No. 29 (2015): Вісник Приазовського Державного Технічного Університету. Серія: Економічні науки

Published: 2016-07-17


  • Goroshkova L., Volkov V. Management of the human capital of the metallurgical enterprises

    Л. А. Горошкова, В. П. Волков

    In work is investigated mutual influence of dynamics of loading of capacities and level of use of the human capital of the metallurgical enterprises as indicators of their stable development.

    The positive and negative aspects incomplete loading of capacities are appreciated and is proved, that incomplete loading on 25-30 of % is wholly justified. At her expense, such positive results are reached. Prevention of overproduction in branch. Crisis’s 1974, 1979 and 1989 in metallurgical area, were caused including overproduction of production and consequently in world metallurgical branch the constant attention to a parity of volumes of manufacture and consumption of steel in the world is given. Prevention of loss of profitability. In a situation of recession of manufacture it is necessary to keep up to a crisis level of profitability, instead of to reduce his level at preservation of volumes of use of capacities and simultaneous decrease arrived of the enterprises of branch. Optimization and to raise of efficiency of repair work at the enterprises. At drawing up of the plans of repair work the wholly planned decrease of a level loading of actual capacities with simultaneous increase of quality of these works, completeness of their performance is carried out. Optimization of a level use of labour potential of branch and separate enterprises. The personnel, which temporarily is liberated at decrease of actual capacities, due to be used with the purpose of realization of scheduled repair work.

  • Korneyev M. Conceptual bases of research imbalances movement of financial resources in the economy

    М. В. Корнєєв
    In the article the direction of movement of financial resources in financialisation of modern economies. The system objects impact assessment imbalances movement of financial resources in the economy in terms of the prevalence of the financial sector over the real (social development, economic development, price indices of commodity markets, the stability of the financial sector, the convergence of the financial and real sectors, investment resources). Followed interconnection facilities imbalances traffic impact assessment in terms of financial resources financialisation of the economy with elements of classical model kruhopotokiv (households, firms, market factors of production, goods market, the financial market). Required systematized and auxiliary (optional) indicators to assess the extent imbalances movement of financial resources in terms of financialisation of the economy. The general structure of the integral index of evaluation of imbalances movement of financial resources in financialisation of the economy. Built integral index of financial development (based on use of methods of multivariate statistical analysis). The system of indicators characterizing objects evaluating imbalances movement of financial resources in terms of prevalence of the financial sector over the real economy. Thesis there is determined the components of the conceptual principles of research imbalances movement of financial resources in the economy in terms of its financialisation
  • Bukharina L., Yurtseva H. Implementation of innovative model of employees' motivation in the change management process

    Л. М. Бухаріна, Г. А. Юрцева
    The issue of necessity to involve employees in the innovative changes’ implementation process was considered in the article. Nowadays it is still topical not only financial, but also intangible motivation. Using the effective organizational change management tools, as an element of innovation process, enables enterprises to significantly increase adaptability to volatile conditions of external environment as well as ensure the improvement of internal processes. Creating conditions for effective development is one of the major aims of enterprise’s management. The continuous improvement system is one of the components of Kaizen ideology. It provides the implementation of participatory and promotes employees’ sense of involvement in a common cause, which is a powerful incentive to increase motivation to work. The article offers the optimization model of employee motivation in the change management process of the iron and steel work. This optimization designed to exclude the element of corruption and abuse of official position. Such optimization model based on the concept of participatory management, which involves low- and unskilled workers in the changes’ implementation process, leading to stimulation of employees’ activity and improving motivation, which in turn is one of the basic elements of change management. The improvement based on attracting low and unskilled workers in the process of implementing changes, which will lead to getting these workers’ motivation to work being promoted. In addition a considerable accretion in job satisfaction among these workers and development of continuous improvement as a part of the iron and steel works’ change management process are expected

    Z. Simanaviciene, E. Kisielius
    There is no doubt that marketing communication is one of the parts of business which is considered the key to competitive advantage. But as there is different attitude in definitions in understanding of components that are involved – this paper raise a problem that it is needed to be analyzed, compared in theory and practice. Methodology consists of literature analysis and synthesis and analysis of two companies. Results show that companies usually choose and adapt different elements of marketing communication that are presented in literature and get great results in communication with customers, public and it encourages to do more research and to find out the reason of this success – what are the success factors if it is not the specific set of elements.

    Z. Simanaviciene, J. Sekliuckiene, E. Kisielius
    Problem of the paper - what are possible social entrepreneurship drivers and challenges in Lithuania? As there is a wide global attention to social entrepreneurship from policy makers, academics, practitioners, and the general public, but revealing that the social entrepreneurship theory is still in the stage of conceptualization as different countries have different social entrepreneurship coverage specifics and attitudes to social entrepreneurship initiatives, this work tries to complement the lack of research work relating the social entrepreneurship phenomenon by proposing what is the current situation of social entrepreneurship in Lithuania. Methodology consists of 3 steps - scientific literature analysis, experts interview, social entrepreneurship representatives online survey. Although social entrepreneurship is claimed to be a new phenomenon in Lithuania, there are already some scientific works done and cases to be as claimed as good practises.
  • Tahtarova K.A. The development of migration in the international labor communications: methodological aspect

    К. А. Тахтарова

    The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological bases of formation of the international labor market, which essentially depends on labor migration, which in turn is determined by the situation on the domestic labor markets of exporting and importing countries of the workforce. Achievements STR, structural transformation of the global economy led to the emergence of new traits and characteristics of international labor migration, the transformation of the international labor market. International migration is enhanced in terms of economic relations in the world economy, the characteristic feature of which is the separation of the direct producers from the means of production, and the relationship of the uneven socio-economic development. Thus, international labor migration is one of the factors of the formation of an integrated world economic system, making them a powerful factor of economic development (migration provides the reallocation of labor to meet the needs of the most dynamically developing leads to the concentration of the economically active population in the major economic centers, allows you to master new areas and their natural resources, contributes to the well-being and growth of the professional level of employees).

    The study phases of international labor migration, depending on etapizatsii of the world economy, classification of types of migration in the global economy it is concluded that at the current stage of the global economic system of international labor migration is a system of international economic relations that arise on the movement of labor between countries force to the most advantageous application abilities, its carriers, accompanied by the formation of optimum parameters of the global economic system

    M. Forkiewicz, V. Kolosok, Yu. Mordvytska

    The article describes the scientific and theoretical basis for the organization of logistics management of modern international corporations, owning by assets in mining and metallurgical business in Ukraine and Poland; it had been analyzed the influence of transfer pricing mechanism as one of the main factors affecting on the efficiency of the organization of supply chain of resources (Ukrainian semi-finished goods) to ensure uninterrupted work of the European iron and steel enterprises in a single business cycle; a model of the interaction of transnational corporate assets of a holding group was proposed, that can optimize logistics system (financial, material and information flows) in the chain of formation of added value at each unit of the chain of transmission resources; the expediency and effectiveness of cooperation of Ukraine with  EU (for Poland example) in corporate mining and metallurgical business was substantiated.

  • Antoniuk D. Econometric assessment of business infrastructure impact on business activity in regions

    Д. А. Антонюк

    The work developed and applied the theoretical and methodological basis for a quantitative econometric assessment of the infrastructure business components in regions of Ukraine. The influence of institutional and organizational changes of business infrastructure components on business activity (number of SMEs, the number of employees in SMEs; sales volume per one company) in the regions was established using regression-correlation method. The positive effect of most indicators of business infrastructure component with the exception of certain components of financial and credit (non-bank financial institutions, funds support entrepreneurship, investment, innovation funds and companies), innovative (parks), expert technical (companies that provide services of engineering, geology and geodesy; technical testing and research, the lease of vehicles and equipment) and components of promotion and transfer of products (fairs) was founded because of their specificity and purpose. Scientific novelty of the work is proposed regression dependences of impact the business infrastructure components development parameters on the entrepreneurial activity in the regions of Ukraine.

