No. 35
V. Voloshin. Processes of advanced consumption in society.
The article has a review character on the issue of advanced consumption in society. The article deals with the historical nature of consumption. It is determined that in a society of advanced consumption, when there is a lot of borrowed money, it is important to get people to buy. And there is no matter what to buy. It is important to buy, spend money, regardless of whether this thing is needed or not. The indicators of the total underutilized resource from the exploitation of some modern commodities are presented. The term "aggregate underutilized resource of consumer goods" is proposed. It is determined that the important characteristic of money as a commodity, proving the existence of a system of anticipatory consumption, is the unevenness and unequal consumption in various territories of our planet. Moreover, today it is not connected with the industrialization of countries, as it was at the dawn of capitalization. The conclusion is made, that the processes of anticipatory consumption in society, this is a reality, with which one should be reckoned. The reasons for this phenomenon are the uneven development of the economy, the uneven distribution of producing capacities, labor, raw materials and energy resources. Actually, the uneven development of different economic systems is also a given. Therefore, attempts to distribute these resources evenly and to equalize the economies will not solve the problem. The solution option to the problem of advanced consumption can be found in procedures for pricing optimization for raw materials, energy and labor resources in favor of the economies in which they are located.
System of ecological safety of a transport process of industrial enterprise.
Taking into account the existent points of view of scientific and own researches of authors presently industrial enterprises ran into the fact of the final use of possibilities of increase of materially-power streams and are in the search of organization of production of consumption of informative resources, and resources carry out the great number of other functions, and not only natural. . Literate and safe organization of processes of transporting conduces to deployment of market of resources, declines of prime price of finish good and providing of competition pride of place of modern enterprise at the market. In the article the model of control of extras of harmful substances and adjusting offer answers the requirements of estimation of influence the process of transporting of modern enterprise, that is base on monitoring of environment through settling of extras’ of carbon dioxide, sulphur, oxides of nitrogen, on an environment and regulates motion of motor transport of enterprise. It is analyzed possibility and consequence from the change of modern attitude toward the decision of ecological problems.
Environmental management as a factor in the environmental and economic efficiency of industrial enterprises.
The most vital problem at the current stage of economic development is the growth of economic and environmental crises. This calls for the search of new priorities in sustainable development, the most important of which is the need for deep ecologicalization of the economy. The need to find new ways and approaches that suit today conditions and minimize the negative impact on the environment is becoming more and more obvious. Development of environmentally and economically efficient production is now in the mainstream in the developed countries worldwide. The essence of environmental management is defined in the paper, its role in the economic system of the enterprise is justified, elements and tools of the environmental management mechanism are described. The author maintains that formation of instruments for the environmental management of an industrial enterprise should be preceded by a "cost-benefit" analysis. The conditions under which introduction of environmental management at the enterprise will enhance efficiency have been determined. The scheme of delegating responsibilities in the sphere of environmental management at an industrial enterprise is proposed. Thus, it is demonstrated that environmental management, being a certain type of management, is fundamentally oriented towards formation and development of environmentally-friendly production, advancement of ecological culture and human life and activities. Formation of this type of management at industrial enterprises means launching the process of introducing technological systems, management and other solutions that result in efficient use of natural resources while preserving the quality of the environment.
The work represents the results of the research and political consultations, by representatives of the Institute of Economics with the objective of evaluating the business environment of Ukraine (Annual evaluation of business climate). Determined were the main obstacles for the growth of small and medium business undertakings in the year of 2016, as well as such obstacles for 2017-2018. The main definitions for “startup” notions were given and its main characteristics were defined (creation of new and unique product, that will satisfy most important needs of consumers, quick development, lack of initial financial resources for implementation of the idea and high risks). Revealed were differences between startup and small business undertakings with regard to the following signs: innovative character, the domain of activities, the trajectory of successful development, growth rate, scalability of business model, influence upon the market, infrastructure, sources of investment and the scope of activities. Classification of start ups was characterized and represented. Indicated were the startup stages: pre-see stage, seed-stage, prototype, operational prototype, alpha-version of the project (product), closed beta-version of the project (product), public beta-version of the project (product), startup stage, growth stage, extension stage, output stage. Ways of investment for start up-projects were revealed. 10 most promising start ups in Ukraine were listed. Some of common problems with startup-projects in Ukraine were determined.
Legal support of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine
The approaches of scientists to the definition of the concept of "legal support of entrepreneurial activity" are considered. The development of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine is considered. It is proved that it is difficult and sometimes impossible for entrepreneurs to solve problems of local, regional, state and world level that arise under the influence of non-market factors. In solving these problems, government intervention and a corresponding chosen policy in the field of entrepreneurship are necessary. The main factors of influence and ways of solving problems of further development of entrepreneurial activity are determined. Three blocks of normative legal acts have been singled out, namely the Constitution of Ukraine, a block of special normative acts regulating solely entrepreneurial activity and regulatory legal acts containing separate norms or their totality regulating entrepreneurship. Certain components of legal support have been identified, which will have an effective impact on entrepreneurial activities. Investigations of directions of improvement of legal support of entrepreneurial activity, further enable to form four concrete measures for effective and comprehensive legal support of entrepreneurial activity. First, the activation of engaging the business community in a constructive dialogue with the public administration authorities in making power decisions at the state and local levels. Secondly, the development of any legislative projects on a competent and qualifying basis, taking into account their economic feasibility and financial security. Thirdly, clearing the legislation of unnecessary harmful regulatory and legal acts and subordinate legislation. Fourth, the establishment of effective parliamentary review on unconditional compliance by government officials and local self-government with legislative requirements in regulatory activities. -
. Features of financing activities for environmental protection at industrial enterprises of the Azov Sea Region
The paper analyzes the main manifestations of the negative impact of coal mining companies on the environment and the ecological situation, namely: pollution and violation of the hydrological regime of underground and surface waters; pollution of the air basin by solid and gaseous substances in the processes of extraction, transportation, enrichment and processing of coal; contamination of the earth's surface with waste mining and enrichment of coal; extraction from land use and violation of the earth's surface; noise pollution and vibration of soils. The conducted studies revealed a lack of financing of environmental protection measures due to lack of funds, therefore, during the analyzed period, some planned activities were not financed at all, on the other - the financing is lower than planned. The analysis of the structure of the paid environmental tax shows that the largest share in the total amount has a tax on emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Sustainable development of the company is based on the implementation of the three-pronged concept, which combines three main aspects of activity: economic, social and environmental. The economic component of sustainable development is focused on the desire to maximize the market value of the enterprise and profit, the social component is oriented towards the person and aims at preserving the stability of social and cultural systems; the ecological component must ensure the integrity of biological and physical natural systems and evaluate the environmental damage from production activity. Along with the production of basic products (coal, coal concentrate) a large amount of gaseous, solid and liquid waste (mine methane, breed, tails of enrichment, waste water) is formed. These wastes negatively affect the results of the economic activity of the enterprise, because they require the costs of their collection, transportation, storage, and also complicate the environmental situation in the area of the enterprise.
