intra-firm management.

  • N. Potapova. Ecological and economic aspects of the regional organization of waste-free production in Ukraine.

    Nataliya Potapova

    The current stage of economic development in Ukraine objectively requires the development of resource conservation, the most important direction of which is non-waste production. The article considers the essence of waste-free production, analyzes its essential elements: the integrated use of resources, the cyclical use of resources, and environmental priorities. The features and problems of the implementation of each of the elements of waste-free production in Ukraine are considered. First, the processing of complex raw materials into finished products at Ukrainian enterprises traditionally focuses on the maximum extraction of the main component, which leads to large masses of waste containing valuable resources. Secondly, the industrial potential of industrial and household waste in the economic complex of Ukraine is used extremely low. In Ukraine, no more than 30% of waste is disposed of, and the share of recycled waste has been steadily decreasing in recent years. The article identifies problems that hinder the development of the cyclical nature of the use of resources. Third, the proper organization of environmental activities not only contributes to the preservation of natural resources and the environment, but can also bring significant economic results. The article substantiates that each of the elements of waste-free production can be implemented in economic activity only at the regional level of management and requires regulatory actions of regional governments. The introduction of regional forms of organization of waste-free production in Ukraine can be an effective way to overcome the shortage of raw materials and a powerful factor in economic growth.

  • L. Mamatova. Development of innovation activity of Ukraine in the international context.

    Leila Mamatova

    The article analyzes the current state and dynamics of innovation activity development in Ukraine: according to international indices (global index of innovations, index of innovation development of Bloomberg agency, innovation index of European innovation scoreboard, global competitiveness index, innovative activity of industrial enterprises), main indicators of dynamics of innovation activity of industrial enterprises Ukraine, technological sectors, implementation of priority directions of innovation activity at the expense of b gadget funds and the number of developed and transmitted technologies. The study of international indices of innovation of the country's economy showed that the formation, implementation of innovations and the introduction of innovations in Ukraine is characterized by low indicators, namely, the Global Innovation Index has left Ukraine at 101st place in the world and shows an improvement of Ukraine's position on the effectiveness of innovations, the Bloomberg Innovation Development Index and the Global Competitiveness Index - has reduced Ukraine's place in terms of productivity, indicators of innovation efficiency, technology Also, a negative assessment of the efficiency of the functioning of the Ukrainian innovation system Index of European Innovation Scoreboard. In general, the research of the indices shows positive dynamics especially in high-tech sectors, and the efficiency of the entire scientific-technical and innovation system of Ukraine. The directions of innovation costs of industrial enterprises for innovation are investigated and singled out. The main problems of the present in Ukraine are identified that restrain the development of innovation activity of enterprises. The dynamics of total financing of innovation activity of enterprises in Ukraine by type of sources is analyzed.

  • M. Tchaikovskaja. The improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise innovation development management in the conditions of euro integration.

    Marina Tchaikovskaja

    The article focuses on the specific features of innovation development in the conditions of European integration both at the level of the country as a whole, and at the level of enterprises. Competitiveness and growth of economic efficiency have been determined as effective factors of such development. The emphasis has been placed on goal-setting to meet the requirements and interests of European countries to focus on innovation development in the vector of achieving their own benchmarks, taking into account the advantages and potential of domestic enterprises. On the basis of the analysis of normative acts on the management of innovation development, the level of top management of enterprises is defined as the key key subject of such a management, the function of which is, in fact, to regulate all stages of the corresponding organizational and economic mechanism. The author's vision of components of the organizational and economic mechanism of innovative development of the enterprise is formulated, its basic stages and components are determined. As the most appropriate part of such a mechanism at the stage of evaluation, it is proposed to adapt indicators from the system of balanced indicators. The approaches to determining the criteria for making managerial decisions concerning the innovative development of a domestic enterprise in the conditions of European integration with an orientation towards independent competitive and effective development are offered.