  • Melikhov А., Fedun K. Restructuring of the steel industry with the help of outsourcing of industrial gases

    А. А. Мелихов, К. В. Федун

    Article is devoted to consideration of expediency of carrying out restructuring by outsourcing in modern difficult conditions of development of the domestic industrial enterprises. In article the concept of restructuring outsourcing and advantage of its using. Relevance of use of industrial outsourcing at the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy is proved. The result of carrying out restructuring in the form of increase of efficiency of activity and competitiveness of the enterprise is defined. Also carrying out the project of outsourcing allows to increase the joint-stock cost and investment appeal of the main business and the service enterprises, gives opportunity to use the latest technologies and to improve quality of management. Three types of outsourcing and its classification are considered in article. The special attention is paid to use of an operational type of outsourcing of energy resources of the metallurgical enterprise. Insufficient study of production outsourcing in comparison with its other scopes of application is specified The problem of a choice of ways of using industrial outsourcing in modern economic conditions of Ukraine is allocated. Advantages of the transfer to outsourcing of process of production of industrial gases are given in the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy. Production of technical gases is considered as one of the processes providing production of steel and cast iron at several stages. The comparative analysis of two models of production of industrial gases at the metallurgical enterprises is carried out. Efficiency of restructuring outsourcing is reached by decrease in product cost, economy of costs of ensuring production of industrial gases and release of these means for development of the basic production. It is also necessary to note that the decision on transition to outsourcing is strategic and demands attentive study. The increasing use the process of production of industrial gases on outsourcing at the domestic and foreign enterprises testifies to expediency of more detailed studying of this question.

  • Tolpezhnikov R. Formation of the mechanism of business - a partnership association of industrial enterprises.

    Р. О. Толпежніков
    Reviewed and analyzed current trends in the matters of development and implementation of the mechanism of forming business partnerships within the United constituents marketing strategy of economic activity. On this basis the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of business partnerships. Discovered the place, content and value of the entity marketing industry in forming business partnerships, and the definition of marketing as a system object of study in the system of business partnership industrial enterprises with the subsequent formation of the concept of integrated marketing activities united industry. Studied mechanism of forming a business partnership strategies: reactive and tactical and strategic proactively. Arranged methodical approach to formation of marketing activities in the industrial enterprise and generalized theoretical and methodological foundations for integrated assessment of effectiveness of marketing activities. Improved organizational support for integrated marketing activities through business partnerships. Grounded forming joint marketing picture market business partners as part of their economic activity. The elements of the mechanism of construction marketing picture market on the basis of building proactive stratagem to create a joint marketing picture market business partners
  • Kapranovа L., Mordvytska Yu. Basics of organization of material and technical supply at enterprises within international vertically integrated holdings

    Л. Г. Капранова, Ю. С. Мордвицька

    The article describes the scientific and theoretical basis for the organization of management of material and technical supply at industrial enterprises within the international corporations that own assets in the field of mining and smelting business in Ukraine; the actual problems of system management of logistics at the national and international enterprises in modern conditions were singled and the methods for their solution were outlined (for example of international holding "Metinvest"), it had been analyzed the main methods - factors of supply chain cost management in an international corporation listed international company «PwC "Audit and Consulting under the relevant research in the field of corporate logistics ;. provided their recommendations for improving logistics management in enterprise resource support consisting of corporations and holding companies.

  • Shcheglova A.N., Bannikov Y.A., Bukreev S.A. Features of development of agro-industrial integration processes are in the context of decision of fuel and energy problem

    А. Н. Щеглова, Ю. А. Банников, С. А. Букреев

    Features of development of agro-industrial integration processes are in the context of decision of fuel and energy problem. The global problem of our century is a power crisis the displays of that all more often result in unprofitableness of agricultural enterprises is considered in the article. Intensifying of problem of power p roviding to results of changes in character of enterprises cooperation of different industries. Particular interest touched the integration processes of agricultural and industrial enterprises in the question of achieving of local sources of raw materials. In the modern structure of business the upright integrated companies occupy leading position, by reason of their higher efficiency, as compared to the not integrated structures. The decision of question of power providing could not take into account another global process that closely with him interlace. The problem of ecological equilibrium is a  manufacturability ecologically of clean fuel became such question. Agriculture of Ukraine has large backlogs for the development. For this purpose it is necessary substantially to promote efficiency of agrarian complex. The considerable prospects of economic efficiency increase of agricultural business are oriented to integration of agricultural production and fuel and energy industry. The new productions of fuel materials that can be directly used as power resources can become the result of such integration. Development of integration processes of agricultural and industrial enterprises of fuel and energy industry is the appropriate and rational process of decision of global problems of economy. However, development into integration connections must come true on mutually beneficial basis taking into account interests of all enterprises. Especially it touches ecological questions.


    M. Nikonova
    Advertising as an instrument of reflexive control over consumers’ demand was investigated in the article, with the objective of evaluating the probability of economic efficiency of its application. Advertising is quite important and delicate market instrument of gaining control over consumers’ decisions. An enterprise, commencing an advertising campaign relies on two important components: psychology and economy. The psychological component seems to be interesting from the point of view of exerting moral pressure on a person. The second one presents interest due to its efficiency, gained form application of the product of advertising. Normally accounting and statistic data regarding the changes on products sales are used for measuring of actual efficiency of advertising. Even though it’s fairly easy now to obtain such data the process of efficiency evaluating still may cause some difficulties. The reason is: the economic effect of advertising is mostly revealed not straight away, it may take some months. This is especially relevant for industrial production, where purchases are not spontaneous and require thorough evaluations and careful considerations. Besides, any changes in sales level may be caused by other factors, which may exert more serious influence than advertising, like, for instance, increase or decrease in the level of consumers’ income or inflation, causing raise of prices and the like. That is why it is very difficult to foresee and measure economic efficiency of advertising.
  • Ocheredco Helen. Evaluation of investment attractiveness of the company during the crisis.

    О. О. Очередько

    The article about the actual problems measurement of investment attractiveness in crisis, as the position of the investor and the owner. At last time problem of evaluation of investment attractiveness focused of current research studies, but the analysis work in this area makes it possible to conclude that the study focused only on certain areas without their synthesized representation. Determined that the evaluation of investment attractiveness should not be limited to the classical financial performance and predict the probability of bankruptcy. To overcome the difficulties of the crisis period, the company should have a supply of necessary production technology, a set of modern information technology to master the technique of data processing to overcome uncertainty, improve the quality of communications. Enterprises must learn and adopt new technologies to increase productivity. In order to take into account the peculiarities of entities for a certain period and in the short term, it is necessary to carry out the selection of variables specific to the object of study. As a result of the expert group in several stages were selected factors determining investment attractiveness at different levels, and performance evaluation. The company must make extensive use of collaboration and cooperation. In modern conditions work during crisis become a daily practice management.

  • Karas O. Marketing aspects of increasing of rail transport competitiveness

    О. О. Карась
    Modern economic realities in Ukraine make new demands on the organization of rail transport. The decline in freight and passenger traffic, increased competition among the transport market participants require Ukrainian Railways search for new methods to attract and retain customers and increase the role of marketing in achieving competitiveness of rail transport. The aim of the article is to reveal the reserves for increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian railways in the transport market by introducing an effective marketing strategy and policy. The article analyzes the state of the transport services market and the place of rail transport on it, the issue of enterprises competitiveness and the marketing impact on it. There is also proposed a set of marketing measures to improve the competitiveness of rail transport such as the construction of an integrated marketing-management system on railway transport, application of diversification marketing strategy based on the development of new businesses related to the main activity of the railways; organization of an effective information system, improvement of service; improvement of logistics technologies, tariff regulation, implementation of  effective communication policy  and so on
  • Muterko H., Benchmarking the management labor potential at industrial enterprises

    А. Н. Мутерко

    The author substantiates the necessity and urgency of using benchmarking in the field of labor potential based on the analysis of the current situation of Ukrainian industrial enterprises. Benchmarking is an exchange of experience between companies with similar business processes and business conditions, to determine the differences in the management and adaptation of the information received to one's own company to achieve the best performance. At present, Ukraine has a number of industrial enterprises, which in their manufacturing cycle have similar options allowing you to make internal benchmarking number. Consequently, after a detailed analysis of the deepening to each profession at each site, the potential of operational efficiency increasing is formed. That is determined by the overall capacity based on the best practice of a unit on a particular site. At the same time the target population is achieved through a variety of activities such as automation, outsourcing, etc.