Social oriented cluster as an instrument for sustainable development of communal economy enterprises
The approaches to understanding the concept of a socially oriented cluster are analyzed in the article. It was determined basing on the system approach that a socially oriented cluster is a regional system of interacting organizations and institutions of various branches of economy and forms of ownership whose activities contributes to solving social problems, to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of territories and to improve the competitive position of cluster-participator enterprises based on using innovative technologies. A clusterization ensures the integration of communal services into a regional economy and promotes for increasing of enterprises’ competitiveness in this sphere.
The polycomponent model of the socially oriented cluster in the city of Mariupol is proposed. As an area of cluster activity city improvement, tourism and ecology were chosen. Companies in the field of city improvement will provide comfortable living conditions for the population. Planting the territory will contribute to improvement of the ecology of industrial city. Mariupol is located on the seafront and it is attractive for tourists. City improvement and solving environmental problems will increase the flow of tourists to the city, and the development of tourism will initiate the increase of small and medium businesses.
The socially oriented cluster will contribute to development of the infrastructure, improvement of the ecological state of environment, rational use of the resources, development of the communal economy and tourist potential, increase of the investment attractiveness, growth of the living standard and in general increase of competitiveness of the city of Mariupol.
Application of economic methods of management by an industrial enterprise
The article describes modern methods in the management of the enterprise, which are based on all methods of management. Each company strives for the effective realization of its activity and obtaining steady profit. The stability of the Ukrainian economy depends to a large extent on the success of the reforms and the effectiveness of the economic, financial and monetary measures taken.
In a market environment, economic methods of management occupy a special place. The use and improvement of such economic instruments as commercial calculation, planning, mechanism of pricing, stable financial position and reasonable taxation will help to create a reliable economic mechanism that will activate the whole mechanism of the Ukrainian economy.
The article analyzes the implementation of economic management methods at PJSC "Azovstal Iron & Steel Works" for 2016 and 2017 years.
Estimation of free time of the population as the main resource of tourism (for example, Mariupol)
In the article, the place, role, directions of scientific research and models of estimating the free time of the population and its use by society on the example of Mariupol are determined from the positions of the integrated and system approaches. Within the framework of the study, the potential for the use of free time by the population of the city of Mariupol is revealed, which is about 7% of its fund. A small percentage of the use of the free time fund of the population of Mariupol at the place of primary residence reflects the need to introduce the development directions of the corresponding infrastructure of the city. In the process of research social aspects of free time and its use by society on the basis of introduction of complex and system approaches are presented. The main conclusions and results of the research are as follows: place and role of free time can be defined as a measure of the actual wealth of society; offered under free time to understand a time that is not absorbed directly productive labor, but remains free for pleasure, leisure, free activity and development. Free time acts in this respect as a space for the development of human capital; It is justified that the use of free time is an important direction of research on the quality of life of society; Analytical forms of economic-mathematical models for estimating the free time and its use are proposed. The level of use of free time by society as an effective resource of the socio-economic system of tourism activity, when society creates the conditions for a person to have an opportunity to reveal himself, to rise to the highest level of quality of life through the manifestation of their abilities and the increase in the satisfaction of their constantly growing potencies; it is estimated and determined that the level of use by society of free time as an effective resource of socio-economic system of tourism activities is insufficient that society does not create sufficient conditions for a person to have the opportunity to reveal himself, to rise to the highest level of quality of life through the manifestation of his abilities and increase satisfaction of their ever-growing needs.
The international labor market in the world globalizing: migration discourse.
The dynamism of transformations and the instability of the development of the international labor market necessitates systematic research from a variety of angles of socio-economic relations on a global scale. One of these perspectives is the international migration process. At the present stage, the impact of globalization on the development of the international labor market is determined by various opportunities for meeting the human needs of countries with different economic development, which manifests itself mainly in the transboundary movement of its own labor force, that is, the "reproductive wealth of the country", which spends money on vocational training and training to other countries that use this workforce, assigning the results of the work of the latter. It should also be noted that not only highly skilled workers are employed in the migration processes, but also malnourished, which in its turn forms a kind of segmentation of the relevant market. It is no exception to the situation where a highly skilled workforce is involved in the field of employment which does not correspond to the level of qualification. It is the emphasis on such features that quite reflects the current positioning of Ukraine in international migration processes. Ukraine's advanced position in the scale of migration flows from post-Soviet countries play an important role in shaping the geopolitical positioning of the country, the negative public perception of domestic reforms, and require the introduction of effective regulatory measures in the context of minimization of losses. Such regulation should be based on the programmatic and targeted macroeconomic regulation of the development of the national labor market, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of international migration processes at the stage of globalization.
The role of the quality management in «Lean Production» concept and problems of its implementation in national production.
Today, the basis of success of any enterprise is a high level of its organization. It is based on a clear consciousness and implementation of each employee’s area of responsibility in the overall process of creating the value of the final product of high quality. Quality management systems (QMS) and «Lean production» concept (lean production) allow to increase production efficiency and achieve a high level of production system. The article considers the concept of quality management system and the concept of «Lean Production» as a whole. The basic methods and tools of optimization production and management processes are identified and their role in the «Lean Production» system is defined. Basic problems of efficient use and mass adoption concepts of quality management system and «Lean Production» in Ukrainian enterprises are considered. The practical aspect of overcoming certain problems and opportunities of using these concepts of improving the efficiency of the enterprise and its competitiveness in the market is presented.
The crucial legal issues of legal protection and legal safeguard the objects of the law of intellectual property in Ukraine.
