No. 32

Published: 2017-06-30


  • Title page

    Title page
    Title page
  • Gonchar V., Maltsev M. Methodology of the environment influence evaluation on the enterprise activity.

    Вікторія Василівна Гончар, Максим Миколайович Мальцев
    It is generally proved that in today's business world, the degree of influence of the companies’ activity environment is very high. It was proposed to understand under the external environment of the enterprise the totality of the external factors that influence its business activities, which require constant monitoring, control and evaluation during the change and determination of the future for its functioning. A study of factors that influence the activities of Ukrainian enterprises of maritime transport, peer review helped identify components of the external environment of the enterprise. According to the levels the external factors can be divided on the global and on a national scale. The structure of these factors is divided into three groups (market conditions, political, technological), which will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the company. Exploring of certain global and national factors should be analyzed not only by their state and dynamics of changes in the reporting period, but also according to the possible directions of changes in these factors in the future based on current trends. For the practical application of evaluation of the enterprise external environment was generalized the  methodology for assessing the external environment of the maritime transport enterprise, which consists of five stages: assessment of the real impact of the environment; assessment of the future impact of the environment; assessment of the level of instability; definition of the strategic gap between the degree of the future and the real impact; assessment of performance of the enterprise, taking into account the degree of influence of the environment. This approach not only provides the analysis of the environment, but also determination of the tendencies of its development using scenario forecasting. Practical application of the proposed method has allowed predicting the main indicators of activity of the enterprises of maritime transport.
  • Kapranova L., Kapranov M. Development and current state of e-commerce in Ukraine.

    Лариса Григорівна Капранова, Максим Андрійович Капранов

    The article attempts to make an analysis of current trends in the field of trade. Identified current trends in trade. It was determined that the most promising is electronic commerce (e-commerce). Presents (Top 10 ecommerce) leading countries, turnover of billion dollars. It is proved that the undisputed leader in e-commerce in terms of the share of e-commerce in GDP in favor of the Asia-Pacific region. The pace of its e-GDP of 3.3% is significantly higher than the world average which is 2.6%. Middle East, North Africa and Latin America are at the bottom of the list of e-GDP of 0.8%, it may indicate that in these countries there is significant potential for the development of e-commerce in these regions. But it's slow because the population that has computers, bank accounts and access to the Internet is negligible. It was concluded that e-commerce is becoming one of the most promising for the development of industries, as many of the categories of goods online are growing in the conditions of the fall of the market. With the development of digital technology around the world every day and will increase the volume of ecommerce. In some regions, its share is almost 10% of GDP. Thus we can say that the whole world is on the verge of forming a completely new economy - the digital economy. Thus, we can assume that e-commerce is becoming at present one of the most promising ways to develop not only trade, but also the economy as a whole.

  • Ugrimovа I., Kraivska І., Gryshchenko A. Risk assessment in system of small businesses crisis management.

    Ірина Угрімова, Інна Краївська, Анна Гріщенко
    The paper deals with anticrisis management of enterprises in the conditions of significant influence of external factors. Anticrisis management system, the core of which is risk assessment in economic entities activity is considered. The state of small business and negative influence of outer environment changes on enterprises financial outcomes have been examined. Existing techniques of anticrisis financial management diagnostics, which often do not take into account sectoral characteristics and the size of an enterprise have been evaluated. The author's technique of an integral index of financial risk calculation has been proposed. Formation of an informative indexes system and the mechanism of their implementation, the hierarchies of a financial ratios system based on their factors loading, objectively reflecting both sectoral specific features of businesses and peculiarities of their financial activity, necessary for quantitative risk assessment of small businesses have been used in the process of the technique development. Gradation of a financial risk level, its qualitative evaluation and assessment of crisis level using a certain scale have been proposed. An algorithm for integral assessment of financial risk calculating has been formed. Proposed technique for assessing enterprises financial risk level will allow to identify the priorities for financial management of small businesses and prevent intensification of crisis processes. It takes into account the dynamics of internal financial processes, allows for monitoring and forecasting the magnitude of risk, has objective nature; its relationship with analytical and management processes is of utmost importance and urgency. Proposed technique is a key instrument for financial risk operational monitoring of a financial risk level and diagnosing of the basic problem situations using Ехе1 program.
  • Gurenko A., Potapova N. Modern trends in optimization of the port infrastructure management system.

    Анна Василівна Гуренко, Наталія Миколаївна Потапова
    The role and place of port infrastructure in the marine complex management system has been studied. It was found out that the existing theoretical and methodological approaches do not allow solving multifaceted issues involved in the port infrastructure management. Lack of experience in applying management tools slows down perspective development of ports. Interconnection between macro-, meso-, and microlevels of sea transportation management has been analyzed. The normative and legal base regulating the port operation has been described; its role and impact on the port management system have been defined. The authors give the classification characteristics of the port infrastructure components and define the key rules of its functioning. The existing limitations which influence the decision-making process at the port infrastructure level have been analyzed. The authors consider the approaches to optimizing the port infrastructure management system. The idea of reviewing the existing management instruments and comparing them with a modern complex used in global management applications is put forward. The most important aspects are defined as follows: instruments of administrative, strategic, branch, production, operational, financial, investment, project, personnel, innovation, information, ecological management, marketing management, risk management, quality management, and administration. It is recommended to optimize the port infrastructure management system by way of systematic development of integrated work plans, which should include distribution of functions between structural units taking into account specific aspects of transportation management. The proposed procedures will allow to minimize the risks and losses, improve the results of operational activities and enhance competitiveness of the port infrastructure.
  • Kalinina A. Estimation of strategic potential of the region.

    Анна Геннадіївна Калініна

    The article proves that the management of the complex development of the region for achievement of its competitiveness should be focused on the increase of using the strategic potential of the region. It is possible to be achieved due to complete and timely estimation of the strategic potential of the region. The analysis of the methods of estimation of the strategic potential of the regions has shown the absence of the thorough approach which would consider all components of the strategic potential (both available and acquired). The scheme for the estimation of the strategic potential of the region on management and decision-making levels on the basis of applying a cumulative indicator of the strategic potential of the region is offered. The offered indicator is defined on each component of the strategic potential and is corrected by corresponding weight factors. The use of such indicator will allow defining the conformity of the strategic potential with the complex development of the region. Approbation of the offered scheme for the areas which have entered different clusters by the level of their competitiveness is performed: Zhitomir, Khmelnitskiy, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kherson, Cherkassk areas. By applying Kendel, Fridman and Spirman factors the verification of consistency of experts’ opinions who took part in an estimation is performed and the reliability of the received data is proved. The use of the offered scale of an estimation of the received results allows to analyze the received indicators of the cumulative strategic potential. The comparison of the obtained data with the offered scale of compliance of the strategic potential to the complex development of the region has allowed to draw a conclusion that the strategic potential of Dnepropetrovsk area (82,51) has the highest conformity and Khmelnitskiy area (27,14) has the lowest. The received results do not deny, and on the contrary confirm that there is a direct correlation of the competitiveness of the region and the results of its complex development on that how it uses the strategic potential.