  • Kushnarenko O. Omni Directional Effects of Globalization in the World Economy

    О. П. Кушнаренко
    The globalization as a complex of phenomenon determined by the general effects of globalization was investigated. Obtained patterns of globalization as a contradictory process of modern world economic development. Analyzed the internal contradictions of the world economy, concluded a multi-directional impact of globalization in the world economy.  Identified positive and negative aspects of globalization. Emphasized the vulnerability of the global economy due to the high degree of economic interdependence among countries, the uncontrolled flow of speculative capital. It was stressed that the impact of globalization on the economies of a multidimensional nature: covers the production of goods and services, the usage of the workforce, investment in physical and human capital, technology and moving them from one country to another. It identifies the main contradiction of the global economical system - the formation within the economically developed countries of the closed economic system: the concentration in post-industrial countries, most intellectual and technological capacity; the concentration of major trade flows within developed countries; This focus investment flows between developed countries; one-way direction of migration flows from less developed to more developed countries. It is proved that globalization is contradictory and multidirectional process that requires regulation at the national and interstate levels, necessitating further investigation of symptoms and the challenges of globalization at the present stage of world economic development.
  • Frolova Zinaida. Strategy of the management is of innovation on the enterprise in the conditions of crisis

    З. В. Фролова
    In this paper, the concept of innovative potential and innovative activity of industrial enterprises and examines their basic elements. Resources marked intensification of innovative processes of the organization. The most effective indicators that can enhance the innovation process of the industrial enterprise. Focuses on what the development strategy of the enterprise during the crisis should focus on the intellectual potential of the organization, which will be to encourage and enhance the creative activity of employees of different links. It is noted that the important point, reflecting the innovative activity of the firms and affect the intensity of innovation processes in the enterprise, is the susceptibility of leadership to innovation and its willingness to implement changes in the economic mechanism of the enterprise risk appetite. It is indicated that the susceptibility of the organization to innovation depends on the size of the company. It decreases with increasing of the enterprise, the complexity of the organizational structure of management, since small businesses are more likely to innovate due to their greater flexibility and mobility, allowing you to respond quickly to market changes adjustments for innovative purposes. Pick out mechanism for activation of innovation activity in the crisis period. Considered it’s of component parts. Is it’s made of analytical review of the organization of work of separate structural components of this mechanism in large industrial enterprises of foreign countries. Highlighted of the main activities to of enhance the individual processes of this mechanism. The attention is focused on the establishment abroad of a new system of knowledge management, as a source of core competencies and competitive advantages, which is in the form of knowledge and the possibility of their control. Formulated for the task of managing the activation of  knowledge that can be applicable to various spheres of industrial companies. Is a block diagram of the management of innovation processes in the crisis period.
  • Novikova Kh. K. Development of internal control standards "Detect fraud and error in the management of the enterprise"

    Х. К. Новікова

    In modern conditions in the management of the enterprise is faced with many problems caused by both external and internal factors. External factors influence the management personnel is very difficult, and bring order to the macro level - the primary task of management through internal controls. An important place in the management of the enterprise belongs to control feature is its effectiveness. With control of the company developed measures to prevent theft and spoilage of products, improved means of maximum preservation of funds and financial resources, the conditions to prevent deviations from the norms of the legislation. Significant volumes of abuse, the Comptroller and Auditor identified as a result of audits of financial and economic activities of enterprises, - the result of weak internal controls. Control encompasses activities and events before they happened, ie at the stage of intentions to carry out a business transaction. This is the main task of internal control at the company. The article suggests a methodical approach to the development of internal control standards "detect fraud and error in business management," which is in its structuring, the disclosure of terms and the content of the sections of the standard. Systematized objects and monitoring parameters to detect fraud and error, with cash and non-cash.

  • Primush D., Momot A. Questions of increasing the economic responsibility of suppliers for the quality of products

    О. І. Момот, Д. М. Примуш
    The questions related to the study of problems of economic responsibility for the quality of goods imported to Ukraine from the countries of Southeast Asia, including from China. In Ukraine is observed the growth of volumes of export and import operations, while the import steadily outstrips exports. The quality of imported products is of the great importance. In particular this applies to consumer goods, which in low solvency of the population have a major impact on the general well-being of people and their quality of life. A large proportion of imported goods to Ukraine falls on supplies from China. The article analyzes the causes that allow products from China to conquer world markets (including the market of Ukraine). The practice of the government of China to prevent the release of poor-quality goods companies was studied. The analysis of the market of imported Chinese goods in Ukraine was carried out. Based on the studies found that the basis of the established practice of supplies to Ukraine, are the next factors: the level of demand of the population; quality of work on the procurement of goods intermediary organizations; the level of consumer culture society. Analysis of the practice of deliveries of production from China to the US and Europe has allowed to formulate a conclusion - entering the Ukrainian market low quality products is evidence of low economic responsibility of organizations for the quality of procurement. This requires the development of a mechanism to increase the economic responsibility and personal responsibility to bring the unscrupulous managers intermediaries

    G. Shvets, I. Meleshko
    The article determines effects that result in confounding regarding competitor’s or other business entity’s sales activity. It has been proved that the confounding with other business entity’s activity may be caused by product appearance. Thus a form shall be considered as an indication that is protected against unfair competition. It has been determined that in case of confounding the following factors are considered: trademark distinctiveness, owner’s range activity and reputation, customers’ information level and similarity of trademarks, goods or services. It has been considered that actions regarding infringements of right for trade name are unfair competition. It has been proved that use of trade name imposes several important duties on its owner regarding its image. It has been concluded that  objects of illegal activity become trade names or other marks that are objects of business entities’ industrial property. Copying or imitation of such industrial property objects results in confounding competitors’ activity by customers, having negative impacts in terms of illegal use of business entities’ goodwill.
  • Borodinа О. Decentralization of power in Ukraine: the content, risks, opportunities and administrative role of civil society

    О. А. Бородіна
    The article, based on the analysis of the latest changes in the regulatory framework for state regional policy and local government reform, a theoretical consideration of the modern state capable of forming territorial communities, fiscal decentralization and practical recommendations given the author's vision of state-building processes. Define the scope and content of local and regional self-government, individual consideration found powers and resources formed the territorial communities. Noted that the strategic goal of the reform is to create a system of governance that is able to provide quality services to the population, because one of the main tasks of the existence of the state is to ensure a sufficient level of access of the population, regardless of place of residence, to receive quality and timely administrative services
  • Kirilenko K., Ponomarova L. Analysis of the architecture and construction legislation as an object of copyright

    Л. В. Пономарьова, К. В. Кириленко
    The article reviews the main issues concerning the usage of the pieces of architecture while carrying out architecture activities based on the in-depth analysis of the civil law theoretical achievements, the current legislation and specific relations in the area of the architecture creativity work, revelation of the regularities and peculiarities of the legal regulation as for these relations.
  • Shykova L, Lastenko I. Analysis of the impact of piracy on the economy of the country and the development of effective ways to combat “piracy”.