To article are investigated problematic questions of the legal regulation the objects of the right of intellectual property. Are analyzed concepts “legal protection” and “legal safeguard” in the law-creating instrument and the scientific literature, and also the balance of these concepts. The conclusion is made that legal protection and legal safeguard these are the successive stages of the process of legal regulation. Are examined novelty of legal regulation as caricatures, parody and potpourri which became the object of the legal protection of copyright; deliktization and the criminalization of kamkording and сardsharing as the breach of copyright of copyright and neighbouring rights. In dependence to the size of the substituted damage and level of public danger of kamkording and сardsharing they come out as delicts, administrative infraction or crimes. Is given attention to the reformation the system of the legal protection of the objects intellectual property right; the liquidation Ukrainian State Department of Intellectual Property; the transfer of its functions to the ministry of economic development and trade; the creation Сouncil of Intellectual Property. Are examined the bases of the reformed legal protection of the objects of the law of intellectual property; the creation of Supreme Court of Intellectual Property, which is the superior specialized court, primary court and court of appeal. Legal disputes of economic, administrative, and also civil legal nature assigned to it jurisdiction that emphasizes specialization of this court. The investigated crucial problems of the law of intellectual property make it possible to assert that this branch of law is located on the stage of active reformation that unconditionally must positively influence the development of this sphere of social relations.
Certified training in the vocational-technical sector and its impact on the social and economic development of the region.
The article is devoted to a very topical topic for today: new forms of education and a combination of economic processes and studies. The article cites the problem that the vocational education today is underestimated by the state, but the need for such personnel is increasingly growing. So, we need a new approach to understanding vocational education and the quality of its delivery. The purpose of the article is to analyze current trends in the development of vocational education in Ukraine. It is shown that in Ukraine the reform of education is proclaimed by the Ministry of Education and Science. However, there is no basis for such a reform. The total expenditure on education in Ukraine for 2007-2016 is analyzed. It is proved that in dollar equivalent such expenses are constantly falling and today we lag behind the Eastern European countries by about 1500 thousand US dollars for each student. Also, a comparison of the structure of costs for education in 2007 and 2016, where the growth of the role of primary education is seen, and the reduction of indicators for all other types. Since 2007, there has been a constant decline in spending on education and vocational and technical particulars, as evidenced by the figures in the article. A new look at vocational training is given, it is proved that a new approach to training will allow professionals of a new level with relevant skills and abilities.
Modern methods of managing the economic security of an enterprise
The article investigates existing methods for assessing the economic security of an enterprise. The article is of an overview nature. The justification is given that the main condition for the economic security of an enterprise is the ability to withstand existing and emerging hazards and threats that seek to cause economic damage to the enterprise or undesirably change the structure of capital, up to and including its liquidation. Ensuring the economic security of an enterprise is possible only on the basis of its financially sustainable development. It is justified that conditions should be created for the implementation of this financial mechanism, which would be able to adapt to the changing influence of the internal and external environment. Hence, there is a need for constant monitoring of financial security, which is predetermined by the objective need of each business entity in ensuring stable operation and achievement of the objectives of the activity. From this it follows that the level of economic security of an enterprise depends on how effectively its management is carried out and how managers are able to avoid possible threats and eliminate the harmful consequences of certain negative components of the external and internal environment. It was concluded that the approaches investigated are not absolutely acceptable for assessing the level of economic security of an enterprise, and also that the necessary approach to choosing methods of economic security of an enterprise should be based on the receipt of profit by the enterprise. -
The article displays scientific and methodical character. It represents an attempt to define fluctuations of the conjuncture fluctuations on the international market of metal production. It is found that market fluctuations that occur on the international market of metal production are caused by several factors –such as globalization, shifts of the world leaders in manufacturing and export of metal production, process improvement, the necessity to manufacture high-tech steel grades, globalization of markets and production factors etc. It is also found that transformational process have now become an important factor of development of the worldwide business links. HHI for the world market of metal production was calculated. The international metal production market proved to be quite concentrated as its HHI has remained to be>1800 for nearly a decade. HHI dynamics for 2007 – 2016 is presented. The current tendency of manufacturing metal production appears to be negative. In the years of 2007-2016 the world output of metal production dropped. The reasons of that are the following: the world’s economic crisis, growth of the goods; manufactured of substitutes. which are to replace the goods previously manufactured of metal; drop in construction volume; general overproduction in this branch of industry. It was determined that under conditions of the world’s economic crisis it was necessary to develop a concept for development of the native iron and steel industry that could predict: reduction of dependence on export, due to development of metal consuming industries of branch in Ukraine (shipbuilding, aviation engineering, machine building); ensuring manufacturing of high tech steel grades that are of higher demand on the market, application of technologies, capable of diminishing dependence on expensive energy carrier; technical modernization of the branch with objective of diminishing negative environmental consequences.
The hotel market of Ukraine: problems and development prospects
The article is of an overview nature. The article makes an attempt to analyze the current state of the hotel business in Ukraine. The article makes an attempt to generalize the existing in the world classifications of hotels depending on the provision of quality of services. The data of 10 countries with the highest prices for hotel services are given. The classification of types of hotel accommodation is given. It is determined that in some countries the assignment of a class of hotel services and the definition of the standards of this service to the nagatory of state bodies (ministries and departments). The models of hotel classification are given and it is determined that the most common are the European system, the Asian-African system, the American and the Greek. It is concluded that the Ukrainian hotel business system is based on the European system of classification of hotel services, but at the same time compliance with all norms and requirements in accordance with this system is almost not observed. In Ukraine they try to combine the experience of the European and American sith, namely, the hotel chains are being formed following the example of the American, and they are assigned the type of "stars" as European hotels. Unfortunately for 27 years in Ukraine there was not created an independent agency for observing the quality of hotel services, which would be a counterbalance for UkrSEPRO and the results of high ratings of which would be for Ukraine's hotels prerogative.