  • Sakal O. Modern issues of lease land use in Ukraine.

    Оксана Володимирівна Сакаль
    Institutional basis of lease land relations, collection of the land tax and lease payments in Ukraine are researched. Nowadays lease of agricultural land – land parcels (shares) is the main instrument generating a profit from land for landowners is proved. New legislative measures – simplification of business conditions (deregulation), intended to promote the development of lease land use is noted. The one of the instruments of direct regulation of rational land use in agricultural commodity production is a minimum term of the lease contract is stipulated. Dynamics of payment for land, which is a component of property tax and includes lease payments, to the Consolidated budget of Ukraine, is analyzed. Dynamics and structure of collection payment for land to local budgets are researched. Land tax and lease payments are among the main sources local budget revenues. The long-term trend of increasing the proportion of lease payments and reduction revenues collected from land tax in the structure payment for land in 2015 has undergone some changes – it was increase in the proportion of lease payments are established. A justly amount of lease payments is due rights and responsibilities of tenants is generalized. The criteria for the recognition of justly amount of lease payments should be complex of indexes: 1) assessment of land according to their real value; 2) the structure and intended purpose lands.
  • Kovalenko A. Methodical approaches to determination of potential ecological modernization of the regions of Ukraine.

    Андрій Олексійович Коваленко
    Necessity of a comprehensive ecological modernization of all kinds of economic and other activities using appropriate scientific concept that provides development of appropriate methodological approaches to assess the potential of ecological modernization at different levels – particularly at the regional is noted. Indicate that methodical approaches to determining the potential and conditions for realization of ecological modernization of the national economy, industrial and social spheres at different levels of social development are not enough developed. Index of potential ecological modernization of regions is proposed calculate as integral indicator of opportunities socio-economic and resource and environmental development of separate territories for getting which uses number a priori indicators. Methodological approaches are determined and calculation index of potential ecological modernization of the regions of Ukraine is done that gave the opportunity to assess the existence of economic conditions for the modernization. Five groups of regions with sufficient, satisfactory, mediocre, limiting and   concerning the content of ecomodernization strategy for these groups are formulated. As a strategy of ecological modernization is recommended to stimulate the development of modern economic base and stabilize anthropogenic pressures for the first three groups of regions, the modernization of the economic base and environmental rehabilitation of territories – for the fourth group, the primary economic base restructuring and environmental rehabilitation of areas – for the fifth.
  • Potapova N., Onishchenko V. Conditions of development of transport-forwarding services in Ukraine.

    Наталія Миколаївна Потапова, Владислав Вікторович Оніщенко
    In article it is noticed that the transport branch is the major component is industrial-economic activities Ukraine which has all modern types of transport and adequate transport communications which answer needs of proof development of a national economy at the order. It is underlined that development of transport which is the major sphere of a social production, is directed on all-round satisfaction of needs of the population in transportations. Formation in Ukraine market relations has led to acceleration of development of the market of transport-forwarding services as changes in the geopolitical status of Ukraine have taken place and the foreign trade communications have considerably extended. In article the analysis of a current state and dynamics of freight traffic in Ukraine for definition of features and lacks of freight traffic inherent in domestic sector is carried out. The structure of a cargo transportation is considered by different types of transport which has allowed to note their greatest destiny throughout the investigated period. It is noticed that despite achievements in the field of transport transportations, the modern transport branch of Ukraine on many parametres does not answer increasing needs of a society and the European quality standards of granting of transport services and demands carrying out of the complex analysis of indicators of dynamics of its development for the purpose of definition of the basic directions of reforming and activity improvement. In article foreign trade activities of Ukraine by kinds of goods traffics in 2013-2015 Authors are analysed are underlined that from the point of view of world experience and modern lines of development of the global market of transport-forwarding services Ukraine is at a stage of formation and branch consolidation, considerably conceding to the western countries, both on quality, and on integrated approach of services which are given by the national transportno-logistical companies.
  • Shamborovskyi G. Optimality criteria of state intervention in the market economy in the world economic crisis.

    Григорій Олегович Шамборовський
    The article reviews the problems of optimal state interference in market processes. The questions of needs for government intervention and its positive and negative consequences for the national economy are analyzed. It studies the conditions in which state intervention in the market is objectively necessary. It proves that to establish a direct relationship between the level of state intervention in the economy and economic development is difficult. At once it was proved that the optimal government intervention could be determined through calculation of economic efficiency of state regulation of market relations and economic processes. The kinds of state intervention efficiency in the economy are specified in accordance with the criteria of ratio of costs and benefits. It was determined that the anticrisis policy of the Ukrainian government during the global crisis of 2008-2009 was ineffective. Summing up, it should be noted that the issue of achieving an optimal level of state interference in market processes is individual for each country. The optimum government interventions directly related to its efficiency. If the definition of performance found that government intervention does not improve the economy, the question of its limitations must be one of the key. Despite the objective need for government intervention in the market subject to the availability of crisis, such influence should also be economically justified and can only be appropriate for conditions to achieve improvements in the shortest periods of time.
  • Borodina O. Legal support of innovative-investment development of entrepreneurship in the modern city.

    Оксана Анатоліївна Бородіна
    The article, based on an analysis of recent trends in economic and social development of contemporary cities, as well as data on the share of revenues from businesses in the city budget, considers theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic management of a modern city, strategic planning and financial security justification organizational strategies to manage city, place of business in the infrastructure of modern cities. The analysis of world experience building relationships with municipalities subjects of various forms of property within the urban economy, and provided guidance for entities in Ukraine as part of citywide planning documents. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of economic and legal issues and innovation and investment aspects of city business. The city is seen as a socio-economic system, one of the main mechanisms for filling the budget is small and medium businesses. The necessity of effective management of resources of the territorial community of the operation and interaction of business facilities and urban infrastructure modeling system of a modern city. Grounded set of methods and instruments implementing strategic areas of the city that take into account the legal and investment aspects of interaction and providing city-forming industries, enterprise wide involvement in the communal area of the city.
  • Markina I. Global trends in implementing the concept of sustainable development.

    Ірина Анатоліївна Маркіна
    In the article substantiates the need for the involvement of the corporate sector in the implementation of the sustainable development concept. Businesses should choose the highest priority objectives of sustainable development and to integrate them into their activities. Currently, the UN Global Compact implements the Global Compact LEAD initiative to attract business leaders in the implementation of the concept of sustainable development based on innovation, experimentation, sharing experiences and establishing partnerships. The corporate sector working within the LEAD to create effective tools for achieving the LRC and collaboration between companies, governments, local communities, civil society, in the interests of sustainable development. The world's best practice in achieving the objectives of sustainable development are considered. The study highlights the main directions of the LRC, such as tools for responsible practices, job creation, participation in the programs of public-private partnership to provide affordable goods and services, the creation of educational programs and community development, R & D, waste management, participation in initiatives UN agencies and other international organizations which are aimed at improving the quality of life, preserve the environment and take care of future generations. Determine the results of a survey of managers on the importance for the implementation of the LRC in the business strategy. This shows that the global business leaders understand the importance of achieving the goals of sustainable development, to coordinate their business strategies with the LRC and take part in its achievement, to provide a competitive advantage and increase the company's reputation.
  • Panyuk T., Gogol T. Finacial sequrity in the context of brand management enterprise.