    Л. В. Шикова, I. А. Ластенко
    The article describes the historical component of the emergence of the concept of "piracy". The term of violation of copyrights is determined and identified with “piracy” (according to some sources). The types of violations of copyrights are listed, namely: audio piracy, video piracy, piracy of software, piracy of computer, piracy of literary works. The main methods of protection of authorial rights are indicated in the internet: sending letters and claims to the proprietor of site or provider of hosting; judicial dispute; cooperating with searching services for moving off pages from the results of search. The principal reasons of distribution of «piracy» are indicated. The great value of impact of «piracy» on the economy of country is substantiated. The results of the «Special report 301» are analyzed. According to USTR the main problems in Ukraine concerning the level of «piracy» are indicated namely management of the companies which are responsible for collection and payment of royalty to the American legal owners; use of piratic software by the Ukrainian public organs; online piracy. The list of countries with the level of piracy higher 50% and below 50% is analyzed. The main methods of fight against «piracy» are described, namely: technical method, legal method, economic method, complex method. The own method of fight against «piracy» is offered. The structure of Monitoring center for piratic activity is offered and described.
  • Mamatova L. Current state of financial-investment potential of Ukraine.

    Л. Ш. Маматова

    The development of market forms and methods of management requires substantial clarification of financial-investment policy, which would ensure the creation of adequate mechanisms of formation and implementation of financial-investment potential of enterprises. First of all, I mean, the - first, creating an effective mechanism for improving the financial and investment activity of enterprises and other economic entities, and in - the second, expansion investments at the expense of enterprises themselves, through the formation and implementation of their investment potential. However, the dynamics of investment in Ukraine imposed many processes associated with features of the period are: the absence of effective institutions of a market economy, the specifics of ownership relations, the lack of a clear understanding of the nature of investment, as well as other factors hindering the development and implementation of adequate public policy, improve the overall investment climate in the country and the formation of long-term investment strategies most business entities. Long-lasting crisis inUkrainehas affected all aspects of life: political, economic, social, and led to the deterioration of potential. As a result, these trendsUkrainecredited to the underdeveloped countries where production requires a high level of material, labor and energy costs. Therefore, to improve the condition in which there is a country requires significant investment, both external and internal. With the influx of additional capital at any level of the economy can ensure economic growth through the introduction of new technologies, updating the economic base, recreate optimal structural proportions in the economy and its regions and consequently ensure the full functioning businesses, increase the competitiveness of national production. Attracting investments into Ukrainian enterprises associated with the investment attractiveness of the investee. That is why the first step in making investment decisions is the evaluation of investment attractiveness of potential targets, which is to apply the tools of multivariate methods.

  • Kryvenko S. The influence of quality of government regulation of waste management sphere on indicators of socio-ecological-economical development of Ukraine

    С. В. Кривенко
    The paper noted that the quality of regulation is an important factor for sustainable development in any field. In particular, many indicators of socio-ecological-economic development depend on the state of waste management in the country. The using of expert method to assess the level of the quality of government regulation in the sphere of waste management is grounded. By using the calculation method expert assessments are summarized for the integral index and on which it is concluded that the level of quality of government regulation of waste management in the country. By using the tools of correlation and regression analysis relationship between the index of regulation quality in the sphere of waste management and sustainable development indicators are examined. The article examines the quality of regulation in the sphere of waste management in Ukraine through expert assessment of the degree of international standards, guidelines and rules implementation and receiving at its base a generalized index in dynamics. Using the tools of correlation and regression analysis establishes a relationship between the quality of regulation and indicators of sustainable development of economy, ecology and social sphere of the country. The author has proved that the quality of regulation in the sphere of waste management really has a significant impact on a number of indicators characterizing the state and development of economy, social sphere and ecology of Ukraine. The proposed model is adequate and suitable for use in practice. Proposals for the use of the relationship between the index of quality of regulation in the wastes sphere of Ukraine and a number of key parameters of sustainable development of the country can be used by government bodies that develop the waste management strategy and provide its practical implementation.
  • Makarenko M., Potapova N. The role and significance of logistical activity of the enterprise for increase of its competitiveness

    М. В. Макаренко, Н. М. Потапова

    Significance of logistics for the enterprise is reasonable by means of the statistical data. It is underlined that competitiveness of the enterprise depends on possibility to cut the costs for profit increase. The last is possible only thanks to realisation of high-quality logistical operations. The logistics is considered as the factor of increase of competitiveness of the enterprises. Management of commodity-material streams, their optimisation are the most widespread problems of management among many enterprises. Concentration of attention on logistics of movement of commodities and materials both those technologies and tools which are applied in this area is the important problem of competitiveness of the enterprise. The scheme of management is resulted by chains of deliveries. Each enterprise which applies the logistical approach in the activity, should aspire to creation of the adjusted controlling mechanism by chains снабжений. The availability of a working control system of chains of deliveries allows to supervise completely all stream of commodities and materials - from the supplier to the buyer, - to optimise each step on a way of movement of the goods, the information and the finance, reaching significant economy of resources of the enterprise. It is underlined that a logistics role in ability to live of the enterprises, especially industrial, very big. Activity of logistical services makes direct impact not only on management of logistical processes, and and on formation of a backlog of orders of the enterprise, and through it - on working out ассортиментной programs of production and corresponding strategy. The purpose of logistics is beyond reduction of costs and profit increase. Therefore at the given stage the concept of competitiveness of firm consists in reception of competitive advantage at the expense of the offer of additional services and increase of their quality. Further, in process of application of the given concept by the majority of firms, decrease in costs again can appear prime business, but already on other basis. So, increase of competitiveness of firms at the expense of logistics - process continuous and adaptive.

  • Khadzhynova O.V. Analysis of transaction costs in enterprise networks

    Е. В. Хаджинова
    Slowing economic growth contributes to the passive position of the various entities in relation to the development of entrepreneurship and business structures. Constraining factors are the low efficiency of economic activities of industrial enterprises and increase transaction costs in the creation and modification of business, innovation and the formation of business networks. This article devoted to finding ways to improve the methods of analysis of the transaction costs of business entities, to enter into relationships with each other within the framework of business and economic activities in the context of the establishment and development of business networks. In the current circumstances, the industry faces challenges of transition from the traditional type businesses to support the entrepreneurial type and intrapreneurship. It should be workable strategy for relations with businessmen, contractors and other business entities, allowing to intensify and accelerate the processes of formation of enterprise networks to increase competitiveness, efficiency and stabilizing the core business. Transaction costs accompanying business with members of business networks it is advisable to differentiate by type of activity - business and economic. Based on transaction costs for each activity set of expenditure and losses that entity is in the periods before and after the conclusion of transactions to establish and maintain business as well as in case of failure of these transactions.
  • Davydyuk L. The process the forming of global job market under globalization: the space-methodological aspect

    Л. П. Давидюк

    In the article investigated the theoretical and practical aspects formation of the world labor market under the influence of globalization. It analyzes different interpretations of scientific approaches to the meaning of «global job market» as an economic category. In the article the main factors which influencing the global labor market are investigated. It presented the segmentation of global job market and centers of gravity on migration movements. Factors of global transformation in process of development world job market are allocated. It is concluded that in the modern economic literature there is the problem of the use and interpretation of the concept of the global labor market. It was determined that the most common interpretation of the term "global labor market" is considered to be a - a system of relations developing between states over the demand and supply of labor, its regulation of interstate flows, wages and social protection in the background of globalization processes. It has been determined that it is in a regional framework formed by the components of the global labor market and its regional segmentation, the largest of which became the Western European, American, Asian, Middle East and Africa. In the structure of the global labor market in accordance with the qualifications of employees are two main segments: the global market for skilled labor and unskilled labor. All this and more calls for the development and implementation of a single unified international legislation on the use of labor.