Conceptual basis of the economic security of countries
The content of the category "economic security" as the conceptual approaches to its study is examined in the article. The main basic point of this study is the polysurface of economic security of countries. To achieve the goal a critical review of scientific papers on the essence of the category of "economic security" is done, also the definition of levels of economic security in an area of globalization is described, the comparison of economic security models of various levels are made; relations are established between the levels of economic security and the subject approach. Methods of systematization and scientific generalization, a systematic approach to the study of the object of research are used for solving the problems. The main conclusions of the study are the following: research economic security of the country is carried out according to spatial, subjective, model and subject approaches; the level of rights is determined by the basic and most important level of the structure of economic security. The practical value of the obtained results is related to the improvement of management of economic processes and economic activity, taking into account the change of the basic element of the vertical of the country's economic security. The originality of the study is in assuming the possibility of changing the priorities of strategies, policies, programs and projects of various actors, in a globalized environment will form a solid foundation for the country's economic growth.
The main aspects of the manifestation of economic security in the region
The article contains a theoretical study of the main aspects of the manifestation of regional economic security. The purpose of the study is to identify and study the main aspects of the manifestation of regional economic security. Methods of theoretical generalization were used to study the main aspects of the manifestation of the region’s economic security. The theoretical base of the research is the achievements of foreign and domestic scientists. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: the system approach, the method of analysis and synthesis, the methods of logical generalization. The relevance of this study is determined by the need to form and implement effective anti-crisis regional management to ensure economic security both at the meso-level and at the state level in the context of decentralized management. There is a need for a clear understanding of the aspects of manifestation of regional economic security. As a result of the theoretical research, an understanding of the main aspects of the manifestation of regional economic security was studied and formed, namely: the economic stability of the region, the economic stability of the region, the socio-economic development of the region, the region's competitiveness, certain independence (autonomy) of the region and integration with the national economy. Presence of the specified aspects by results of functioning of economic system of regions is display of maintenance of regional economic security. In further studies, it is useful to define indicators and their quantitative assessment of each of the aspects of regional economic security presented in this study.
Financial factors of the region's competitiveness in the context of decentralization
Increasing the competitiveness of the regions of Ukraine should be aimed at achieving the economic and social standards of the EU. The financial support of these indicators at the proper level contributes to the filling of local budgets. The development of local self-government in Ukraine is in the active stage of its reform. In such conditions, the progressive pace and direction of the reforms is ensured by decentralization. Optimizing the revenue and expenditure side of local budgets requires a separate study with the aim of providing scientific arguments for giving regions greater financial independence and responsibility. The integral analysis of regional competitiveness can serve as a guide for the socio-economic development of the region and the basis for developing a strategy for its development. Pridneprovsky region is much more attractive for investors of different countries as it ranks first among the regions of Ukraine in terms of the volumes of attracted foreign direct investments. An analysis of the structure of expenditures of local budgets shows the social orientation of budgetary policy. The relatively high share of social spending is positive for the society. In the context of decentralization, the financial resources of local authorities should be targeted to certain developed and approved programs with strict state control. The main conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the Dnepropetrovsk region as a promising industrial region should be: a stable macroeconomic environment for investment; liberal import regime and strong export strategy; effective policy of the state; effective strategy of foreign investment in conditions of limiting own resources, simplified procedures and rules by local authorities for small businesses to reduce operating costs; sustainable investment in human capital; integrated technology support; creation of clusters with the purpose of providing integration links between small and large business entities, affordable loans and interest rates, creation of competition in the banking sector, training of bank personnel in assessing the risks of lending to small and medium businesses, concessional lending and other financial factors.
Forecasting the value of natural gas in Ukraine's UGS depending on the volume of natural gas use and imports
Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the gas market in Ukraine, the integration processes in a single European, as well as the dynamics of injection of natural gas into the Ukrainian UGS facilities, its use and import, the elasticity of the natural gas volume in the UGS in terms of its utilization and its import indicator were conducted. The special significance and practical value of such a study is actualized in the circumstances of the need to preserve the competitive advantages of the Ukrainian players in the gas market, expand their activities, etc. In addition, it is noted that these issues are updated in the context of the project to assess the UGS Ukraine's operation to determine the optimal functioning model underground storages started by Naftogaz of Ukraine and the EU. The authors found that with an increase in the volume of natural gas using by 1% (with other constant factors), the forecast increase in the volume of natural gas in the UGS is 1,028%. With an increase in gas imports by 1% (with other constant factors), the projected decrease in the volume of natural gas in the UGS is 0,112%. Accordingly, in the first and second cases, it is on the contrary. A simultaneous decrease of 1% of both factors caused a drop in the volume of natural gas in the UGS by 0,916%. The article considers the econometric model of the Cobb-Douglas production function that is adequate to the initial data, taking into account the forecast values of the influence of gas using and import in 2018 - 2019.
Mechanism of the Ukrainian innovative infrastructure development management under globalization conditions.
Mechanism of the Ukrainian innovative infrastructure development management under globalization conditions.
The mechanism of the Ukrainian innovative infrastructure development management under globalization conditions was identified, it’s scheme was presented, main elements and connections between them were defined in the article. It was found, that: 1) the mechanism of the innovative infrastructure development management is a complex system of institutions, goals, principles, methods, tools, determinants, planning stages and implementation of the transition of an innovation infrastructure from one state to another, more perfect, objectives of the state in this direction, ensuring its innovative development; 2) the purpose of innovation infrastructure development management is to create an effective and competitive innovation infrastructure integrated into the global chain of creating innovative value; 3) the system of institutions implementing state management of innovation infrastructure includes: the Verkhovna Rada, regional and district councils, representative bodies of local self-government, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, incl. first of all, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; 4) state management of innovation infrastructure development should be implemented on the following principles: inclusiveness, validity, relevance, continuity, polyvariance, directivity, transparency, cyclicity, evolutionary, scientific, economical, efficiency, complexity, systemic; 5) the main element of the mechanism of state management of innovation infrastructure in the long term is the system of strategic management of innovation infrastructure.