    Тетяна Панюк, Тетяна Гоголь
    The article presents the results of the research in the field of financial security in the context of brand management enterprise. Overview basic approaches of specialists in this area. The main risks arising from financing activities in the design and brand management enterprise. Characterized types of innovative investment that will strengthen the competitive position of the enterprise. Formed the basic principles of creation and development of brands and underlined their effectiveness. The basic protection measures against threats of financial risks that may affect the implementation of financial strategies to protect the brand of the enterprises. It was concluded that the financial security in the context of brand management is an important strategic condition for the functioning and development of enterprises. After all, the financial security is a condition in which financial stability should be the company to implement its strategy and in the process of creation and brand management company. That company brand is an intangible asset that can increase the value-added goods and improve the competitiveness of enterprises. The financial security system uses a variety of methods and activities that include the regulation and the internal mechanism of brand management company, and system tools that are able to store and effectively use available resources company. The concept of financial security associated with financial risks. Important interests in dealing with them are the maximization of profits and additional investments that are realized through the acquisition of finished and developing its own scientific and technical products, patents, inventions, trademarks. This can be implemented according to the principles of forming and developing brands and building an appropriate system of measures to protect them.
  • Panyuk T., Gogol T. Finacial sequrity in the context of brand management enterprise.

    Тетяна Панюк, Тетяна Гоголь
    The article presents the results of the research in the field of financial security in the context of brand management enterprise. Overview basic approaches of specialists in this area. The main risks arising from financing activities in the design and brand management enterprise. Characterized types of innovative investment that will strengthen the competitive position of the enterprise. Formed the basic principles of creation and development of brands and underlined their effectiveness. The basic protection measures against threats of financial risks that may affect the implementation of financial strategies to protect the brand of the enterprises. It was concluded that the financial security in the context of brand management is an important strategic condition for the functioning and development of enterprises. After all, the financial security is a condition in which financial stability should be the company to implement its strategy and in the process of creation and brand management company. That company brand is an intangible asset that can increase the value-added goods and improve the competitiveness of enterprises. The financial security system uses a variety of methods and activities that include the regulation and the internal mechanism of brand management company, and system tools that are able to store and effectively use available resources company. The concept of financial security associated with financial risks. Important interests in dealing with them are the maximization of profits and additional investments that are realized through the acquisition of finished and developing its own scientific and technical products, patents, inventions, trademarks. This can be implemented according to the principles of forming and developing brands and building an appropriate system of measures to protect them.
  • Vereskun M. V., Zaharov S.V. The effectiveness of management of competitiveness of large corporate structures.

    Михайло Вікторович Верескун, Сергій Валерійович Захаров

    The article analyzes the pace of the global steel market development over the past five years. The dynamics of «Metinvest Holding LLC» Ukrainian companies for the same period of time. The basic tendencies of development of the global steel industry. The analysis of basic production and economic performance of «Metinvest Holding LLC»y. The dynamics of economic indicators: the level revenues, EBITDA, net profit, the value of the company's assets. The dynamics of production indicators: steel production, the volume of iron ore and coal mining. The main reason for the decline and loss of efficiency of the company is to reduce the volume of production of the main products of the company: steel, iron ore and coal. Using the author's methods to assess the level of efficiency of management of competitiveness of the company. Based on the analysis of basic production and economic indicators and the results of the calculation of the efficiency factor of competitiveness management concluded that reducing the efficiency of management of competitiveness of the company «Metinvest Holding LLC». Using calculations proved that the largest decline recorded in the evaluation of the effectiveness of resource management competitiveness. Guide companies need to pay attention to the efficient use of all resources. Important reserve for increasing the efficiency of management of competitiveness is the use of administrative synergies that arise in the management of large corporate structures.

  • Bondaruk Yu. Improving the management of innovative development of machine-building enterprises.

    Юлія Василівна Бондарук
    Study of innovative development of machine-building enterprises has shown the crisis situation of the enterprises. The decline is due to the decline in demand for domestic innovative activity of machine-building production, because the main markets were Russian. The worsening economic and political situation in the country does not allow machine-building enterprises to grow and be competitive. Therefore, implementation of a comprehensive innovation is an important factor in successful business initiatives at machine-building enterprises. Using enterprise modeling is an important component in decision-making. Each of the models is aimed at solving specific problematic elements that can occur in the company during its activities. A methodical approach to the assessment of the necessity and possibility of innovative development of machine-building enterprises, calculated on the set of parameters describing the basic parameters of the enterprise innovation activities, will determine the level of innovative development of various enterprises, analyze the dynamics of the level of innovative development and on this basis to develop measures to improve the situation. Events for management decision-making on innovative activity are developed algorithm.
  • Korzhenevska V. Methodical approach to systemic crisis management in engineering enterprises with the use of economic instruments.

    Вікторія Миколаївна Корженевська

    The article identifies that in order to attract investment into the domestic economy, it is necessary to build transparent, perspective and business system, which is based on an effective crisis management system. This issue must be interested not only to enterprises but also to state authorities. The article focuses on the support absence from the state and banks to domestic companies. Today the possibility of lending financial and insolvent enterprises is significantly limited, as well as the purchase of securities in low-quality issuers. This is, unfortunately, completely eliminates the possibility to restore the economic condition of the enterprises which are in crisis. In connection with the above, management of the enterprises should be personally interested in the application of modern tools of crisis management in the conduct of financial and economic activities. An effective crisis management system along with correctly formulated strategy is one of the most important criteria for the economic success of the enterprise. It is proposed to use a methodical approach to the systematic management of the crisis at the mechanical engineering enterprises, which combines the tactics and strategy of crisis management, and also considers the time factor as one of the main. Each stage of crisis management methodology system implies that the management company has previously developed the anti-crisis program in accordance with the specifics of its activities, which is adjusted in accordance with the existing situation.

  • Bieloborodova M. Modeling the environmental costs of the enterprise as an instrument of their optimization.