  • Huzhva I. WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement as a Tool for Increasing Participation of Ukraine in Global Value Chains

    І. Ю. Гужва

    The article deals with the features of global value chains formation and their impact on the development of international trade at the present stage. General background and main causes of the large spread of global value chains in recent decades are outlined. The essence of the "trade facilitation" concept in accordance with current international practice is discovered. The relationship between the participation in global value chains and trade facilitation is revealed. The basic goals, objectives and structure of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation and its stipulations in the context of enhancing the participation of national economies in the global value chain are analyzed. Special features of WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation ratification and entering into force are revealed. A differentiated approach to implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation in domestic legislation is suggested. Current achievements and future prospects of Ukrainian economy development on the way towards implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation are revealed. The necessity to maintain a balance between speed of implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation and economic security in foreign trade is outlined.

  • Serhij Pakhomov. Features of Ukrainian institutional environment formation

    С. Ю. Пахомов
    The article deals with the basic problems of formation of the new socio-economic system in Ukraine. Key issues of the Ukrainian effective institutional environment establishment in the period of independence, which include such negative features of the Ukrainian mentality as distrust of big business, paternalism and humiliation of man to the state, are analyzed. The main reasons of failures in implementation of most liberal "market" reforms that were carried out on the basis of the importing institutions strategy are revealed. The growing role of social and economic institutions during the deepening of production processes complexity, which manifests itself in a growing differentiation and specialization of production, is grounded. The efficiency parameters of institution building in reforming society and negative consequences of low building efficiency are revealed. The contradiction between the development in society of the informal rules imposed by it and, though potentially more effective, the formal rules that were born within another institutional system is analyzed. The necessity to liquidate the dual morality, which is generated by the synthesis of informal norms and formal rules, is outlined. The variants of effective institutional reforms in Ukraine that will help to reduce transitive costs during the transition to a market economy are suggested. Seeking for institutional exporters and reformation of formal institutions according to informal rules are identified among such variants
  • Gonchar V., Kurovskaya A. Formation of the mechanism of strategic controlling territories for corporate social responsibility of industrial enterprises

    В. В. Гончар, А. А. Куровська

    The work of controlling the essence of strategic areas, its objectives, functions and methodology from a systems perspective. Given that one of the ways to improve development of marketing tools to attract is to create a positive image in the eyes of the target audience specific groups (indigenous people, immigrants, companies, potential and existing investors guests), the problem of its own mechanism of controlling strategic areas are particularly topical today. Mariupol - developed city in industrial terms, but as a tourist and cultural area within Ukraine is not known and attractive. Creating a mechanism of strategic controlling Mariupol must have the support of just three coordination levels (national, local and from society), which means that simultaneous state, municipal and public control implemented policies  and measures for their implementation.

    Considering conducted sociological survey of the population, an analysis of existing brands individual cities, both within Ukraine and abroad, and based on research presented definitions of the terms "brand territories" and "Strategic Controlling", made famous foreign and local researchers formulated their own the definition of "strategic controlling territory." Also, the example of Mariupol proposed indicators of strategic controlling.

  • Sotnichenko L.L System and integration approach to the management of transport potential of the region

    Л. Л. Сотниченко

    In the article it is underlined that the transport infrastructure and its elements within the limits of region can be studied as system of internally regional communications which are in constant interaction. Process of accumulation of potential of a transport infrastructure of region is necessary for considering as the system which elements have horizontal and vertical ties, interdependent. Graphic submission of interrelations between elements of transport potential of region is shown. For the count of regional transport potential the presented matrix of a contiguity. It is noted, what exactly the specific, cumulative potential of a transport infrastructure of region represents a basis of its competitiveness for which increase it is necessary to attend to development of its many compound. To increase stability of system or its properties to influence of different factors, it is necessary to improve, first of all, system from within, strengthening and adapting interrelations and processes between its elements (components). To the place of concentration of resources adaptability as a key reference point of a regional government comes. Not so much availability of resources, and efficiency of their use should become a primary factor of development of an infrastructure of region. Formal definition of a control system by an infrastructure of region by language of the theory of sets is resulted. On the basis of studying of different theoretical concepts and paradigms it is possible to assume that as one of support of scientific base of development of a control system it is necessary to involve with a regional infrastructure the system-integration approach. On the basis of the conducted substantiations in a context of the system-integration approach, substantial model of set of subsystems of modern administrative structure essentially new appreciably is offered. There is a difficult integrated set which creates the system possessing synergy properties and is capable to supply strategic development of an infrastructure of region.

  • Duginets A. Barriers faced upon entry of new members to the EU today

    Г. В. Дугінець

    The study has determined that at the beginning of the third millennium, the world has become a global economic system with a functioning globally economic and industrial mechanism, the components which are separate national economies and regional associations. The main additions to the EU  and consequences of this process have been studied. If the Union sets course for further expansion, new stimuli will be necessary for the population of the EU to be interested in future candidate countries. That is due to a number of reasons: firstly, new members need substantial economic aid, while existing ones are unwilling to provide it. Secondly, the European Parliament, being an supranational structure, may not cope with managing the system, should it get more complicated. Expansion of the EU is a rather complex process and has both positive and negative consequences for both  the EU and the rest of the world.

    The analysis has determined that the main barrier on the way to European integration for Ukraine is due to political events and the lethargy of reforms. The course of European integration requires really implementing in practice the standards of a democratic state and socially oriented economy. Unfortunately, only small steps towards achieving the necessary level of development are being made in Ukraine. It has been concluded that further research should be directed at creating an effective mechanism for public discussion aimed at better informing citizens about the benefits of EU expansion. It is necessary also for the candidate countries', including our own, better understanding of their perspectives and possible problems after joining the European Union
  • Ivanov E. Geo-economic priorities of foreign trade policy of Ukraine

    І. Є. Іванов
    The article deals with the priority areas for the implementation of foreign trade policy of Ukraine in the sectorial and territorial context of international trade. Three main directions of domestic manufacturers’ foreign cooperation – EU countries, former Soviet countries and the North Africa and Middle East – are analyzed. To obtain complete characteristics for each group, the following indicators are calculated: the global value chains participation index, the global value chains position index, the intra-industry trade index, the trade complementarity index and the coefficient of relative comparative advantages. A close relationship in the industrial and trade cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, which is characterized by the large difference in the positions of the parties concerning the level of goods’ processing and mutual demand on each other’s exports, is revealed. As for CIS countries, the accelerated trend towards disintegration of the most effective in the past (for domestic economy) trade and industrial relations, accompanied by trade wars and leveling previous achievements of foreign trade policy, is observed. Active implementation of import substitution course converts CIS countries into intra-competitive formation, eliminating even the long-term prospects for the resumption of cooperation. The NAME-region can be an alternative to the CIS countries for Ukraine in foreign trade. But it requires the intensification of intra-industry trade between them and the adequate participation of the Government in the conclusion of agreements on preferential trade between Ukraine and the NAME countries.
  • Kalyuzhna I. The study of the modern condition of machinery construction enterprises crisis management

    Ю. В. Калюжна
    The article considers the causes of the crisis in engineering and investigated the current state of crisis management of enterprises. The main causes of the crisis are lack of capital and technologies, poor access to credit and high interest rates, an undiversified export orientation to foreign markets, reducing foreign supplies of raw materials energy, intermediate goods and components for entering cheaper and high-quality imported products in the market and as a result decrease of production. The functions of crisis management at the engineering enterprises closely connected with provision of balanced movement of material and financial resources of the enterprise at all stages of production, distribution function, control of actual monetary turn and the formation of the financial capital of the company, using methods of financial analysis and financial forecasting. The author reviewed the latest engineering complex’s research by the Institute of Economic Research and Policy Consulting in Ukraine and identified three options for crisis management. There are a policy of "non-interference", the strategy of "conservation" and modernization. The cardinal measures of crisis management engineering enterprises can be: improving the investment attractiveness of enterprises; searches for new ways of profitable crediting; implementation of modern technologies in the management and production; product diversification; search for new customers at the regional level for stabilize the work of engineering.
  • Lazhe M. As for the definition of the essence of economic security