O. Liubchuk. Tourism as a Modern Determinant of Subjective Satisfaction with Life in Ukraine.
O. Liubchuk. Tourism as a Modern Determinant of Subjective Satisfaction with Life in Ukraine.
The article examines the approach to tourism as determinants of subjective satisfaction with life. The conducted research showed that indicators are used to calculate the international index "Happiness". International experts include subjective life satisfaction into list of the indicators of "happiness". The absence of a direct relationship between the development of the economy and its subjective perception of people is marked. The theoretical and conceptual foundations for solving the problem of subjective satisfaction with life in Ukraine are determined. The attention is paid to the psychological aspects of the state economic policy, consumer psychology, peculiarities of the Ukrainian mentality. The necessity of the subjective life satisfaction study for the implementation effectiveness of the "Doctrine of balanced development "Ukraine 2030" was noted. This article claims that the importance of tourism for the country's economy development and subjective life satisfaction. The features of development of modern tourism are noted. The effect of tourism on satisfaction of a number of needs of people are shown, in particular, needs for rest, needs for treatment, needs for self-realization, cognitive needs, cultural needs, professional needs and others. The dynamics of tourist flows of domestic tourists, tourists-citizens of Ukraine, who traveled abroad, were given. An increase in the percentage of Ukrainians trips abroad with an official purpose since 2016 was revealed. The dynamics of visiting Ukraine by foreign tourists since 2000 has been given.The main factors inhibiting the development of the tourist industry in the country, which include the unfavorability of existing conditions for entrepreneurship, the imperfection of the regulatory legal field are presented. The necessary factors for the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine are determined, among which domestic political stability of the country, expansion of international relations, peaceful good-neighborly relations between the states are noted.
Statistical analysis of labour migration processes in Ukraine
The question of monitoring of international labour migration is of great importance in the modern terms of world economy globalization. Research of dynamics and determination of character of modern migratory processes create the analytical basis of economic mechanisms forming of their adjusting at the level of state administration. The analysis of basic consequences of labour migration has been conducted in the article. Three basic problems of labour migration processes and six basic directions of international migration of labour force on the base of researches results of modern scolars have been selected. The problem of the unique system forming of data collection about labour migration has been marked during researches. The analysis of demographic situation in Ukraine is given, that allowed to define the stable tendency of the absolute diminishing of population quantity. Growth of long-term labour migration in Ukraine was installed. It is noted that beginning from 2014 crisis this process acquires the substantial acceleration. An analysis of the economic activity types, in which migrants from Ukraine work has been given. The economic and mathematic analysis of dynamics and structure of migratory processes has been offered. Functional dependences for forecast of migratory processes have been determined.
System of criteria of results diagnostic of regulation socio-economic exclusion at enterprises
The purpose of the paper is to develop a system of criteria for diagnosing the effectiveness of regulation of socio-economic exclusion at enterprises at the level of enterprise workers and at the regional level. The article proposes a two-level system of criteria for the diagnosis of the effectiveness of regulation of socio-economic exclusion, which contains integral indicators for determining the living standards of the company's employees and indicators of ensuring the quality of life of the inhabitants of the region in which it is located, which gives the opportunity to take into account the interests of employees of the enterprise, business community, local authorities authorities, adjust potential investment flows and choose promising directions of operational regulation of rejection to the stake nor its manifestation. Timely diagnostics of manifestations of rejection provides an opportunity to adequately respond to such manifestations, the election of a corresponding stratagem of actions, correction of rejection directions, and in the future, the formation and implementation of new paradigmatic principles for improving welfare as employees of the enterprise, financial and economic status of the enterprise and the urban population as a whole through fragmentation of the proposed approaches to the regulation of socio-economic exclusion.
Diversification of industrial enterprises as a direction of strategic development.
The article reviews the problems of diversification of industrial enterprises as a direction of strategic development. The article analyzes the types of diversification of enterprises. An analysis of development strategies of foreign companies makes it clear that world leaders at the present stage of development use diversification strategies, the main direction of which is to integrate forward by uniting with final consumers of products. In the classification of strategies for diversification, strategists have been singled out, which are divided into two groups: synergistic and conglomerant. The directions of diversification processes depend on the stage of the enterprise's life cycle. To determine the stages of the life cycle, a methodology based on certain seven performance indicators is proposed. The proposed indicators also allow the company's management to assess the diversification by the main criteria: attractiveness in terms of invested funds; "Input costs" to the new industry and additional benefits. From the above calculations, we can conclude that most of the enterprises are at the stage of the life cycle "Stabilization". We recommend the application of the strategy of viability (long-term development strategy), which is aimed at realizing the goals of sustainable development and operation of the enterprise. To implement the strategy, it is necessary that diversification measures be implemented in all relevant areas and aspects of the activity of the enterprise. On one front it concerns the personnel and measures on its motivation, management styles, corporate culture, financial and resource support, management competencies.
A. Pereverzieva. Impact of the level of wage on the budget of the united territorial communities.
The formation of budgets of the united territorial communities and its structure are researched. It is determined that the revenues to the budgets of the united territorial communities consist of three elements: tax revenues, non-tax revenues and transfers. It is proved that tax revenues play a significant role in the formation of budgets of the united territorial communities, since they form their own revenues of the community. The scientific novelty of realizable research is application of method of grouping to the united territorial communities and their combination in groups depending on part of income tax physical persons. On the basis of using of coefficient of elasticity as an analytical tool the need to raise wages, which constitutes the main source of income for members of the community, is substantiated and, through the chain reaction, will increase the level of own revenues of the budgets of the united territorial communities and, accordingly, self-sufficiency. It was determined that 80% of the tax revenues are generated by the personal income tax. On the basis of analytical calculations, it was found that the increase of level of remuneration of labour on 1 % causes the increase of volume of own incomes of communities in 1,81 times. It is substantiated that the higher the level of wage, the greater the revenues to the community budget, and, accordingly, the volume of own income.
Development of scientific parks in conditions of formation of the image of the region: world experience and Ukrainian realities
The article analyzes the leading world experience of creation and functioning of scientific parks as centers of innovative development of territories and the expansion of the competitiveness of science-intensive business and scientific organization. It proved that innovation development is possible in a certain area, for example, a region. The author also establishes that activation of innovation activity through the network of scientific parks contributes to the formation of the innovative regional image and positively influences attraction of investments and skilled workforce in such region. Evidence of this is the experience of countries such as the United States, Great Britain, Japan, China. The article analyzes the models of scientific organization of innovation activity in these countries. It proves that the American model of scientific parks organization is appropriate for implementation in Ukraine. The emphasis is on the leading role of higher education institutions in this model. It substantiates the expediency and main obstacles of implementation of this model in the realities of the Ukrainian economy and highlights the interests of all participants of the innovation process in creation and dissemination of scientific parks. Particular emphasis is placed on the need for the regional authorities to participate in these processes as a prerogative for the formation of a positive image of the region. The main principles of effective assistance are the reduction of administrative barriers, the development of social infrastructure, the expansion of ties with scientific centers, the formation of orders in the specialty in accordance with the needs of scientific parks, encouragement (in the form of privileges) of business organizations to conduct joint research and research universities works in priority areas. As a promising direction for further research in this direction the author highlights the development of mechanisms for coordinating the interests of all subjects of innovation activity of scientific parks, the introduction of criteria for assessing their impact on the development of the image of regions and the state as a whole.