    Марія Валеріївна Бєлобородова
    The research set out and the article examines the process of optimizing of the environmental costs of industrial enterprise. Environmental costs are considered in the context of the funds required for the implementation of the environmental program of the enterprise. The main purpose of the research is to construct a linear optimization model of environmental costs of the enterprise of mining and metallurgical complex. In this research methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific concepts, comparisons and mathematical modeling methods are used. The research examines the process of implementation of the environmental program at the enterprise. The mechanism of financing of ecological program’s activities is analyzed. It is proposed to use linear optimization model. The following parameters of the model are considered: effectiveness of the ecological activities, the level of importance of each of the imposed activities, the minimum amount of money required for the introduction of each of the activities. The distribution of the environmental costs of three enterprises of mining and metallurgical complex of the Dnepropetrovsk region is estimated. In this research a linear optimization model of the cost for enterprise’s environmental initiatives is proposed. The process of allocation of funds between program activities is upgraded. Recommendations regarding the optimal ratio of distributed resources are given. The proposed optimization model maximizes enterprise’s own environmental initiative with the minimum level of costs for each of the environmental activities. This model can also be applied in the process of assessing current and capital environmental costs of the enterprise.
  • Korolenko R. Implementation of environmental liability company in the strategic management.

    Ріта Вікторівна Короленко
    The scientific article is devoted to the analysis and substantiation of the role of environmental liability in the enterprise system of its strategic management. The article substantiates the relevance of the study process, implementing enterprise environmental responsibility, which is related to pollution of the environment and the rapid depletion of natural resources, which leads to the misallocation of consumption and criminal irresponsibility. Determine whether the balance between environmental, social and financial results of financial and economic activity of the enterprise. Based on the synthesis of traditional approaches and systemic understanding of the essence of reasonable definitions of "environmental management" and "environmental responsibility", which determined the evolution of their content and tools for implementation of environmental responsibility. Defined the principles of environmental management within the framework of improving the management strategy. Proposed remedial complex, comprising the steps of implementation and elements for the development of a compromise management strategies for companies that operate with environmentally responsible business positions. The main problems of implementation of the environmental liability of the enterprise and the necessity of its increase.
  • Scherstyukova K. Differentiation of royalties for using of subsoil as a tool for the distribution and redistribution of natural resource rents.

    Карина Юріївна Шерстюкова
    The article studies the rent as an economic category, which takes the form of absolute and differential rent. It is emphasized the significance and role of rental methodology in the improvement of the system of payments for subsoil use, which has excessively fiscal nature. It is substantiated the definition of  the basic level of payment for use of subsoil and the need to use the differentiation of payments. It is proved that the rate of payment for use of subsoil is considered as a minimum payment charged from subsoil users irrespectively of the geological features of deposits and their conditions of use. It is noted that the advantages of differentiation of payments in developed countries are not mine- geological and qualitative characteristics that are fundamental in the domestic tax but financial-economic factors. Establishment of the rent and the calculation of rental income should have individual, objective character. It is concluded that the differentiation of payments should be a separate instrument of distribution and redistribution of natural rent and the next step (after installation of the base, scientifically grounded of level) regulating of certain state policy. Fee for use of subsoil as a category of tax on production is not a fiscal tool of extraction of superprofits in subsoil use. Its removal is offered on the basis of the progressive tax profits above a certain level of profitability (normal profit). The rental fee for the use of subsoil may be considered the most important and significant natural resource payment, its share in the structure of fees incoming for special use of natural resources is the highest.
  • Bukharina L., Bezruk A. The role of public administration in the development of small entrepreneurship in Ukraine.

    Людмила Михайлівна Бухаріна, Аліна Олександрівна Безрук
    This paper investigates the role of public administration in stimulating of entrepreneurial activity, the interaction of institution of entrepreneurship with other structural elements of social system. The analysis of small business state in Ukraine was carried out, the factors that negatively affect its development were identified, the ways for overcoming of negative influence on small entrepreneurship in modern conditions of managing were considered. The formation of small businesses and further development of small entrepreneurship in Ukraine has passed a short but difficult way. This is impacted not only by the lack of financial, material, human, intellectual and other resources, but also by the weakness of theoretical understanding of the situation and scientific analysis of real practice of management in the field of small entrepreneurship. Despite a sufficient number of political statements and a considerable number of legal documents, programmes and plans that declare promoting of small entrepreneurship, there is only the basics of the public administration of development of small entrepreneurship. The main condition for the efficient public management of small entrepreneurship development is the increase of the participation degree of the society and business entities in public administration. The formation of responsibility for the welfare of citizens has to be established by not only the state but also civil society institutions, the business community, ensuring a balance of interests of the state, local governments and entrepreneurs by using practice-proven forms and methods of the interaction.
  • B. Andrushkiv, N. Kyrych, O. Pohaydak, L. Melnyk, R. Sherstiuk, S. Spivak. The strategy of consulting development in the management of innovative enterprise development.

    Богдан Андрушків, Наталя Кирич, Ольга Погайдак, Лілія Мельник, Роман Шерстюк, Сергій Співак
    In the article, based on existing experience of innovative processes in terms of economic entities, were identified specific problems, given their evaluation and suggestions to form a strategy of enterprises innovative development in the transformational economy. There were presented the ways of improving their efficiency by administrative factors. The study displays the most suitable methods for assessing innovation processes in terms of efficiency of use of material, energy, labor and other resources such as planning, programming and process modelling and consideration the strategy of innovative development of both the national economy and industrial enterprises which is balanced with sectoral and regional peculiarities. It was established that due to the integrated use of these innovative factors while making the legislation relevant changes it is possible to ensure the efficiency of reforms and prevent the negative crisis in the manufacturing sector.
  • Krylov D. The model of implementation of investment projects on the basis of development of organizational-economic mechanism: the theoretical and methodological aspect.

    Денис Валерійович Крилов
    The article analyses existing approaches of scientists to build models of implementation of investment projects. Described the advantages and disadvantages of existing models of implementation of investment projects. Improved model of implementation of investment projects on the basis of development of organizational-economic mechanism, which is based upon investment, economic, organizational components, and which allows to establish connections between the mathematical methods of project evaluation. The advantages of the proposed model and described the algorithm of construction of model of realization of the investment project, determined the feasibility of using organizational-economic mechanism.
  • Klenin O. The structural model of "competence portfolio" of strategic consulting in the national innovation system infrastructure.

    Олег Володимирович Кленін
    The article deals with the theoretical aspects of the concept of "competence" and "competence" in accordance with the position of the resource-based approach to management. Concepts of interdependence of competence and expertise for strategic consulting were established and they are not synonymous, but they complement each other in the development of the control system. It was determined that the competence of the consultant is the level of educational preparation needed for the solution of tasks given to an experienced specialist. At the same time, the level of efficiency of the tasks will depend on the competencies that are valuable for the company relative to its competitors, and provide access to different markets in order to increase competitiveness. In the author's view the key competence of expert scientists and practitioners consultants consulting of  company should be presented in the form of a "portfolio of competences". It is proved that in determining the competencies of the company include, as a rule, the strengths of the company's employees, the degree of efficiency of use of abilities in the interest of the company, the quality of the organization and the coordination of individual efforts. It is proposed to constitute the "competence portfolio" include the following competences: integrative; sotsialno psychological; organizational; information technology. The author of the formed structural model of "competence portfolio" of strategic consulting in the infrastructure of the national innovation system "strategic consulting", which is an individual type of organization of subject-specific knowledge consultants (academics and practitioners), which should correspond to the ability to form and implement effective operational and strategic decisions in the process of provision of consulting services. With this approach, the structural model "portfolio of competences" Strategic Consulting creates competitive advantages in the control system of innovative development of enterprises and the impact on their competitive positioning.
  • Goroshkova L., Volkov V. Influence of innovation activity of the enterprises on economic safety of machine-building branch of Ukraine.