    M. В. Лаже
    The analysis of the essence of the concept of economic security. Were analyzed main approaches to determining the safety of the authors. Analysis of recent publications Ukrainian scientists devoted to defining the essence of the concept of "economic security", indicates insufficient attention is to define the role of the enterprise management system to achieve the required level of security. Authors distinguished two approaches to determining safety. The first approach is based on using the concept of threat. The second approach, avoiding the use of the concept in the definition of security threat, based on the economic terms of achieving the goals of the enterprise. Approach to the economic security as the implementation and protection of economic interests relatively new, based on the realization and protection of the economic interests of the company. It defines the security interests of the entity from internal and external threats, as well as tools such protection. Generalization of works of different authors leads to the following conclusions. In many works over time, when describing the process of ensuring economic security as protection against threats starts with detection or prediction of threats is consistent definitions of security as protection from threats. Given the existing methods and definitions of economic security concluded ability to change the approach to economic security. You must consider the nature of economic security of the construction industry, and to identify the main criteria of evaluation.
  • Kalynyna A. Essence and necessity to maintain complex development of the region

    Г. Г. Калініна
    In the article to maintain complex development of regions of the country is grouded, problems leading to it are mentioned. The increase in level of comlex development of regions is a long process which is connected with structural transformations of production elements, social sphere, environment and territory planning, improvement in balance, mutual position and interaction of all elements of the region as being renewed complex. Peculiarity of regional problems of Ukraine is based on the experience of transformational economy when there was a formation of new geopolitical and economic space. The concept «regional development» is investigated by different scientific schools  thought and absence of a unified approach concerning interpretation of this term at present time is underlined now. The critical analysis of concept "sustainable development" is carried out. It is underlined that the term "sustainable development" for a region should be defined from the point of view of a dialectic principle of unity of contrasts, such as "stability" and "development". From this side regional development represents strategy of transition from initial stable position of a life cycle to its final stable position for the limited period with a positive gain of criterial function. The main thing in complex development of a region is the interrelation of material renewal, renewal of humans and environment. The renewed structure of a region should be considered as social, economical and natural complex. On the basis of aggregated opinions of the scientists, definitions of complex development of a region as such is given and it grounds  on social and economic reference points which become a basis for formation of such balance and proportions between separate elements of a regional complex which would create conditions for effective joining of a region to a territorial labour division and solving problems inside a region
  • Obikhod А. Preconditions of determining strategic vectors of ensuring natural-technogenic and environmental safety in the context of sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine

    Г. О. Обиход
    Preconditions of the formation of a complex ecological state of Ukraine’s regions are analyzed within the specified direction of research. Identified and considered are features of activities of potentially dangerous objects by types of activity and types of hazards, as well as state of fixed assets as sources of the spread of technological threats. The process of thorough renewal of fixed assets of Ukraine in recent years is analyzed on the basis of their belonging to the III-IVth technological levels, where significant disparities in capital investments are revealed. The role of the sphere of waste management on the territory of Ukraine in the formation of natural-technogenic and environmental safety is determined. Considered are reasons for emergencies of natural origin and emphasized is the role of the synergistic effect in spreading their consequences for the population, territory and objects of national economy. Grounded are preconditions for emergence of areas of increased technogenic risk in the area of ATO and considered are problems of determining the level of natural-technogenic and environmental safety for the eastern regions. Indicators of disastrous character of emergencies in Ukraine for 2000-2014 by the number of the dead, injured and material damage are analyzed. Directions for further research are identified and grounded to determine strategic vectors of ensuring natural-technogenic and environmental safety in the context of sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine
  • Mykhailyshyn L.I. To the question about methodological principles of transformation processes of transnationalization of economic activity

    Л. І. Михайлишин
    The need to study certain methodological foundations of transformation processes of transnationalization of economic activity is conditioned by the need for the development of measure system  to optimize their impact on the national economy or on  its strategic sectors. Transformation processes of transnationalization of economic activity arise in the result of the of action numerous factors, source of their origin is transnational economic activity itself and economic environment of their operation. The consequences of such transformation processes are largely positive for the participating companies, but the economic environment in which they occur mostly suffers from actual restriction of competition and monopolization of separate market segment. Numerous forms of transformation processes and methodological bases of the functioning of each of them are investigated.. According to the results of this study the major spheres of influence of  transformation processes on the  national fields are identified . The study of these issues and their further solution enable the most efficient use of the positive consequences of such transformation and optimization of  its negative impact of the socio-economic development of Ukraine or any other country.
  • Kudyrko L.P. Transformation of approaches to the selection of regulatory models of foreign trade

    Л. П. Кудирко
    Organizational, economicand institutional components in transformation of approaches to the selection of models of foreign tradeare researched. A hypothesis about theinterrelation between regulatory model of external sector and foreign trade as its constituent  and international specialization of a country, level of diversification of production and trade relations, the country's place in the international division of labor, ranking in world markets for goods andservices is formulated. Multivariate results of theoretical and empirical research on the impact of trade liberalization on economic growth and development of countries are detected. It is proved that theformingglobal background ofmanufacturing and distribution chains leads to the necessity to change concepts and models of foreign trade regulation at the level of national economy. It is grounded that the use of current international and national trade statistics of obsolete methodological approaches to the assessment of thevolume and structure of foreign trade relations onthe basis ofGross exports and imports leadsto distortions to the extent of participation ofa countryin international trade and the creation of added value, degree of service componentsin world trade. It is definedthat further deepening of international industrial and trade cooperation leads to increased changes in foreign policy through international cooperation mechanisms.It is argued that the priority of cross-border institutional cooperation should be opposition to increasing complexity in the implementation of traditional instruments to regulate foreign trade and investment. It is proved thatthe basis for distributing anti-liberal manifestations in the implementation of anti-crisis programs and a political request to protectionist policies and ideology in the regulation of foreign tradeare formingin a protracted global recession and complications of conditions for the expanded reproduction of economic systemsof theopen type.
  • Deminskij Serhij. Factors of instability in the global crisis

    С. А. Демінський
    The article deals with main causes and consequences of global sources of instability in the current development of the global economy. It is substantiated that feature contemporary processes of globalization is the rapid spread of destabilizing events in the local conditions of growing interdependence of countries increasingly give momentum and triggered the chain reaction in a domino effect. The relationship between the imposition of the developing countries, the paradigm of neoliberalism and increasing volatility of their economic systems is analyzed. The basic factors of instability of national economies in the context of national security systems are researched. The role of transnational corporations in the dissemination of economic instability on a global level is revealed. The main reasons for the increased volatility and spread the example of currency crises and financial crises of Southeast Asia in the 1970s are identified. The contribution of international economic organizations, including the International Monetary Fund to increase global instability is researched. The decisive role of the monetary sphere in rapid global transmission of instability in the world economy is characterized. The basic features of destabilizing financial information impact on planetary economic space as integrity are analyzed. The demographic factor in the spread of global instability is investigated. It is revealed that a special danger for the destabilization of the planet comes from relatively poor country with a large proportion of young people.
  • Goldak V. The impact of globalization on economic security

    В. І. Гольдак
    The article deals with the main types of threats to economic security, which is globalization. The nature of globalization, the stages of its formation and development are analyzed through the prism of economic security. The influence of globalization on the demographic situation and socio-political processes developed countries are identified. The features of economic expansion as a manifestation of globalization in the context of dollarization of the global economy are researched. The possibility of developed countries to distribute its economic and consequently political influence in the world is grounded. The activity of multinationals acting factor of economic penetration and, consequently, the political dominance of developed countries in the global environment is analyzed. It is revealed that the activities of MNCs allow unchallenged use resources that are in the host countries with minimal social responsibility for both the countries and the people who inhabit them. The reasons and consequences of the global financial and economic crisis as a typical negative manifestation of globalization are researched. The influence of the global financial and economic crisis on the economic security of Ukraine is analyzed. A SWOT analysis matrix of the economic security of Ukraine in the context of the neoliberal paradigm of globalization is suggested. Positive and negative sides of globalization are characterized. The main directions of economic sovereignty constraints under globalization are identified.
  • Dmytro Lapovskij: The stock market as a factor of economic growth