The article is of an exploratory nature and highlights the prospects for implementing the world-wide experience of creating science parks in Ukrainian realities.
L. Goroshkova (Horoshkova). Estimation and management of strategic stability of the machine-building enterprises.
In work the analysis of essence of stability of complex system of the enterprise is carried out. Is shown, that proof such condition of the enterprise is possible to consider(count), if it is capable to keep positive meanings of target parameters in the certain interval of time.
Is proved, that for maintenance of economic development of system there is a necessity to support her stability in the certain borders. During development there is an accumulation of quantity of efficiency of economic system. The process of accumulation of efficiency of economic system has the borders, it comes to an end by crisis. The condition of dynamic balance between limiting maximal and minimal meanings is proof.
Is proved what reach strategic stability the enterprise can in case each following maximum is reached on new, is qualitative a highest level, which gives an opportunity to the enterprise new opportunities of economic development in long-term prospect.
In work on the basis of the system approach is developed techniques of an estimation of stability of the machine-building enterprises, which provides two steps. The first step is the analysis of dynamics of parameters of activity of the enterprise and rates of their growth. The second step is delimitation of strategic stability(resistance). Such borders are the minimal and maximal meaning of analyzed parameters, which achievement provides to the enterprise an opportunity to be in an equilibrium condition.
On the basis of the stated theoretical rules concerning stability of economic system of the enterprise and technique of her definition, the analysis on an example of a number(line) of the machine-building enterprises of Ukraine is carried out: Public joint-stock company «Motor Sich», State enterprise «Research-production company Iskra» and Public joint-stock company «Zaporozhye automobile factory».
Is proved, that for maintenance of dynamic development of the machine-building enterprises there is a necessity of creation of system of the analysis and management of strategic stability, which bases on the appropriate information maintenance.
Abdulgasanov Tural Tofik oglu. Intensification of the agricultural sector as a regularity of the development of the economy of Azerbaijan.
In the article, the author points out that in recent times it has been important in practice to both develop new lands and to improve the use of already developed lands. Although there comes a point when the further expansion of areas becomes not only difficult, but also impossible due to the lack of free land or the disadvantage of their use due to large capital outlays. To increase the output of products there is only one way - improving agricultural production. To increase the output of products there is only one way - improving agricultural production. In this case, the intensification acquires the force of objective necessity and turns into the regularity of the development of agriculture. In this case, the intensification acquires the force of objective necessity and turns into the regularity of the development of agriculture. Using the experience, agricultural workers abandoned the pattern in agriculture, improved the quality of basic and preseeding tillage, began to aggressively introduce new crop varieties into crops, did a lot of work on the intraeconomic arrangement and introduction of crop rotations.
Thus, to protect the domestic market of a country with a developed economy, widely used all sorts of excises, licensing, tariff regulation and quotas, duties. In addition, food reserves and food funds can be created.
Economic Security of Industrial Enterprises: Analysis of the Financial Situation, Probability of Bankruptcy, Net Economic Effect of Investment Attracting
In modern economic conditions, the owners, shareholders, investors, and lenders are interested in the results of large industrial enterprises. On the basis of the published financial statements, they assess the financial position of the company and the probability of its bankruptcy. The financial analysis of PJSC ZAZ for the years of 2013-2017 was carried out, namely the analysis of liquidity (coverage ratios, rapid liquidity, absolute liquidity and net working capital), solvency (solvency ratios (autonomy), financing, provision of own working capital, self-esteem maneuverability capital), business activity (turnover ratio of assets, turnover of accounts payable, turnover of accounts receivable, turnover of inventories, return on equity, maturity spare payables and receivables, capital), profitability (return on assets, return on equity, return on sales). The probability of bankruptcy on the models of Altman, Springate, Tuffler and Tishau, Sayfulin-Kadikov, Lis, Konan and Golder, Beaver of PJSC ZAZ for the years of 2013-2017 was calculated. The definition of the annual economic effect obtained by increasing the reliability of economic security, which will be equal to the difference between reducing the loss from increasing the reliability of economic security and additional economic costs, is proposed. It is proposed to determine the net annual economic effect, minus the attracted investments in the economic security of an industrial enterprise, which will be achieved, provided that the annual economic effect obtained by increasing the reliability of economic security will be greater than the attracted financial investments with interest.
L. Goroshkova, V. Volkov, R. Karbivnychyi. Application of information systems in management of the incorporated territorial communities.
In work the analysis of essence of territorial communities is carried out(spent), the material and financial basis of local self-management is determined. It is offered resources of the incorporated territorial communities to group thus: а) nature-geographical - ground, wood, water, mineral-raw, biological and power; б) economic - material (movable and immovable property, communications), financial (incomes and expenses of the budget, grant, subvention, grants), human and non-material (information, technology, communications).
Is proved, that the condition of effective management of the incorporated territorial community (ITC) is creation of modern information systems, development of effective mechanisms of the tax, processing and representation of the information, procedures and means of an exchange of the data.
The information control system ITC is developed which is complex electronic information-analytical system of automation of activity of the incorporated territorial community. The system contains three mainframes: the population; the finance and real estate.
Is proved, that the introduction of an information control system ITC will give an opportunity to organize work so that operatively to satisfy all information needs of the workers ITC, to increase efficiency and efficiency of management, planning and use of all resources of the incorporated territorial community. -
Goroshkova L., Volkov V., Karbivnychyi I. Application of information systems in management by energyefficiency and energysavings in a housing and municipal services.