    Лідія Анатоліївна Горошкова, Володимир Петрович Волков
    In work the research of influence of innovation activity of the enterprises on a condition of economic safety of mechanical engineering of Ukraine was carried out. Is established, that during 2010 - 2014 the indexes of industrial production of the enterprises of mechanical engineering were reduced, the insignificant improvement of a situation is observed in 2015. The rates of growth of innovation activity enterprises in branch a little bit have increased in 2011 and 2014. But all this is observed on a background of general decrease of quantity of such enterprises. It has given the bases to reach a conclusion, that the mechanical engineering within analyzed years is at a stage of recession of manufacture and decrease of innovation activity of processes at the enterprises of branch. The analysis of the received results has allowed to make a conclusion, that the motor industry of Ukraine for the last few years is at a stage of system crisis. Concerning other kinds of activity - under certain conditions there are bases to hope, that due to increase of innovation activity of the enterprises, possible there is an exit from crisis. Is proved, that for increase of a level of scientific - technological safety of the enterprises of machine-building branch it is expedient to determine such directions: support and development of a fundamental science; creation of new technical knowledge and scientific services; encouragement of innovation activity of the enterprises of branch; creation of innovation of an infrastructure, which structure includes the highly skilled staff, modern technological base, legal and organizational systems of protection, system of the communications; organization of activity on development and wide introduction of progressive industrial technologies: on the basis of development of the international communications, through joint venture; on base already of available industrial and technological potential. Recognizing that mechanical engineering concerns to branches third and fourth level, which dominate in a national economy, expedient there is an introduction of measures with the purpose of overcoming the negative tendencies in their development, which undermine economic safety of the country.
  • Suvorkina O. The mechanism of investment of a transport infrastructure.

    Оксана Олегівна Суворкіна
    In article necessity of working out of new, more effective approaches to the maintenance and development of transport systems is underlined. It is underlined that mechanisms of regulation of investments into development of a transport infrastructure assume use of the long-term approach to acceptance of investment decisions which provide achievement of the co-ordinated purposes of a policy. In the article foreign experience of financing of a transport infrastructure is considered. The adjustment form and financings of projects in a transport infrastructure on the basis of experience of Great Britain and other EU countries is recommended. Are reasonable positive and negative sides it is state private partnership. Possible directions of development financing of a transport infrastructure are considered. Advantages of introduction of system RAB - Regulation and the basic making models RAB - Regulations are resulted. It is presented changes of structure of the tariff with transfer of infrastructural service after introduction RAB - Regulation. It is underlined that is necessary both on state, and at regional level to make the decision concerning test of a new method of formation of the tariff. The basic indicator which defines a performance level within the limits of the given method of formation of the tariff - an index of efficiency of operational costs. Further technique RAB due as much as possible to consider interests of all economic agents, to be in details studied and to supply equation of the accepted decisions, considering restrictions and possibilities of its application in actual practice managing.
  • Morozova S. Innovative development of the global economy: a theoretical aspect.

    Світлана Анатоліївна Морозова
    The existing theoretical basis of existing research on major aspects of innovative development has been analyzed, taking into account the fact that the globalization of world economy has brought about a number of new economic opportunities and has diversified the methodology of competition. The concept of innovative world economy development has been studied; the said concept, over the course of its development, has gone through several successive stages, which have been extensively enough covered in works of foreign and domestic economic science. It has been determined that a unified approach to interpreting the term “innovation” does not exist in foreign economic science. It is thus proposed, while taking into account the radical changes taking place  in the global economy today, to understand the concept of innovation as “the results of transforming ideas, developments and research into new or improved socio-economic, scientific or technical solutions, the results of which should be publicly recognized, i.e. find use in current and future practice. The main methods for determining innovative development and its impact on economic development have been inspected. The factors determining the unevenness of economic development have been divided into two main groups: first, the factors of innovative nature, such as the financing level of innovative activity in a country, especially the NIS, or the legal basis of managing innovation; second, the factors having a general economic influence, such as the education level in a country, the level and dynamics of GDP per capita. It has been concluded that building the research methodology for studying innovative economic development should be based on considering two components: the industrial policy and the foreign economic component.
  • Schukin A. Conceptual approach to managing risk in marketing innovation activity.

    Олександр Ігоревич Щукін
    The article describes and systematizes the methods of market risks in innovation activity. It is established that the management of new types of products that are not focused on demand products, and offer ideas on innovation, innovation is classified according to the intentions of the following characteristics: volume; feature; complexity; severity; value; risks. Success in business management provided provided a flexible and adequate adaptation to the environment, accounting and risk management. In the article there are the category of risk and market risk. The conceptual apparatus to the essence of the concept of "marketing risks in innovation enterprises" are improved and are defined as a set of risks that arise at all stages of the life cycle of innovative products and reflects the degree of deviation from the objectives as failures, the amount of damages under the influence of internal and external factors the implementation of marketing activities. Risk classification marketing innovation of enterprises highlights the risks of a false choice target segment, the lack of market segmentation, selecting false sales strategy, ineffective advertising campaign, insufficient funding for innovation, failure of commercial contracts associated with the rights of ownership of an innovative project are improved. The article gives step by step algorithm qualitative analysis of marketing and risk behavior of his subjects to adopt; scheme of quantitative analysis of the marketing risk. The author grouped the following methods in risk management of marketing innovation of enterprises avoidance, localization, dissipation compensation, retention, transfer, reduce marketing risks.
  • Sivachenko O. Aspects of management of marketing communications performance in the internet.

    Олександр Вікторович Сиваченко

    The article deals with management aspects of marketing communication on the Internet. Much attentionis given to importance of evaluation of traffic channel’s ability to involve the target audience for visiting the company's website. Resent researches of domestic and foreign scientists regarding issues of management and evaluation of online communications are briefly reviewed. Regarding the effectiveness of traffic sources objective data are shown. The clarification method of statistical data which is based on the use of references utmmarkup is introduced. It’s stressed that possibilities to increase the involved target audience volume with reducing unit costs is highly important. It is noted that the use of additional markup options allows to receive information about traffic sources, as well as to determine the position at which ads have appeared, reveal kind of placement which is used by advertising system and other analytical data could be received. It is shown that the use of additional markups of Google provides information on the topics of placements, keyword match types and other essential information about the origin of the traffic thatisn’t available by default. The proposed method provides information on the advertising system, the type of campaign, its title and wording of the keyword (for the contextual advertising). It is noted that more precise data analysis allow to adjust the existing advertising campaign so as to receive a greater volume of orders from the site at a lower costs for involving them. It’s stressed that utmmarkup use has a great potential in the management of modern marketing communications of machinery enterprise.