    Д. М. Лаповський
    The article deals with actual problems of formation and functioning of the stock market as one of the key elements of the transformation of a planned economy in a socially-oriented market economy. The structure of the systematic economy transition in the sphere of stock market is characterized. The basic functions of the stock market in the development of the national economy (ensuring the resource allocation, monetization of the economy, the transformation of savings into investments) are analyzed. The role of venture capital in the development of the stock market is researched. Positive aspects of the stock market functioning as a catalyst for economic growth are determined. It is revealed that the main objectives of the stock market is to assess and test the performance of companies, opportunities for profit, effectiveness of management and corporate management, distribution and risk management, reducing transaction costs, facilitating transactions. The relationship between the stock market and banking system is analyzed. The basic mechanisms of state regulation of the stock market in countries in transition are outlined. The processes of monetization of the economy through the stock market, characteristics and requirements for effective monetization of the economy are researched. The problems of financing the real sector in conditions of underdevelopment of the stock market in transitional countries are researched.
  • Lositska T. The international experience of state regulation of agriculture

    Т. І. Лосіцька
    The article deals with international experience of the state regulation in countries with developed agriculture sector. Origins of the current practice of state regulation of agriculture in the United States are analyzed. It is shown that the basic mechanism of state support for farmers in the US is price controls on agricultural products using two types of "price support", target price and mortgage. The peculiarities of state regulation of grain market in Canada are investigated. It is revealed that a characteristic feature of the regulation is two-tier system of payment based on grain farmers practice initial and final prices. The features of state intervention into the food market in Greece, Spain and Portugal and modification of intervention methods after their accession to the European Union are analyzed. The evolution and main characteristics of state regulation of agriculture in the EU are researched. International experience of state control over the production of certain agricultural products through market regulations (documents which record marginal production and marketing of agricultural products required to meet the needs of the population of individual regions and exports) is characterized. The role of budget support for family farms in agricultural development in Switzerland and Australia is revealed. The role of administrative measures of state regulation of agriculture in the United States, Poland and the Czech Republic is determined. The volume of state subsidies for agriculture in Ukraine and the countries is analyzed .


  • Nazarov D. The problems of natural uranium and its compounds’ export diversification by domestic enterprises of chemical or allied industries

    Д. С. Назаров

    The article deals with the dynamics of natural uranium and its compounds exports by domestic enterprises of chemical and related industries, the main exports’ tendencies of this type of chemical products to foreign markets for the period 2006-2014 years and the basic problems of nuclear energy and production of natural uranium in Ukraine. It is noted that the current domestic energy was in a very difficult situation (due to higher dependence on external sources of energy resources) that can be considered one of the greatest threats to the sovereignty of our state to the aggravation of political relations with Russia, on which Ukraine is dependent in covering its’  energy needs in the field of oil and gas, and nuclear power. It is indicated also that their own geological reserves of Ukraine belongs to one of the richest uranium deposits in the world states, but uses only a small portion of proven reserves and this production is largely dependent on Russia.

  • Kyselov M. Institutional prerequisites for the formation of competitive economic model of Ukraine

    М. О. Кисельов
    The article deals with the role and importance of institutional development in providing innovative growth of the national economy. the shortcomings of market mechanisms and public management of the economy in the absence of reliable institutional framework are analyzed. The role of institutions in ensuring effective interaction between market forces and government regulation of the economy is investigated. Interdependence between institutional and economic development on the example of the US economic system is characterized. Correlation between institutional development of the world and the nature of international migration of capital and labor in them is defined. It is proved that even without modern institutions play high growth rates do not provide a steady movement towards economic and social progress. The reasons why economic institutions in Ukraine are in its infancy and very deformed state are revealed. The model of national economic construction of the institutional environment that meets the highest criteria of modernity and operates as a self-sustaining system through synergies gained through interaction and complementarity of the respective institutions is suggested. The necessity of continuous monitoring and evaluation of institutional prerequisites of competitive models Ukrainian national economy is grounded. The preconditions necessary to activate function of banks to modernize the national economy of Ukraine are analyzed.
  • Vlasenko J. The impact of industrial production and foreign trade on innovative development

    Ю. В. Власенко

    The article deals with the relationship between innovation and economic development processes taking place in the national industrial production and foreign trade. The features of the transformation process in Ukraine during the transition to a market economy in the context of innovation component are researched. The key factors that led to the decline of the innovative nature of the Ukrainian economic development during the market transformations are revealed. A periodization of transformation processes of the domestic economy through the prism of innovation is suggested; each stage is analyzed. The foreign trade destructive factors that influenced the innovative development of national economy of Ukraine are determined. The dynamics of conducting researches by national experts and the development of the application of results of these studies by national industrial complex of Ukraine are researched. Qualitative changes in Ukraine's human potential and their impact on the development of innovative economy in transition are analyzed. The main reasons and consequences of the continuing crisis of scientific and technological development of industrial and export potential of Ukraine are revealed. The structure of industry in Ukraine in terms of technology and knowledge-intensive manufactured products is researched. The greatest obstacles on the proceedings of advanced technologies in domestic industrial production are discovered. It is argued that the most acute problems of the industrial sector of the national economy are its old structure and low technological readiness of enterprises to update technology and innovation activity.

  • Maschenko S. Analysis of measures in energy-saving area at the regional level

    C. О. Мащенко
    This paper analyzes the methodical provisions of an assessment of energy saving actions at the regional level. For a full assessment, proposed to include the indicators of a nature intensity of GRP, investment intensity of GRP and a share of energy resources with the use of renewable energy sources.  The basis on the conducted calculations of the extended indexes by the groupment method grouping the regions of Ukraine is done. Ranging the integral GRP indexes for this purpose conducted the indicators of a nature intensity of GRP the regions of Ukraine, and also the combine index of GRP is curtained. The basis on the combined index of GRP 2 groups the regions of Ukraine are selected with the high and low level of introduction the energy saving measures. From the group of regions with the low level of introduction the energy saving measures 3 groups of regions are selected, such as:  high power-consuming, middle power-consuming and low power-consuming. According to ungrouping of the regions it was proposed to zone the regions of Ukraine according to signs of energy saving, as a result 2 zones and three under zones were offered. For the selected areas correlation - regressive analysis is conducted. For a construction a model three indexes were selected, which characterize and represent the state of energy-savings the regions of Ukraine. It is concluded that   the correlation-regressive model we can  to apply for perfection the  regional policy in  energy-savings area in the Ukraine regions.
  • Cherep A.V. Lashkarava V.V. Essence and organization ecologically of clean production are on enterprises of engineer

    А. В. Череп, В. В. Лашкарава

    In the article the analytical review of scientific approaches to the essence of "ecologically clean production" (ECP) The aspects of environmental performance of enterprises aimed at the conservation and restoration of the environment through the organization of cleaner production, the main priorities and principles of cleaner production and benefits received by enterprise based programs ECP in its activities, defined the principles on which the net output in the engineering, studied the world experience implementing cleaner production in enterprises of mechanical engineering, and the direction of priority implementation of cleaner production in the mechanical engineering according to priority environmental safety, solved existing problem of implementation the industry cleaner production, the main technological principle of clean production, defined the components of ecologization production in the mechanical engineering, studies highlights ecologization production in the mechanical engineering, studied the principles underlying net output in the engineering, defined the vector of development, growth naukomistkosti and adaptability engineering, defined the ecologization and production resources, the essence of resource, structure and principles on which the clean production, shows the priority areas of implementation of cleaner production, proved the importance of technical and technological, organizational and economic innovation sustainable development implementation of cleaner production in enterprises of mechanical engineering , the features of the solution of environmental problems as part of an innovative approach, the necessity of studying the gradual environmental innovation, and above all eco-efficiency tools and models "Cleaner Production", the potential introduction of which the majority are domestic companies.