Is proved, that low energyefficiency of a housing and municipal services creates threats for a financial condition of territorial units and is by an obstacle for their development. The carried out(spent) research of dynamics of change of volumes of thermal networks in the Zaporozhye area which is taking place in a shabby and emergency condition. Is shown, that the extensive character of efficiency is warm of consumption in the Zaporozhye area, in our opinion, can be explained by two reasons: by presence of losses of heat owing of energyinefficient inhabited fund; by presence of losses of heat in networks is warm of supply. The necessity of management of consumption of energy as by the tool for reduction energyconsumption by budget and municipal objects with use of information technologies is proved. The developed automated information system of the tax, account, analysis and use of the data about энерго consumption on objects of budget sphere and housing and municipal services intended for satisfaction of information needs of bodies of local self-management, territorial bodies of state authority both urban community and increase of efficiency and efficiency acceptance of the administrative decisions concerning rational use of power resources and formation of the offers for optimization of a level their use.
Ecological-economic analysis and its influence on the formation of the state's innovation strategy.
The work analyzes the desire and the ability to achieve in any short time the economic benefits of enterprises in the industrial or social sectors or society as a whole primarily causes pollution of nature, which in turn leads to the destruction of the ecosystem, and as a consequence of the loss of part of GDP at the expense of expenditures. Analyzing the factors of the impact of economic growth on the state of the environment through the impact of human activities, it was found that almost all countries of the world were adopted preventive measures, namely, integrated environmental programs, the implementation of which involves the use of a multi-level system of measures. Thus, it can be argued that environmental protection is primarily a global problem, which is a consequence and an integral component of the economic development of any country in the world, and its global nature leads to the formation of common elements of a common environmental policy. In developing and implementing environmental policy, it should be consistent with the canons of economic policy, namely, implemented through indicators of environmental and economic analysis, assessment of natural resources, state of the environment indicators, assets of natural resources, primarily limited and non renewable resources. Environmental policy should be aimed at supporting the chosen course and the pace of economic growth by monitoring environment, stimulating economic and financial results, developing management mechanisms and creating an additional market of ecological and economic services for the purpose of implementation, distribution of energy-intensive technologies, non-waste or low-income industries at all levels. management from enterprise to state. The formation of innovation strategy includes the stages of analysis, goal setting, strategy development, the choice of the optimal option, and, finally, the creation of conditions for the implementation of the strategy. In the process of implementing an innovation strategy, in the development and implementation of measures and tactical plans, control can lead to a situation in which the implementation of innovation, as a high-risk activity in its essence, would run counter to the investment policy. This, in turn, can either worsen the financial position of the enterprise or lead to a rejection of the developed innovation strategy. Consequently, the stages of designing an innovation strategy should include analysis of the financial constraints identified by the chosen investment policy.
Proactive management of labor potential at an industrial plant.
In the article the mechanism of management of labor potential of an enterprise was investigated and improved, and interaction of the enterprise functioning environment with the management and management system of the enterprise will be investigated and based on the appropriate adaptability and proactivity of the personnel and their consistency with the strategic task of forming the potential of an industrial enterprise. It allows to determine the objective need of labor resources for the formation of proactive type of potential. The introduction of the mechanism for managing the labor potential of the enterprise contributes to the increase in the efficiency of the use of the labor potential of the personnel and its further development on the one hand contributes to the successful and stable development of the enterprise, and on the other - the growth of the level of confidence on the part of the staff and society as a whole, which can best be reflected in the company's dedication . Taking into account the variability of personal characteristics under the influence of various vital factors, it is expedient to determine their definition by the personnel services of enterprises annually or more often in the case of workers' appeals, as well as in detecting deviations from the norms of behavior.
An improved scientific and methodological approach to human resources formation, which is to add a labor productivity proxy, allows us to determine the proactive type of labor potential that helps to prevent its inefficient use.
Perfection of the financial system as a guarantor of economic stability
In the article, the author points out that the state budget, being the central link of the financial system, plays an indispensable role in the development of material and non-material production industries. Therefore, the main priority of the state economic policy, including fiscal policy, in 2017 was the dynamic development of the non-oil sector, as well as an increase in the share of this sector in non-oil GDP and budget revenues. Significant investments in large scale in the economy of Azerbaijan became possible with the oil strategy. In this sense, the signing of the "Contract of the Century" meant the implementation of huge projects that create a favorable ground for the integration of the Azerbaijani economy into the world space.
Strategic road maps on the national economy and the main sectors of the economy will ensure its greater growth of competitiveness, inclusive economy and social welfare.
Thus, in order to eliminate dependence on oil revenues, a number of measures were taken. A strategic roadmap for the national economy and the main sectors of the economy will ensure its greater growth in competitiveness, inclusive economy and social well-being. Responding to global challenges as a result of attracting investments, will allow the development of a free business environment, access to the markets of human capital Azerbaijan, which in turn will strengthen its positions in the world economy and enter the group of high-income countries.
P. Korenyuk, O. Bobyr. Improvement of investment activity of food industry enterprises in conditions of reforming the tax system of Ukraine.
The article presents the results of a study of the investment attractiveness of the food industry in Ukraine, the investment activity of food enterprises and the relationship between the profit tax and the investment activity of industry enterprises. The dynamics of the volume of sales of food products in Ukraine in absolute terms and in percentage of the volume of sales of the industry is characterized. A certain role of the food industry in the country's economy. The dynamics of profitability of enterprises producing food products, by types of profitability and by categories of food products are analyzed. The main indicators characterizing the property position of food enterprises are considered. A comparative characteristic of costs in industry and in the food industry is presented. The current state of investment activity in the food industry is analyzed. According to the results of 2016. the ratings of capital investment of the food industry by regions of Ukraine and the share of capital investment of the food industry in the total volume of investments in the regions are compiled. The regions-leaders and outsiders of ratings are determined. An econometric model of the relationship between the investment activity of enterprises of the food industry and the main motivator of entrepreneurial activity, a corporate profit tax, has been constructed. The degree of interrelation is determined and the forecast of investment volumes is made provided that the tax rate is further reduced. Key problems that prevent the development of the food industry are formulated. The main measures on the part of the state that will promote the activation of investment processes in the industry of the country in general and in the food industry in particular are determined.
Yu. Kovalenko. System integration of information resources in the prospect of development of regional information management.