  • Makazan E. Direct-mail as a powerful direct marketing tool.

    Євгенія Василівна Маказан
    This article has considered  one of the tools of the direct marketing such as a  direct mail, through which the company can build a successful direct marketing communications “producer – consumer”. Direct mail has tremendous power of persuasion. It can be used for small transactions and large transactions. Direct mail was, remains and will remain a powerful marketing tool. The following conclusions: the direct mail appeals have significant advantages in the formation of customer loyalty, as directed at a specific target audience, they are using personal appeal to potential and existing clients that are confidential; the efficiency of direct mail activities depends on the correct choice of the target audience, the relevance of customer database, the correct timing of direct mail campaigns and creativity most appeals to consumers; the basic requirements for direct advertising appeal are: simplicity, clarity, transparency, availability in the advertisement a direct appeal to the consumer and clearly defined position of the goods; the direct mail allows resort to both rational and emotional forms of advertising. Technology direct mail is a powerful weapon in the competition. It can help you attract new customers, expand their business and earn high incomes.
  • Cherep A., Leibovych A. Improvement of personnel management styles Under influence of management culture of an enterprise in the machine-building industry.

    Алла Василівна Череп, Алла Валеріївна Лейбович

    The axioms of industrial enterprises` management styles through personnel are examined. Correlation of personnel management styles and enterprises` development strategy is set. Influence of a client’s loyalty level on enterprise’s innovative potential is definite. The analysis of internal and exploitation conditions designate targeted mission and strategy of enterprise’s development. After examining situation, we came to a conclusion that global corporations have to be converted to the level of line directors and their deputies. The fact that key productive indexes must be based on methodology of enterprise’s general strategy has been understood. Such system of indexes allows classifying and evaluating workers by their place and value for an enterprise. Levels mean the organization of productivity indexes system. Management styles are improved under the effect of management culture.

  • Rovenska V., Linnyk V. Features of implementation of corporate social responsibility of business in Ukraine and Turkey.

    Вікторія Ровенська, Вікторія Лінник
    The article discusses the priorities and mechanisms for implementation of CSR, which must adhere to socially responsible enterprise. Attention is paid to differences in the understanding of the CSR concept in Ukraine and Turkey.  For companies in Ukraine CSR - is not a voluntary thing, "commitments to the Ukrainian society."  The differences between the interpretations of CSR Ukrainian companies - hardly noticeable.  That is, Ukraine has no clear idea managers and employees of companies with respect to corporate social responsibility concept of business and its importance in the life of the enterprise.   In Turkey, CSR is essential for companies and firms not only to become more competitive, but to make employees more active, save the environment and o support the community.   The article paid attention to varieties of reporting on corporate social responsibility. It should be noted that recently in Ukraine have begun to use the form of ISO 26000. reporting in Turkey, the organization for reporting on CSR also used similar forms and methods of reporting.  The greatest demand among Turkish firms reporting form uses the Standards Board of the International Integrated Reporting.  After analyzing the information, it can be argued that in Ukraine, the growing level of business awareness of the social responsibility concept.  But to ensure the effective implementation of the system of corporate social responsibility concept of close cooperation between government, business and society.
  • Nazarov V. Financial infrastructure impact on competitiveness in modern business.

    Вугар Назаров
    In the article the author points out that at the moment the country is taking steps to consistent implementation of economic reforms, improve the business environment, the development of non-oil sector on a par with oil. Therefore, at the present stage of development of the state implemented protectionist policies to protect domestic producers from foreign competition and the policy of import substitution. Therefore, attraction of foreign investments into the economy of the country is an important part of the strategy of economic development of Azerbaijan. The economic development of the country in recent years has contributed to the growth of interest of foreign countries in investing long-term investments in Azerbaijan's economy. All this testifies to the fact that Azerbaijan's economy is currently being integrated into the world economy, including foreign investment. Implements the state program on socio-economic development of regions, the non-oil sector of the economy. It should be noted that the geographical location, hydrocarbon reserves, the rich resources of precious metals and building materials, as well as a favorable climate for agriculture and tourism creates many opportunities for local and foreign investors. In the current economic conditions the survival and development of a business entity depends on its level of competitiveness. The high competitiveness of the company is a guarantee of high returns in market conditions. Thus, the geographical position, hydrocarbon reserves, the rich resources of precious metals and building materials, as well as a favorable climate for agriculture and tourism creates many opportunities for local and foreign investors.
  • Èminov Anar. Main priorities of Azerbaijan – concept of development and strategic outlook to forward.

    Анар Эминов
    In the article, the author states that the most fundamental question in the context of globalization is to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the economy, which, in turn, will ensure its progress on the basis of innovation and enable push to the fore the adequate development of human capital, which is of decisive importance. Information and communication technologies, which are developing rapidly and are distributed in the first decade of XXI century to the present day, and received in connection with this new impetus to the processes of globalization have a positive impact on the socio-economic life of the country. Therefore, in a globalizing world is unthinkable accelerated pace of changes in economic and business processes, replication of innovative innovations and their applications in the industrial sector expanded with the activation of innovation activity on a new plane. This is actually it is "positively charged" effect of globalization, which allows an increasing number of countries to take up the achievements in innovation, advanced technical standards and new management methods. Thus, the main task at this stage is to accelerate the diversification of the economy, and maintaining in the coming years a high rate of non-oil sector, regardless of the level of oil revenues, increase competitiveness and expand export opportunities.
  • Belous-Sergeeva S. Formation of entrepreneurial culture.

    Світлана Олександрівна Білоус-Сергєєва
    Effective development of a market economy requires the establishment of a competitive production on the basis of a new economic philosophy and in its turn, dictates the need to train a new generation of professionals with a high level of entrepreneurial culture. Entrepreneurs need to find reliable partners and associates. We must be ready to compete. The company generates a certain environment, around itself to affirm respect for the individuals to realize natural human ambition, and a desire for self-realization and self-affirmation that gives off creativity, giving for activity sphere, a sphere of efforts application and serves as a type of management. Entrepreneurship becomes effective when its management staff and its the head will be professionally trained to look for the best options of doing business. A culture of entrepreneurship plays an important role in the functioning of the enterprise. It provides not only a high prestige of the company but enhances production efficiency, improve product quality and services, consequently, an increase in profits. Culture determines the way businessman communicate with their customers, partners, employees and other people in the course of their own business. Culture of the entrepreneurship reflects the appropriate set of rules, requirements, knowledge and the ability to behave in business. Culture of enterpriseship requires the ability to organize its production and commercial activities to combine success in business with the creation of such conditions in which workers are the most satisfied with the performance.
  • Sh. A. Abbasova, M.Sh. Orujova, T.V. Orujova. The econometric model of the influence of the volume of foreign investments on volume of GDP.