  • Kapranova L. The impact of intellectual property on the innovative development of industrial enterprises

    Л. Г. Капранова
    In work the essence of the term "intellectual property was determined. Approaches to its determination were considered. The main regulations were provided in the sphere of intellectual property. It is noted that intellectual activities are creative activities, and creativity is a purposeful mental work of the person which is resulted qualitatively new and differs in originality, originality, uniqueness. Thehigher  the intellectual potential of an individual is , the more valuable the results of his creative activities - intellectual property. It is determined that creative activities of the person are directed on development and deployment absolutely anything new that wasn't generally yet. That is it is about innovations. The range of approaches to conceptualization of innovations were given. It is noted that the innovation is a process of creation new and high-quality updating of already created goods, services, technologies, methods of management and the organization of production process, training which qualitatively influence a production process, public welfare and environment. The analysis of creation and use of advanced technology and objects of intellectual property right is given in the entities of Ukraine. The conclusion is made that weak legal protection of intellectual property, and absence of financial motivation negatively influences innovative process of industrial enterprises in Ukraine.
  • Marchenko I. On the cognitive approach in the development of small business profits

    І. Ф. Марченко
    Management decisions under uncertainty requires new methods and tools justification. Cognitive modeling is to reduce the uncertainty of events through the use of expert assessments, scenario forecasting of the problem situation and adequate formation targets. In the article the application of the methodology of cognitive modeling research processes profit small businesses and get-scenario forecast the behavior of dynamic systems. Cognitive modeling method allows to analyze factors influencing their force interaction, build roughly weighted graph for dynamic factors semistructured system.  With the help of cognitive modeling developed cognitive map of the situation representing the basic laws and laws of the situation. Generated and verified the hypothesis of the functional structure of the situation observed until the functional structure are explained the situation. An analysis of the cognitive model of profit of small businesses, is to study the dependency system, study the causal relationships in the model.
  • Belous-Sergeeva S. Basics philosophy tehnycheskoho Creativity

    С. О. Білоус-Сергєєва
    The development of technology provided the philosophical consciousness, philosophy of technology, it develops into a full parallel relationship with technological progress and inventor. The engineer is formed from high class engineer - producers and should concentrate a skill and an economist and a psychologist, artist, engineer and technologist. These activities can rightly be called engineering. Exploring the technical work of modern psychology initiate appropriate philosophical problems that inevitably falls into the sphere of research of philosophy of technology. Philosophy of technology - a young philosophical discipline turned to the study of technical knowledge, analysis and evaluation of technical activities and predict possible social prospects of technological development. Scientific and technological progress stimulates creative thinking scientists decision defines creative attitude to work, a significant impact on the value of human guidance that focuses on the perception and practical use of modern science and technology. Integration of science and production leads to the fact that the technical work takes the form of research and scientific work increasingly relies on hardware simulation, experimental development.
  • Stalinska O.V. The mechanism of state social policy implementation in an industrial region

    О. В. Сталінська

    Incomplete social reform, a protracted economic crisis have caused heightened interest of society to social policy,  created a number of social problems in society, especially in the industrial sector, which hide the real threat to the stability of enterprise development, social relations, the threat of utmost property polarization of citizens, the spread of poverty. To prevent these negative processes it is necessary to recur and review the mechanism for social policy implementation, particularly in the industrial sector, which will ultimately create conditions for economic reforms and social progress.

    Increased focus on social issues is primarily due to the entry of Ukraine into the European space, which should be defined, as well as in most European countries, the policy of socially oriented market economy - a combination of the principle of market freedom with the principle of social compensation.

    The strategic goal of our country is balanced development of the state – which can be defined as a development that provides a certain type of equilibrium, i.e. the balance between the socio-economic and natural ingredients.

    Ukraine carries out the appropriate steps for the implementation of the basic paradigm of development, determined by constant (balanced) development. Transition of Ukrainian Economy to the concept of sustainable development requires a detailed analysis of the current state, mechanisms for the implementation of social policy, development trends are clearly shown by the example of the mining and metallurgical complex (MMC), the basic sectors of the economy of Ukraine. Enterprises have a direct and indirect impact on the various stakeholders in the regions of their presence. These include the impact of social, environmental and economic aspects.

    The challenge of effective and responsible enterprise is to ensure regional development and prevent degradation of each of these aspects, since sustainable development of the country and the planet as a whole directly depend on these factors.
  • Vereskun M. V. Justification of the choice of solutions for implementing information systems in industrial enterprises

    М. В. Верескун

    In the work of the methodical approach to the justification and selection decisions on the introduction of information systems into the practice of industrial enterprises. The essence of the proposed approach is that the procedure of justification and selection decisions on the introduction of information systems in industrial enterprises, it is proposed to carry out in three stages using the methods of multicriteria analysis, statistical and expert methods. In the first stage using the interactive method of the displaced ideal among the many options are selected the two most acceptable. The main advantage of this method is the use of methods of multi-criteria analysis in fuzzy multiple setting that allows you to apply the mathematical apparatus for solving semi-structured problems. In the second stage, using the compilation of statistical and expert methods, a quantitative risk assessment on each project selects the project with minimal risk. The third stage is to check the company on the possibilities of adopting an appropriate level of risk and make a final decision about the introduction of a specific version of the information system. For this purpose we use a relative measure, is calculated by comparing the amount of own funds of the enterprise (including depreciation) to the calculated risk value. If the resulting value is greater than or equal to 0.5, the implementation of the selected IP is considered too risky. To simplify the transition from theoretical developments to practical implementation of the methodological approach this article generated algorithms for the implementation of each stage of the developed methodological approach, which specify the use of different methods in the process of justification and selection decisions. The use of the developed approach will improve the quality and efficiency of management decisions.

  • Tkachuk V. Organizational and economic background of the development of main forms of business on rural territorries

    В. А. Ткачук
    Agro-Industrial production refers to the main areas that form the economic potential of the country. The development of market conditions, competition in the agricultural sector creates various business units throughout the processing chain of agricultural production, also on the basis of small and medium businesses. Evaluation of the economic situation in the country shows a significant increase of the role of the main forms of business among other forms of agricultural businesses as a special resource that can ensure economic growth. In step of transformations the development of small and medium business promotes competition and rational economic structure, the formation of the middle class, alleviate unemployment, the growth of budget revenues at all levels, etc. In addition to the need to improve the efficiency of the main forms of economic activity in the rural economy we must recognize the need for development of small and medium-sized businesses in the non-agricultural sphere as the main element of economic diversification of rural areas for the welfare of rural residents, preservation of rural areas.
  • Dyakova M., Marchenko N. Transformation realization proposal in innovative product

    М. С. Дьякова, Н. В. Марченко
    The article conducts monitoring and analysis of the information flow transformation of innovation proposal in an innovative product in railway enterprises, which allows summarizing some key points. Also analyzed as rationalization proposals are changing under the influence of science and had become part of the innovation process. Today Innovation activity is integral part of businesses due to the high growing competition on the world market. Based on the authors of the study revealed the transformation of intellectual property in product innovation in the railway company OJC "Russian Railways". That's in large enterprises innovative activities continues to bring a significant contribution to the economy of these enterprises. If you take the rationalization activities and innovations we can see that they have a new basis for its development and that it is based on the demand for scientific and technical products and rationalization activities. The authors investigated and analyzed the problems specific to this industry. It is proved that innovative activities is a continuous process of continuous improvement. Rationalization proposals are improve the efficiency and competitiveness of technology, equipment, improvement of working conditions. The Analysis of rationalization activity has shown that there is no law "On rationalization activities", which complicates the work of innovators.