The article has a scientific-methodological and scientific character. The article considers the issues of the possibility of creating a regional information system for the integration of information resources to ensure the adoption of quality management decisions by the regional government. The regional policy in the field of formation of information resources and informatization should be aimed at creating conditions for efficient and high-quality information support for the management tasks. Regional information resources contain information and means of access to knowledge. The integration of information resources can be solved within the framework of the design and creation of a unified regional information system (RIS), which includes a software package, as well as regulatory documentation, and provides management of labor, material, financial, natural and other resources in the region. The author of the article introduces the concept of "regional information resources", examines the tasks, principles and stages of building the system of information resources integration in regional information management. As a scientific novelty, the author considers the concept of "information cost" and provides a formula for creating additional information costs in the management process. The article deals with the notion of "information value" as a criterion of its quality, which is the basis for assessing the effectiveness of using information resources in the process of making managerial decisions. Attention is paid to the protection of information. To address these issues, it is necessary to develop methodological bases of protection that could be taken into account not only the prospects for the development of information technologies and systems, but also the prospects for the special means of preventing information threats development.
Problems of formation and development of labor potential of enterprises in Ukraine
The article defines the concept of "labor potential of the enterprise" and generalizes it. The process of formation, use and development of labor potential in Ukraine in recent years was analyzed. The factors of the formation and development of labor potential were determined. The strategic directions of formation and development of labor potential of Ukrainian enterprises for solving problems of its effective use were determined. The most important factor in the development of labor potential is vocational training. Significant changes are required in the financing and organization of vocational training of labor potential, namely, the unification and coordination of efforts of central and local executive authorities, representatives of the educational sector and employers, which will ensure the balancing of supply and labor supply in the labor market in priority areas development of the economy of the country and the economy of Ukraine by skilled personnel. The involvement of employers in the process of training, retraining, staff training and updating the educational material base of educational institutions, the content of vocational education, the development of social partnership, is a decisive factor in the development of education and further development of the country's economy as a whole. The peculiarities of approaches to substantiation of labor potential formation expediency of enterprises were generalized. It was proved that the process of forming the labor potential of an enterprise is a complex economic system with certain properties.
Y. Zharyk, N. Нurzhii. Analysis of manager’s leadership influence on the results of the machine-building enterprise performance.
The key to a successful performance of the enterprise is the presence of the leader who manages it. This issue is particularly relevant for domestic machine-building enterprises, since it is an urgent problem for them to provide their products with a competitive level in the global industry market. The urgency of the research is due to the fact that in the conditions of the globalization of economic systems, competitive advantages are achieved at the expense of human capital. Effectiveness of the enterprise can be increased by implementing a leader's influence on subordinates. The scientific value of the work is to systematize the theoretical aspects of the leader's influence on subordinates under the four keys of the leader's influence: self-promotion, creation and support of trust, usage. The four tactics of leadership influence are described in detail: rational belief, inspired call; consultation and cooperation. It is proved that in order to achieve personal and team success, the leader must focus on four key factors: subordinates, direction, change and result. Peculiarities of formation of leadership qualities in the head of the enterprise are proposed. The integral leader model is considered. The authors have analyzed the dynamics of the main indicators of the effectiveness of leadership influence on machine-building enterprises of Motor Sich PJSC, Zaporizhzhya Mechanical Plant PJSC, Zaporizhtransformator (ZTR) PrJSC and JSC «Berdyansk reapers» in 2012 – 2017. According to studies conducted on the leadership influence of the managers’ of leading machine-building enterprises in Zaporizhzhya, a high leadership role in the two companies had been revealed. That makes it possible to propose a series of measures to optimize the managers of enterprises’ leadership impact, where their leadership influence is less productive.
R. Tulchinsky. The methodic approach to impact assessment state and regional policy to the state regional modernization in conditions of new regionalism.
The article proposes the improvement of the methodical approach to assessing the impact of the state regional policy on the regions’ modernization in the conditions of a new regionalism formation. The proposed methodological approach to assessing the impact of state regional policy on the modernization of spatial economic systems in the conditions of a new regionalism formation consists of seven stages, namely: theoretical and conceptual substantiation of the methodological approach; justification of partial evaluation indicators; standardization of partial indicators; finding of weight coefficients of standardized indicators; calculation of the integral index of socio-economic development of regions; calculation of the complex integral index of the module of functions of a new regionalism formation; assessing the influence of the functions of a new regionalism formation on the socio-economic development of the regions. The scientific novelty of this article is that, in contrast to the existing methodological approaches, in order to assess the impact of the state regional policy on the regions’ modernization in the conditions of a new regionalism formation, the use of the L.S. Pontryagin’s principle of maximum. The justification for using the L.S. Pontryagin’s principle of maximum is that: firstly, most of the optimization methods consider target functions without ascertaining the influence of the control functions of processes that in one way or another affect the solution of the task. The L.S. Pontryagin’s principle of maximum, on the contrary, allows you to perform optimization of the target function, and to find optimal functions for managing the process, in our case, the process of a new regionalism formation, which accompany this target function in the input problem; and secondly, the L.S. Pontryagin’s principle of maximum allows to abandon complex methods of solving this problem; thirdly, the L.S. Pontryagin’s principle of maximum provides proof of the method of dynamic programming on the linear approximation of optimal controls.
T. Logutova, M. Pelikhova. The economic paradigm of strategic management of enterprises in the conditions of a "new" economy.
The article contains facts about the significant impact of business globalization, which largely affects the activities of industrial enterprises in Ukraine. In recent years, the world economy has made a transition to a post-industrial society, the main features of which are the social orientation of economic systems, the subordination of economic development to the tasks of a human. Enterprises should react to the changes in the market environment and adapt themselves to the "new" economy. Ukraine needs an innovative economic recovery and this requires the creation of a new paradigm of the industrial enterprises management. Investigations of the influence factors on the formation of the economic paradigm for the industrial enterprises management in the conditions of a "new" economy have shown that these include: new forms of management, methods of communication, the influence of the institutional environment, globalization processes. Researches have shown that there is no single strategy for managing industrial enterprises. In each particular case, the strategy is formed for each specific enterprise, but common for all enterprises is that the formation of a new system for the management of industrial enterprises combines three elements: tactical, operational and strategic management. The peculiarity of the modern economic paradigm is the use of situational management in the management activities. We point attention to the scientific opinion that the processes of forming a management strategy are connected with the strategic potential of the enterprise, which is considered as a range of opportunities, resources, sources of achieving of the enterprise’s strategic goals.