    Шаргия Аббас Аббасова, Малахат Шамиль Оруджева, Туту Вагиф Оруджева
    The article is devoted to assessing the impact of foreign investments in Azerbaijan's economy in the GDP. The regression model assessing the impact of the volume of foreign investments in Azerbaijan's economy were built in the volume of gross domestic product. The results show that the constructed model is adequate and they can be used for prediction. On the whole, the inflow of foreign investment in the economy contributed to the unprecedented growth of gross domestic product (GDP). GDP is one of the main indicators characterizing the economic situation of the state, as well as an indicator of living standards: the higher the GDP, the higher the standard of living. Foreign investments have a positive impact on economic growth and therefore on the standard of living of the population. Attracting investments help to create new jobs in the recipient country, which has a direct impact on employment and reduces unemployment. Gross domestic product per capita, measured as a ratio of GDP at current prices to the population, is the main macroeconomic indicators. Gross domestic product per capita, measured as a ratio of GDP at current prices to the population, is the main macroeconomic indicators. However, it is direct investment ensured the development of new deposits and helped to create the necessary infrastructure for production and transportation of energy, and also laid the foundation for the development of non-oil sector. Thus, we can conclude that the constructed econometric model is adequate and can be used to forecast the main macroeconomic indicators characterizing economic growth.
  • Khadzhynova О., Burak P. The prerequisites of improving the system of managing strategic changes in enterprise activities.

    Олена Вікторівна Хаджинова, Павло Валерійович Бурак
    The high dynamics of the environment requires the enterprise management to be ready for the changes and to respond to them in due time. The research of changes on enterprises, as the separate direction of the administrative science, began in the middle of the ХХth century. Scientists associate strategic changes with enterprise development, where the conformity of the properties attained by the enterprise as a result of changes in the primary project comes forward as a criterion of its positivity. The consideration of the evolution of views on the problem of changes has allowed to form own definition of strategic changes. Strategic changes are a system procedure which realization forces an enterprise to respond promptly to external and internal transformations assisting permanent development and, in case of timely realization, leading to more effective functioning. The efficiency of realization of changes while realizing the strategy depends on a number of factors: the rate of realization of changes; a degree of control on the part of the management; the use of external structures, for example, consulting ones; central or local concentration of forces. The introduction of a strategy mainly requires substantial changes on an enterprise which can take place during reengineering, restructuring or introduction of innovations. The initial task of forming the strategy of changes is a guarantee of the organization’s effective response to the existent need or problem. The strategy should guarantee the existence or arrangement of conditions, at which the company will hold every prospect of success.
  • Gonchar V., Yakimenko I. The assessment of the impact of external environment determinants on the competitiveness of metallurgical enterprises.

    Вікторія Василівна Гончар, Ірина Юріївна Якименко
    Domestic production today is characterized by far from complete use of management factors providing the increase of its competitiveness. Strategic management is based on the strategy of production development, worked out for the long term that allows it to adapt to realities of the market within a shorter period of time and to react in good time to changes both in internal and external environment. One of such approaches might be working out the strategy of development which takes into account the assessment of the impact of external environment determinants on the competitiveness of metallurgical enterprises. The proposed model provides for impact assessment of external environment factors in three stages. The first stage is identification of the determinants that will directly influence the competitiveness of an enterprise. It is advisable to conduct it on five forces of competition, proposed by М. Porter: competitors, substitutes, customers, branch competitors, suppliers. The second stage requires studying changes of external environment and their threats. This stage is crucial for working out the strategy of enterprise development. The third stage consists in assessing the influence of potential future consequences of changes in the external environment on the future results of enterprise activity. While using this model of enterprise, it is possible to counteract the competition forces and achieve success. Effective realization of the strategy requires: development of purposeful strategic plans for coordination of actions of all subdivisions in the enterprise, concerted team work.
  • Kutsevolova M. Forming an efficient mechanism of regulation Ukraine’s labor-market.

    Маріанна Віталіївна Куцеволова
    The article pointed out that at the present development stage of the state has not established a mechanism of labor-market regulation, as the coordinated interaction of the state, contractual regulation and self-regulation of the labor-market . The scheme of mechanism regulation Ukraine’s labor-market has been proposed. It was found that the construction of an efficient labor-market regulation mechanism is necessary to define its purpose (function ensure the realization of this goal), subjects, objects, principles, methods, and tools of influence factors. It is indicated that the purpose of forming an effective mechanism for regulating the labor market in Ukraine is to achieve an effective balance between supply and demand in terms of volume and structure, improving social standards and improving quality of life. The main and secondary influence factors that contribute to the development of the labor-market. Among the key: the natural-geographic, demographic, economic, social, legislative, legal and political factors. By minor include: organizational, technical and technological, historical, cultural and environmental factors. It was found that labor-market regulation should be carried out through the socio-economic, organizational, administrative, legal and investment leverage. It was determined that in order to build an effective mechanism for regulating the labor-market in Ukraine requires a balanced combination of self-regulation mechanisms, public and contractual regulation of the labor-market; shift of emphasis from the regulation of the labor supply (labor force characteristics) to demand management (quantity, structure and quality of jobs). The advantages of the proposed mechanism is that the interests of employers, educational institutions, workers and the state in the formation of labor-market policies, taking into account the factors of influence on the labor-market, as well as the identification of the main levers of the regulation situation on the labor-market.
  • Kravchenko M., Ketrysh A. Information resources management as a tool to manage social and economic processes in Ukraine.

    Марина Сергіївна Кравченко, Олексій Сергійович Кєтриш
    This article focuses on the management of intangible assets as a social and economic process management tool in Ukraine. The article emphasizes the importance of staff qualifications and its impact on the organization's activities. What further affects not only the individual organization or company, and its total weight affect the image, prestige and the level of the entire state. It is proved that the development of IT has led to the free flow of information, backed by the power of information, has created a situation in the world, when the cultural autonomy of many nations increasingly wound up under the pressure of communication influences from outside, mainly from powerful economies control information market. It is proved that the formation of IP management system for Ukraine at this stage of its development becomes a strategic direction and requires public authorities address the problems arising from a unified methodological positions. State policy in the sphere of national information resources should be aimed at ensuring the promotion of conditions of production, storage, distribution and comprehensive utilization of all types of R & D, free access to them by the citizens and organizations of any ownership, eventually - to increase the efficiency of enterprises and organizations , state authorities and local self-government.
  • Zinchenko O., Zinchenko D. Innovative approaches to personnel management in industrial, recruiting, development and social standards.

    Олена Антонівна Зінченко, Дмитро Сергійович Зінченко
    This article is devoted to improvement of theoretical approaches to innovative HR industry by optimizing processes rektrutynhu and staff consider ways of improving social standards. The author vision of the concept of "recruiting" in view of the role of recruitment in shaping enterprise management system focused on achieving strategic goals. The approaches to the definition of "staff development". Determined that the choice of an innovative way as the main factor of influence on personnel management for economic development raises the problem of the mechanism. The basic elements of an innovative HR management in enterprises. The main stages of the administration. Given the increase of social standards of the enterprise, the mechanism of financial stimulation of enterprises personnel, which reveals the general principles of economic incentives and motivations regarding provision of personnel and allows to form the main components and stages of methods of the personnel material stimulation. This method includes: justification of urgency to stimulate the introduction of professional activity, identify the source of material incentives; determine the parameters and terms of remuneration; development mechanism of formation of incentive fund, the calculation of the value of innovation factors in personnel development (calculation of the proportion of innovative factors in the total value factors of staff); take account of specific production system of material incentives for workers; formation mechanism of distribution of fund to encourage innovative development staff; determine the conditions under which may be reduced or canceled payments from the incentive fund for employees; compliance with terms of economic efficiency presented to the introduction of financial incentives for workers.
  • Boiarynova К. Economic functions as criteria for diagnostics of economic functioning in innovation-oriented development of an enterprise.

    Катерина Олександрівна Бояринова
    The article is dedicated to formation of scientific frameworks for application of economic functions of objects belonged to an internal functional environmental system as criteria for diagnostics of economic functioning in innovation-oriented development of an enterprise. The author has substantiated application of economic functions as criteria of diagnostics according to a method for diagnostics of specialized functions of economic functioning ininnovation-oriented development of an enterprise. As a result, the author determines dynamics of progressive activity of internal organizational functional centers, which form the functional environmental system of an organization as a system of environments connected by the cause and effect relationship. The article contains an author’s definition of an economic function as the functional manifestation of economic operations of objects belonged to the functional environmental system of an enterprise in the process of its functioning in compliance with a purpose. The author has highlighted concise of the manifestation of the analyzed functions in the researched regime of functioning in the context of providing, reproduction, expanded reproduction, and innovative reproduction of economic capacitiesand resources of enterprises for innovative development. The article discloses the content of economic functions of objects belonged to the functional environmental system of mechanical engineering enterprises by relevant classification features. Application of economic functions as criteria of diagnostics enables to analyze the capacity of functional objects, which are belonged to the internal environment of an enterprise, to provide economic functioning in innovation-oriented development.
  • Korolenko S. Organization of the system of budgeting on an enterprise.

    Сталіна Короленко
    In the article the questions of organization of the system of budgeting are considered on an enterprise, as a mechanism of operative management. The component systems of budgeting, failings, advantages and expedience of the use of the system of budgeting in control system by activity of domestic enterprises, are certain. The order of his lead through is offered, that will provide creation of optimum structure, depending on directions and strategy of activity of enterprise for providing of long-term and profitable existence at the market. It is concluded that in the current economic conditions the budgeting of the enterprise becomes more dynamic, flexible system that is closely related to the economic processes in the country, because budgeting is the first step to implement the strategic plan of the company. The role of budgeting in national enterprises primarily is that it promotes the growth of resource efficiency and cost. Another important element in achieving positive results from the implementation of the budgeting system is the correct definition of responsibility centers and providing all necessary authority responsible parties. Analyzed the need to implement budgeting identified strengths and weaknesses, successes and mistakes aspects of budgeting, organization of budgeting in the company talk about the feasibility of using budgeting system management of enterprises.
  • Logutova T. Innovative projects as a tool to solve environmental problems of industrial cities.

    Тамара Григорівна Логутова
    The ecological problems of industrial cities are investigated in the article. The reasons for their occurrence, the nature of accumulated waste are revealed. It is determined that industrial city waste is divided into: industrial, domestic, sewage and industrial-waste water. On the example of the city of Mariupol, sources of accumulation, ways of recycling and processing of wastes are considered. The main sources of industrial wastes are the two metallurgical plants of PJSC "MMK im. Ilyich "and PJSC" MK "Azovstal". Household waste is disposed of in garbage dumps in the city of Mariupol. Currently in the city of Mariupol there are two legalized garbage sites with a total area of more than 7 hectares. One polygon has already been mothballed, and the second, which has expired long ago, continues to be used. Polygons do not meet sanitary and ecological requirements. The features of these polygons are that they contain both industrial and domestic waste. The author of the article believes that innovative environmental projects are an instrument for solving environmental problems.  The analysis showed that the metallurgical plants for the period 2012-2016. Implemented about 10 innovative projects related to the introduction of environmentally friendly energy-saving technologies and equipment. The analysis of the results of the implemented projects testifies to a considerable (in several tens times) reduction of dust, harmful gases, carbon monoxide, sulfurous anhydride and iron oxides emissions. In addition to reducing harmful emissions, the implementation of projects makes it possible to obtain economic benefits from recycling metallurgical waste, in particular, slags and slimes. A radical approach to solving environmental problems is the implementation of innovative environmental projects and, first of all, the project to create and put into operation a plant for the processing of industrial and domestic waste, which will not expand the landfill area and make more efficient use of the city's land resources.
  • Оrlova E. Key personnel recruiting methods for enterprise promіshlenom.

    Елена Николаевна Орлова
    The problems of choice and the integrated application of methods of selection of personnel in the implementation of workforce planning were considered in the article. There were studied the modern features of recruitment (selection) of candidates for vacant positions and instruments of its holding: the interview (interview) test. The HR task to implement effective staff selection taking into account specificity of activity of the enterprise was formed. There were proposed the recommendations for improving the strategy for the personnel selection as an effective instrument of personnel policy of the enterprise. Indicator staff quality was the most important determinant of survival and economic situation of the enterprises.The purpose of this paper is to examine the methods of optimal systems and selection and recruitment procedures, which depend on the specifics of the functioning of modern enterprises, and making suggestions for their use in integrated human resource management practices. Indicator staff quality was the most important determinant of survival and economic situation of the enterprises. Careful selection of staff and the use of correct methods guarantees the quality of its workforce, which in turn ensures the effectiveness of functioning of the enterprise and determines the relevance of research in this direction.Careful selection of staff and the use of correct methods guarantees the quality of its workforce, which in turn ensures the effectiveness of functioning of the enterprise and determines the relevance of research in this direction.
  • Vashchenko V. The main problems in the process of recruiting staff in an industrial plant.

    Валерія Вадимівна Ващенко

    Тhe article the basic theoretical aspects and research methods training. The causes and consequences of the unsuccessful selection of candidates for the position of an industrial plant. The basic problem in the process of recruiting staff and made suggestions for correction selection and recruitment problems personala .Osnovnoy challenge when hiring personnel to work is to meet the demand for workers in the qualitative and quantitative ratio.. Creation of production is always associated with people who work in the enterprise. Hiring a job - it is a series of actions designed to attract candidates with the qualities necessary to achieve the objectives set by the company. This set of activities covering all stages of the recruitment and assessment, training and selection of the reception staff to work The problem of staff selection and further training faces almost every company.The aim of the article is to examine the main problems of the process of recruitment, where the solution to the problem is an optimization-based systems and procedures laid down in the new methods of management, selection and recruitment, which is already dependent on specific people, their knowledge, competence, qualification and motivation. The purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical aspects and methods of personnel search, to make proposals for correcting the problems of personnel recruiting.

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